Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1146: Welcome to Saint Martin

The White Beard Pirates' business is over, and Arthur is also going to take the already stupid Joz back!

According to his position, it was the fastest to travel back to Saint Martin from Konoha!

But because Gion was still placed on Murloc Island, Arthur had no choice but to stay closer and return to Murloc Island first.

"Huh, Bai Xing!?"

Sitting on a self-made wooden submarine, Arthur happened to meet the "Sea King" who was walking out on the way back to the fisherman island!

It's so pretty!

Seeing the delicate and cute face, Arthur couldn't help sighing.

As a recognized person whose appearance is comparable to that of the beauty emperor, at a glance, there is a feeling that people are intoxicated by her beauty. Thanks to Arthur is the king, he has seen so many beauties, otherwise I am afraid he will be like Van der Dijk Like the ninth generation, everything can be done!

"Wait, that's not right! From a certain perspective, Bai Xing is now my person?" Arthur felt his chin and thought while looking at Bai Xing as he drifted away!

Bai Xing was sent to Konoha as a proton. It can be said that he is now Konoha's person, and Konoha belongs to Arthur, so Bai Xing belongs to Arthur approximately!

Thinking about it, Bai Xing had completely disappeared in Arthur's eyes!

Seeing this, Arthur didn't think much, turned around and entered the fisherman island.

And when Arthur returned to his residence on Fishman Island, he saw Gion lying lazily in the garden basking in the sun!

"What? Didn't you go shopping today?" Arthur asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Gion raised his eyelids and glanced at Arthur, then squinted his eyes again, and said weakly, "I have visited the fisherman island. I basically bought everything that can be bought. There is nothing to go shopping. , It's good to buy!"


Arthur just came across.

No wonder I didn't go shopping today!

"Then you just clean up, and come back to Saint Martin with me!" Arthur said with a smile.


Gion sat up, frowned and said, "Go now?"

Arthur never told her about this before.

"Yeah!" Arthur nodded.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to finish packing my things in such a short time!" Gion said hesitantly.

She has bought too many things these days, and she can't finish it in such a short time!

Of course, this is just an excuse on the surface.


She didn't know how to get along with his women after returning with Arthur!

The thought of meeting so many "sisters" when I go back makes Gion's scalp numb!

"Simply tidy up, leave the others alone, and get them later when you have time!" Arthur said with a smile.

"In two days? This is Fishman Island! Even the fastest boat to go to St. Martin will take a few months? It is estimated that half a year has passed! In order to get something, half a year was wasted!? "Gion said very puzzled.

"You'll know later!" Arthur smiled mysteriously, and said, "It doesn't take so long to get to Fishman Island!"


After hesitating for a while, Gion gritted his teeth and replied, "Okay! Then I will simply clean up!"

Although she was a little resistant, but Arthur said so, what else could she do?

Of course it can only be accepted!

As for how to face those "sisters"...

all will be good!

Just bite the bullet, there is always a solution!

Thinking about it, Gion stood up, went back to the house and cleaned up briefly!

And soon, Gion appeared in the garden again with a suitcase.

"Alright!" Gion said sternly.

"Then let's go!" Arthur stepped forward and took Gion's hand and walked out!

Gion's cheeks blushed, but he did not resist, letting Arthur hold his little hand!

But as soon as I walked outside, Gion saw a familiar person!

"Isn't this... Diamond Joz?" Gion said hesitantly, looking at the silly big man in front of him.

"Yes!" Arthur nodded.

"Why did he appear here, he shouldn't be..." Gion frowned and asked.

"Oh, I picked it up on the road!"

Arthur explained, “Just two days ago, didn’t I say that I was going to the New World to stroll around? As a result, when I was strolling around, I saw this guy floating on the surface of the sea, unconscious and dying. So I saved him!"

"But after he woke up, he didn't know if it was because of the brain injury, or for other reasons. He forgot everything and no memory at all! It was like this!"

? ? ?

There is such a thing for Tm! ?

When Gion listened, the whole person was dumbfounded!

She has seen people with amnesia, she has also seen people who have fallen into the water, and she has heard a little bit about those who have lost memory.

However, it was the first time she saw the captain of the White Beard Pirate Group by just strolling around!

"What you said is true?" Gion said that I had never read a book. Don't lie to me!


Arthur shrugged and nodded helplessly!

The fact is, of course this is fake!

But now that Joz is still awake, he naturally can't tell the truth, otherwise, if he recovers his memory later, wouldn't he be desperate?

"Well, it's been a long time to see you!" Gion reluctantly accepted such a statement!

Seen in a long time, it is the words she learned from Arthur after getting along with Arthur for a long time!

"Okay, don't worry about this, he has lost his memory now, and he has forgotten how to fight. He has gone from ten to nine in his combat strength. There is nothing to talk about!" Arthur said indifferently.

Upon hearing this, Gion nodded.

In this way, under the leadership of Arthur, the three of them came to a luxurious house in Fishman Island after turning around!

St. Martin's Embassy in Fishman Island!

"This is St. Martin's Embassy in Fishman Island!?" Gion said in a puzzled way.

These days Gion has been wandering around on Fishman Island, and naturally she has been here too!

However, she never went in to see it!

And Arthur hadn't told her what exactly was the function here, so when Arthur was going back, she was a little puzzled to bring her to this place!

In her opinion, if you want to go back, you should go to the port!

"You'll know after you enter!" Arthur didn't say much, just smiled mysteriously!

Immediately, Gion's heart was filled with curiosity!

"Your Majesty, are you here? They are all ready, and they have been notified over there. The portal can be activated at any time!" As soon as he entered the door, a staff member in a suit greeted him and explained!


Arthur nodded without stopping, and walked towards the embassy with someone!

Portal! ?

Gion walked along, but his face was stunned.

"Teleporters? What is that?"

Thinking like this in my heart, but seeing that Arthur didn't mean to explain, Gion could only write down the word silently, and then left!

In a while!

The group came to the deepest part of the embassy!

In front of a tightly guarded room!


And when they opened the door of this room~www.ltnovel.com~ a portal that just opened appeared in front of Gion!

"This...this...what is this?" Gion was surprised!

Arthur smiled, but did not explain, just said, "Follow me!"

With that, he went straight through the portal!

And Joz, with a silly face behind him, followed without hesitation!

Upon seeing this, Gion gritted his teeth and followed!

"Welcome to Saint Martin!"

As soon as I left the portal, Gion heard such words from Arthur!

And when she scanned the surrounding scenes, she was completely stunned!

The sky, the sun, the land, and the forests, trees, and flowers not far away told her that now she is no longer on the fisherman island in the deep sea, but on land!

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