Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1152: opportunity

"This is my kitchen!"

When Nagiri Ichiro arrived in the kitchen, he was shocked. The temperament of his whole body immediately changed, becoming more confident and showing up!

"It's a great place! As a chef, this is the place I dream of!" Although there is no big outside in front of me, it is not inferior to the kitchen outside in terms of cleanliness and completeness of kitchen utensils. Zhi couldn't help sighing.

At the same time, he silently calculated in his heart that in the future, the kitchen on the Wanli Sunshine should be changed to the present one!


Kaoru Kobayashi looked at the surrounding scenes, and nodded in agreement.

After listening to the admiration of the two, Nakiri Ichiro smiled heartily, and then asked, "Okay, I'm going to make luminous cooking next! You...what do you want to eat?"


Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi looked at each other and said in unison.

They didn't mean it was really casual, but because they didn't want to set any gate for Nagiri Ichiro, and wanted him to give full play to his strength.

After all, they are here to see the so-called luminous cooking, not to challenge Nagiriichiro's cooking skills!

"okay then!"

Nagiri Ichiro smiled and nodded.

Also as a chef, he naturally knows what they are thinking!

"Then I'll make an egg fried rice for you!" After thinking about it, Nagiri Ichiro explained that he was afraid that the two would not understand, "Don't think that making egg fried rice is because you look down on you, but because of the simplest dish. The style often tests the chef’s skill the most!"

The simplest dishes often test the skill of the chef the most?

This sentence didn't seem to be anything at first, but after Sanji carefully savored it, he found it very reasonable!

The dishes are simple, which means that there are not too many fancy cooking skills, so the basic skills of the chef are tested very much!

Kaoru Kobayashi on the side listened and nodded silently.

Obviously, he also agrees with this sentence!

that's it!

In the agreement of the two, Nakiri Ichiro quickly prepared all kinds of cooking materials!

The two main ingredients of rice, eggs, and a series of seasonings!


Before starting to cook, Nakiri Ichiro let out a deep sigh!


Ignite, heat the pot, all in one go!


As the frying shovel collided with the iron pan, rice, eggs, and various seasonings hit the pan.

Afterwards, in the hot flame and Nagiri Ichiro's constant frying, soon the originally white rice gradually turned golden!

"Perfect, this cooking is like art!" Sanji couldn't help but exclaimed as he watched the scene.

Although Nakiri Ichiro didn't show any special cooking skills, but the basic skills like flowing clouds and flowing water also brightened Sanji's eyes!

As a chef, he thinks he can't do such perfect basic skills!


Nagiri Ichiro put the fried egg-fried rice on the plate, closed the lid, and placed it in front of Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi!

"Please taste, golden egg fried rice!" Nagiriichiro's mouth raised slightly and said confidently.

After listening to his words, Kaoru Kobayashi and Sanji looked at each other, then nodded together, and reached out and grabbed the lid together!

next moment!

A dazzling light came out from the plate with the lid opened, causing the two of them to subconsciously turn their heads, their bodies slightly backward, avoiding the direct rays of light!

"This...this...this is Luminous Cuisine!?" Sanji was a little bit horrified.

Although he has always heard of Luminous Cuisine, this is the first time I have seen you!

He originally thought that the so-called luminous cooking is at most Yingying's light, which looks a little better, but this scene really stunned him, where is the Yingying light, it is almost like a flash bomb exploded!

Thinking about it, the dazzling light gradually dissipated!

Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi turned their heads now and looked at the lean and clear, like golden egg fried rice piled up with rice-sized gold!


Finally, after looking at each other, the two nodded to each other, picked up the spoon prepared for them, and at the same time stretched the spoon towards the egg fried rice, and both dug a spoonful and put it in their mouths. Taste it carefully!

And at this moment, both of them squinted their eyes, and their faces almost simultaneously showed an expression of enjoyment.

"It's so delicious!" Sanji couldn't help but yelled out.

He never thought that an egg fried rice could be so delicious!

Although the method is simple and the process is simple, even he can do it, but the egg fried rice made by Nakiri Ichiro is unexpectedly delicious!

As soon as he ate it, a picture of spring came into his mind!

Is this the charm of luminous cuisine?

Is this the power of a super chef?

Sanji couldn't help but think.

"How did you do it?" Kaoru Kobayashi asked nonchalantly at Nagiri Ichiro, "How did you make this rice shine? Could it be that you can cook the rice by using your cooking skills to the extreme?" Shine?"

"And what's with the sense of picture? Is it possible that the extreme cooking skills will make people feel the sense of picture involuntarily?"

"Ha ha!"

Listening to Kaoru Kobayashi's question, Nagiri Ichiro smiled and asked, "You listened to people outside, right?"


Kaoru Kobayashi nodded.

"Actually... Although this sentence is correct, it is also biased!" Nagiriichiro said sternly.


Upon hearing this, Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi couldn't help but **** up their ears after the doubts flashed on their faces, wanting to hear Nagiriichiro's explanation!

"If you really want to make the chef's meal shine, it will create a sense of picture in your mind when you eat it. Not only do you want to maximize your cooking skills, but you also need something important... to pass the special chef assessment!" Ichiro said seriously.

Super chef assessment?

After Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi looked at each other again, Sanji couldn't help but said, "Isn't the special chef a level assessment in your palace?"

Sanji always thought so!

He thinks that the super chef is like the chef god, chef king and the like produced in some outside cooking competition.

Like titles, ranks exist!


Nakiri Ichiro shook his head and explained, "A real special chef is not like this, but a...recognition!"

"In our palace, there is a treasure from ancient times. It allows one hundred top chefs to enter the competition every year, and in the end, the first place winner in the competition can be recognized by this treasure, and thus get the special chef. Identity and...the heart of a chef!"

"Chef's heart?" Sanji wrinkled.

"The heart of a chef is the main reason why cooking will shine and give people a sense of picture. Only those who have the heart of a chef can make luminous dishes!" Nakiri Ichiro explained.

Upon hearing this, Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi were surprised at the same time, they suddenly understood a little!

No wonder!

Except for St. Martin's palace, they have never heard of anyone making luminous dishes!

"Then if you ask ninety-nine ordinary people to participate in the assessment, wouldn't the chef's heart be easy to get it?" Sanji frowned and asked.

Nakiri Ichiro raised his brows, shook his head, and said, "I just said, I want a top chef! You ask ninety-nine ordinary people to participate together, the treasure will not start, as for the principle of this... you Don't ask me, I don't know either!"

"Then can we participate in the assessment of the special chef?" Kaoru Kobayashi asked solemnly.

"Yes!" Nagiri Ichiro nodded, and said, "Your Majesty said, if you are willing to participate, you can, but it must be a formal process, that is, you must first obtain the top 100 in our palace kitchen. Famous achievement!"

"Also, the heart of a chef has side effects, I need to tell you in advance! Once you have the heart of a chef, then you will no longer be able to practice domineering, and you will not be able to eat the devil fruit, so if you want to participate, you should consider it yourself !"

Insert an app: perfect re-engraving of the old version of the book-chasing artifact that can be replaced by aPP Mimi Reading.

In fact, there is another side effect that is not considered a side effect!

That is to be loyal to Arthur!

But this is normal for Nagiriichiro, and he didn't think it was a side effect, so he didn't say it!

And listening to his words, Kaoru Kobayashi didn't have any reaction-what kind of domineering does he use as a chef, what devil fruit he eats!

Sanji's face changed immediately!

Can't use domineering, can't eat devil fruit?

The latter one was okay, and he never thought about eating devil fruit.

But the previous one is embarrassed!

Although he is a chef~www.ltnovel.com~, he is also a combatant of the Straw Hat Adventure Group!

If he can't use domineering, it would be a disaster for him!

"Then I still don't participate!"

After thinking for a long time, Sanji said bitterly.

Seeing an opportunity to the supreme hall of culinary arts lay before him, he couldn't seize it. What a painful thing for him!

"I attended!"

After thinking about it, Kaoru Kobayashi nodded heavily.

As a chef, how can he not seize this opportunity?

Even if he is old, he doesn't want to just give up!

And listening to the answers of the two, Nakiri Ichiro nodded without saying much!

The opportunity is given to them, it is their business whether to grasp it or not!

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