Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1157: Ice and fire


A few days later!

Punk Hassad in the New World!

This island used to be a research base for the navy, and some prisoners of the world government were taken into custody!

That is, two years ago, due to the experiment of M. Caesar Courant, a large amount of poisonous gas was released on the island, which made the entire island abandoned by the navy and gradually became a dead island.

And this is also the battle location chosen by the blue pheasant and the red dog!

The island is full of poisonous gas. Compared to normal people, this is not a good place. It can even be said to be a restricted area. If you don’t get close, you can’t get close. But if you put these conditions on the battle site of the blue pheasant and the red dog, That would be very appropriate!

The battle between the two will definitely spread to the entire island.

In this case, choose a dead island, an island full of poisonous gas, and there is obviously no way for normal people to survive, not only to avoid hurting the innocent, but also to make unscrupulous shots!

Even if the entire island is eventually sunk, it doesn't matter!

Anyway, no normal person will come to this place to survive!

"Speaking of it, it seems we haven't played against each other for a long time."

Akimaru said faintly, "The last time we played against each other, it should have been back more than ten years ago?"


After the green pheasant sighed, faintly said, "I still remember that it was a night more than ten years ago, when I was training alone on the school ground, you happened to finish handling the things on hand, and walked over, ready to go back to sleep! "

"Then I was so happy to see Hunter, I was watching my training, sweating profusely, and my hands were itching, so you invited me to fight, so we had a heavy rain!"

"In a blink of an eye... more than ten years have passed!" Akagi shook his head, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he changed his voice and asked directly, "Okay, I won't be too nonsense, what do you say next?"

The red dog went directly to today's topic!

"Play normally!"

The green pheasant said lightly, "Isn't the reason why we chose such an island because of this island, can we do our best?"

"Ha ha!"

After chuckling twice, Akagi said, "That's what I said! Otherwise, we wouldn't choose here!"

Having said that, Akinu took a deep breath and suddenly shouted, "Then...I'm going to launch an attack!!!"

The voice just fell!


The red dog's right fist almost yelled out at the same time, with a hot breath and lava, he attacked the green pheasant!

And it seems that the green pheasant launched an attack at the same time!

"Ice cube. Pheasant mouth!!!"

With a sudden wave of his right arm, an ice bird was knocked out by the blue pheasant, flapping its wings and attacking in the direction of the red dog!

However, the two attacks did not touch the other, but met in the air!


The ice and fire collided together and exploded in an instant, and the extremely cold and extremely hot breath swept away with the strong shock wave!

The red dog and the green pheasant are officially handed over!


at the same time!

Just when the red dog and the blue pheasant started to fight, and when the fight became more intense, a figure appeared on a hill on the edge of the island!

"It's hit..." the figure murmured, eyes shining brightly!

If someone can notice him at this time and take a closer look, you can find that not only the eyes of this person are shining brightly, but also the whole body is golden, wearing a golden armor!

That's right!

He is one of the golden saints belonging to Saint Martin...Kamu!

After deciding to help the green pheasant get to the position of marshal, Arthur thought about a lot of ways to help the green pheasant get to that position, such as finding someone halfway to hurt the red dog, such as using a spy in the navy to eat at the red dog. When, give him some poison or something!

But in the end, these were all eliminated by him!

He decided to come directly to a method that seemed the simplest and most crude, but after careful consideration, the results were the most beautiful.

When the green pheasant is fighting the red dog, let people directly attack the red dog!

In this way, the task can be completed and the world government can be disgusting!

Think about it, if at a critical time, the red dog and the green pheasant are fighting fiercely, and there is a sudden attack by Saint Martin's people, causing the red dog to lose, and finally let the green pheasant become the marshal, what will happen?

First of all, the green pheasant will definitely ascend the position of marshal.

After all, it was agreed long ago!

However, this position must also be unstable!

If it is a fair duel and the blue pheasant wins, then everyone, whether it is in the navy, the world government, or even the Akadog himself, has nothing to say!

But if St. Martin's sneak attack caused the green pheasant to win, of course it's another story!

The navy, especially the hawks affiliated with the red dog, would not agree with such a blue pheasant who has won the position of marshal!

As for the world government, it will even doubt whether there is any shady connection between him and Saint Martin!

Otherwise, why would Saint Martin help you at this critical time?

As enemies, shouldn't they not help each other or fight together?

Thinking about it this way, the world government will have a knot!

But after all, the admiral of the navy is the admiral of the navy, with high authority, even the world government can not easily appoint or remove the position of the admiral of the navy, so he has to accept the green pheasant, who is full of doubts, to become the marshal!

And the red dog himself will not take it anymore!

If it is a heads-up and loses, even if the character of the red dog is unwilling, he will not say much!

If you lose, you lose, and his red dog is not someone who can't afford to lose!

But in the case of a sneak attack, let's say something else!

At that time, even if he had an agreement with the green pheasant and pinched his nose to recognize him as the marshal, the green pheasant would not be recognized by the red dog!

In summary!

For St. Martin, it is a multi-tasking thing to let people directly attack the red dog!

Not only can he complete the mission that Arthur wants to see a new version of, but also cause the blue pheasant, the latest naval marshal, to have a knot with the world government~www.ltnovel.com~ and also make him unable to get the approval of all navies, and the navy appears inside. Differences can not be twisted into a rope!

It can be said that if this is how to board the position of marshal, then the green pheasant will become the marshal, but it will not be better!

After deciding on the plan, the first thing is to send someone to execute it!

Needless to say, the candidate for this execution must be selected by the combat power of the general level... the combat power of other levels can not intervene in the battle between the blue pheasant and the red dog!

But Arthur was picking and choosing within St. Martin, and he was recommended by himself. After the self-selection, the person who finally performed the task fell on Kamuu!

And because of this, Kamuu will appear here now!

"In terms of the normal situation at the general level, two generals with similar strength will have to play for at least a week, so what I have to do next is to wait!" Ka Miao thought in his heart, not in a hurry, and just sat on the ground. Watching the show!

He knew that a person in his rank would only warm up in three or five days after a fight. Generally speaking, it would be normal to fight for a week or something!

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