Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1179: Stop pretending, I have a showdown

The orders of the five old stars were quickly implemented!

Kay’s wanted order was rushed into production, and the amount of reward was quickly set. Pieces of information about Konoha were quickly sent back to the world government by intelligence personnel!

Don't say it!

As the largest organization in the world, with all my efforts, I found something!

Konoha's products sold abroad are different from those produced by Saint Martin in terms of quality, texture, color, etc., but in terms of the most fundamental production process, there is no difference between the two!

Think carefully!

After discovering this detail, the five old stars are even more sure that Konoha and Saint Martin are related!

After that, as Konoha’s previous origins could not be inquired, it seemed to have emerged out of thin air, and the former Whitebeard Pirates second division captain "Lightning Wolf" Aiden, who joined Konoha with the white beard remnant party, was originally It was from Xihai who had a deep intersection with Saint Martin, and waited for the results of various intelligence personnel to report.

The guesses of the five old stars are even more corroborated!

Make sense!

If it is a normal force, how come there is such a situation that it has no history?

No matter how bad it is, there should be some clues, right?

But Konoha did not!

Among the news discovered by the world government, only Konoha first appeared in the intelligence recommended by Aiden to Baibeard, nothing else, and Konoha's past deeds have not been found anywhere in the world!

Therefore, the world government is almost certain that Konoha and Saint Martin are related!

After getting this result, the five old stars are both angry and fortunate!

Angrily, Konoha has a relationship with Saint Martin, which means that what Kay did before was not hired as he said, but Saint Martin’s action to save Elulita. Ron waited before The CP members killed were not the result of Konoha being too conscientious after taking St. Martin's money, but deliberate!

Fortunately, Konoha has a relationship with Saint Martin, and they discovered it before the war began!

The five old stars really can’t imagine, if they hadn’t noticed, what would happen if Konoha suddenly attacked Mary Joa from the direction of the new world at the critical moment after the battle with Saint Martin, and gave them a backstab!

"Konoha must be cleaned up first!" The fifth old star of the glasses clenched his fists and said with a gloomy expression.


Scar Five Old Star made his face calm, and slowly shook his head, and said, "Let's not say that Konoha itself is not weak, just the reaction of other forces in the New World is a problem!"

After a pause, Scar Five Star explained, “Although our world government has some franchisees in the New World, there are also some naval branches, and even the current Justice Naval Headquarters are in the New World, but in fact, we are fundamental to the New World. Not much influence!"

"The major forces and races in the new world have an instinctive aversion to our world government... This is caused by historical reasons!"

"Many of the major races and forces in the new world are the losers who were expelled from the original land in the process of the rise of our world government in the past!"

"For this reason, they have never shown good looks to our world government, and even the development of the navy we swayed in the new world was once interfered by them. This has led to the new world so far. There are only a few reasons!"

"And if we want to move Konoha, we must use a lot of military power to enter the new world... After all, Konoha's size is not small! In this case, those new world forces and races may not be willing, and even have May help Konoha hit us!"

Listening to the explanation of the five old stars of Scar, the five old stars here are silent!

The reason for this is the evil that the world government suffered in the past!

The reason why the world government can develop into such a huge organization, of course, does not rely on any luck, but the result of using various **** and cruel methods to compete for resources and land, and finally win!

In this process, it is inevitable that victims will appear!

For example, the major races and various forces in the new world today, a large part of them are the victims!

After failing to compete with the world government for resources, they either fled for their lives, or were expelled, or in order to avoid the world government, they chose to enter the New World where the climate, ocean currents, and all aspects are dangerous, and they have developed !

In normal times, these victims have enemies, friends, and business partners. In short, the relationship is very complicated.

However, once the world government is involved, they will basically hold a unified attitude!

Resolutely resist!

Even if the world government is not here to target them, they will find a way to drive the world government out of the new world!

As for the reason...

On the one hand, it is the enmity with the world government for generations, on the other hand, it is also afraid that the world government will reach out into the new world, their last pure land!

Well, although the world government said yes to attack Konoha, who actually said it accurately?

You know, the world government has never given up reaching out to enter the new world!

The only naval branch bases of the world government in the New World are basically left by the world government in the New World over the years under the pressure of the major forces and races in the New World!

Therefore, the five old stars of Scar just said no!

He knows that those forces in the new world may not be as the world government wants!

"Then what to do?"

After a long silence, the five old star of the glasses took the lead to ask.

"We can only be on guard and guard!" Scar Five Old Star said in a deep voice, "The war between us and Saint Martin is about to begin. Even without those forces and ethnic barriers, it is not realistic to mobilize the army on a large scale to enter the new world. !"

"So, apart from precautions and vigilance, we can't do much for the time being!"

"Did you let Konoha go like this?" asked Wu Lao Xingyan in glasses frowning, a little unwilling to ask.

Scar Five Old Star shook his head and said, "As far as it seems, it can only be so!"

After that, he changed his voice and said, "However, when the battle with Saint Martin is over, we can deal with them, and we can also disgust them... expose their connection!"

"Although Saint Martin is not our world government, it is not necessarily more popular than ours in the new world... New world forces and races are not necessarily willing to reach out into the new world to grab food with them!"

"In this case, we expose the connection between them, maybe we can get unexpected results!"

Listening to the words of the five old stars of Scar, the five old stars present at the scene nodded in agreement after thinking carefully!

This is also a method that is not a solution!


"that's all!"



The five old stars nodded one after another!

Immediately afterwards, they discussed the specific action plan for exposure, and added small details such as not to show evidence first, and after Saint Martin refuted and then show the evidence and hit the face before the five old stars dispersed.


Early the next morning!

"Saint Martin has nothing to do with Konoha? no, they are a family! "---Le Monde!

Le Monde directly reported a speculation and analysis of the relationship between Saint Martin and Konoha!

Regarding this report, the world government and the five old stars are very satisfied~www.ltnovel.com~ Although they want to expose the relationship between the two, they are not prepared to expose it directly, but first let Monde analyze a wave , Ready to wait for Saint Martin's denial, and then show evidence to expose it, and hit the face!

In this way, it can be regarded as a small revenge for Saint Martin!

But unexpectedly, the next reply from St. Martin was to make the five old stars confused!

"Don't pretend, I'm Konoha's person, I have a showdown! "---St Martin Daily!

St. Martin's side simply and neatly stated the connection between the two, and directly stated that the two are in the same group!


Now, the five old stars are dumbfounded!

What does Saint Martin do?

Shouldn't it be refuted first?

Why did you just admit it?

Isn't all the evidence that we plan to slap in the face useless?

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