Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1198: Take the lead

   With the extension of the ten ice slides, a fleet of warships boarded the ice slide under the arrangement of the blue pheasant!





   Warships, carrying full of soldiers, along the ice slide in the sky, rushed towards Saint Martin's direction!

   And among them, the former naval marshal, now the naval chief inspector and the Warring States period, are on the front warship!

   "Listen, everyone, if there is a flame attack, they will use their own abilities and use their arms and domineering, and they will withstand me!!!" The Warring States screamed and ordered.

  At this time, the speed of these naval warships is very fast. Normal people not only feel unstable on the top, but also have difficulty speaking. They can't even hear the people next to them. They can only hear the sound of the hurricane.

   But that's it, the violent shouts of the Warring States still clearly spread to the ears of the people on the ship and the surrounding ships!


   And the people on the front of these warships listened, and they all agreed!

   In the voice of the promise, countless powerful auras gushing out of the people on these warships, straight into the sky!

  The people on these ships at the forefront are all the powerhouses of the world government this time, with a total of three hundred lieutenant-level combat power and a full 30-level general-level combat power!

   And the Warring States is the one who is in charge of commanding them!

   Well, with so many powerful men, it is not easy for Qing Pheasant to command them!

   As for the reason...

   Old people, although their strength has declined, but their qualifications are old, and they feel that the green pheasant is just a young man who is not qualified to command himself.

   Young, the strength still maintains the peak, and at the same time the heart is also maintained at the peak, no one accepts, feels that the green pheasant is nothing remarkable, and is not qualified to command himself. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   Therefore, among the strong on the scene, except for a few people, it is not so easy for the blue pheasant to command anyone!

   However, the world government had already expected it.


   The Warring States, originally in a semi-retired state, was also sent to participate in this war!

   The Warring States Period is considered a veteran among the generals. After so many years of ups and downs, the generals present have more or less fought against him, and even grew up listening to his legend!

   In this case, these generals are quite compliant with the Warring States’ orders!


the other side!

Looking at the navy warship rushing directly toward one's side along the ice slide in the sky, countless astonishing auras suddenly erupted, Arthur's heart was full, and he suddenly understood---this is probably the world The strong government is here!

   But, Arthur didn't have any fear about it!

   is rather excited!

   "Warm up, it looks like we are about to enter the real battle!" Arthur whispered with excitement, his eyes flashing with a strong sense of war! The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   That's right!

   The previous battles between the pacifists and the steam mechs, in Arthur's view, were just a prelude to this war, a warm-up for this war!

   And the real battle is coming!

   Thinking, Arthur took a deep breath and shouted in a deep voice, "Everyone listened to the order, the enemy is coming, check the rejuvenation potion individually, or simply put it in your mouth, and then...ready to go!"

While    was talking, he shook his body, and directly shook the cloak off his body, revealing the sturdy figure inside, and began to move his hands and feet.

   While listening to Arthur's words and watching Arthur's actions, Saint Martin's top combat powers, such as Saint Seiya, Reaper, Void, and so on, also began to move their hands and feet.

   Suddenly, an aura that is stronger than the world government army swept out!

   Feeling the momentum, Arthur moved his hands and feet while showing a smile on his face!

  With these people, they will surely win this battle!

   In these years, apart from the golden saints all reaching the general level, several geniuses among the silver saints, such as Shui Jing, Olufie, etc., have also reached the general level!

   In this situation, there are sixteen general-level characters among the Light Saints!

   In addition to the Saint Seiya, Death, Xu, in these years, not only the captain, but also the ten blades have been added seven or eight, and the general level has gradually increased!

Among the gods of death, in addition to the original Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni, Uo no Hana Ryu, Uo no Hana Yachiryu, Lu Ling, Hisugaya Toshiro, and Kuchiki Byakuya, who has become a new captain these years, has also entered the general level. !

Among the ten blades, in addition to the original Bailigan Ruisenbang, the new ten-blade Ulchiola Sifa, Grimjo Jakajak, and Tiya Hribel have also become ten blades. A general!

   Light these people add up, twenty-six general-level characters!

In addition to Arthur, plus the local powerhouses that Arthur once recruited, he originally had the level of lieutenant general. Grommash, who has entered the level of generals these years, has a total of Saint Martin’s general level roles on this battlefield Twenty-eight!

   There are almost the same number of generals as the world government!

  Of course, Saint Martin also has generals, such as several sons and daughters of Arthur, such as Tsunade, Kai, and several of the X-Men with powerful abilities!

   But, unless he doesn't want Xihai anymore, these people definitely can't transfer over!

   Otherwise, what if the world government steals the home?

   Although according to the intelligence personnel's investigation, these strong men on the battlefield at this time are almost all the power of the world government.

   can be almost, all does not mean all!

   The world government still has surplus power!

  For example, Karp, such as Akadog, such as the three admirals of the justice navy swung down by Akadog, these people have not been transferred!

  Under this situation, Arthur naturally did not dare to bring all his power over!

   Of course, although not all, the power in the battlefield right now is almost 90% of the power of Saint Martin!

"However, there are so many levels of lieutenant generals in the world government?" After Arthur used the heart net to perceive the people on the navy warship that was flying from the sky, the smile on his face narrowed, and his eyes changed. Get serious!

   Three hundred lieutenants!

Saint Martin's level of generals has increased a lot in recent years, but the power of the lieutenant level has not increased much, that is, the silver saints, and a few bronze saints, as well as death, some new captains in Xuzhi , Ten-blade and the like.

   Even if the newly promoted lieutenant ranks in the Saint Martin's army are added over the years, the total number of powerful Saint Martins on the scene is only a hundred.

  Compared with the strong of the world government, it can be said that it is far away!

   If this is a fight, the general level will not be so good~www.ltnovel.com~ The lieutenant level will definitely collapse quickly!

   Thinking about it, Arthur's eyes became more solemn, and he felt a little helpless!

   Even if he knows this, he has no good way!

   This is the result of the 800-year history of the world government. Although Saint Martin has caught up in the number of generals, the foundation is still a little worse, so there is no way!


   What if there is a way?

   Now the battle is about to start, he can't find someone temporarily, right?

   "We can only make a quick fight, let's do more!" Arthur thought in his heart, and the killing intent on his body gradually became stronger!

  At this time, the only thing worthy of Arthur's gratitude is that the Saint Martin personnel present, whether they are general or lieutenant general, are not usable except for Death and Void, so they have no rejuvenation potions on them!

  Under the effect of the rejuvenation potion, and also under the training of the tower of trial in the past, although the number of lieutenant ranks is very different, it is definitely no problem to persist for a while!

   And this gave Arthur a chance!

   As long as he quickly defeats the general-level powerhouses of the world government, and then goes to help, he has a chance to reverse the situation!

  Thinking about it, the warships of the world government have come to Saint Martin's position!

   "Die to me!!!"

   Arthur roared, his wings spread out behind him, and the first one charged up!


here we go! ! !

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