Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 135: The 2nd Devil Fruit

? After the strange disappearance of the mask, Arthur drove the domineering look, and searched both inside and outside the house.

But never found it!

"Strange, where's the mask?" Arthur frowned, sitting on a chair in the study.

He is confident that with his strength, it is completely impossible for anyone to take the mask silently under his nose.

However, the mask really disappeared under his nose inexplicably.

No trace at all!

There is no clue!

"Could it be any weird devil fruit ability?"

Arthur thought of many explanations in his heart, but in the end he rejected them one by one, leaving only one explanation to explain.

at this time.

Under the sunlight, he suddenly realized that his shadow seemed a little different! ?

Shadow activation!

The next moment, the shadow that appeared before his eyes was no longer the same as the murderer in Conan, but a mask with red eyes and water chestnuts on his face. It looked evil. Shadow.

"Fuck, isn't this my mask?" Arthur stood up abruptly, making a surprised voice, and at the same time a demon-like three-dimensional double tone sounded.

"I'm going, the shadow can speak?" Arthur was surprised again. As he spoke, the shadow also said the same thing.

Curious, puzzled, surprised, various emotions flashed across his face, and finally he sat down again, touched his chin, and fell into contemplation.

Why is it like this?

Why is the mask worn on the shadow?

His mind did not feel the side effects of the mask in the shadow!

For a time, various questions surfaced in his mind one by one.

After thinking for a long time, he finally had some uncertain answers.

Normally, even if you put this mask on top of the shadow, it will not change.

But Arthur's shadow is abnormal!

His shadow is alive, dynamic, something between illusion and reality.

And when the sun was shining, the mask that happened to be put off by him just happened to be placed on the shadow.

It stands to reason that even if the mask is placed on the shadow, if Arthur does not activate the shadow to wear the mask, the mask will not be worn.

But the mask comes from the Sombra Legion. It has the attributes of shadow. The shadow and the shadow are just right. There should be a special resonance between the two, which causes the mask to be directly integrated into the shadow without wearing the mask. in.

In the end, it became what it looks like now!

Moreover, because the shadow itself has no emotions and no distinction between good and evil, naturally it will not be affected by the side effects of the mask!

Later, Arthur tested the new version of the shadow curiously. 35xs

Attack power, yes!

But it's just comparable to a corporal, a bit stronger than a normal soldier, but not much stronger, but it can summon a hundred shadow ninjas with similar strength!

Defensive power, graciously reduced a little!

I used to be in the shadow state all the time, and I couldn't even fight with domineering, but now, there are two states, the shadow state and the entity state. In the shadow state, it is similar to before, and it cannot be hit or be beaten!

In the physical state, even the fist can be hit directly, but only in this state can the shadow have an offensive power, and only in this state can the shadow speak!

The two states can be switched freely, but if you can hit it, it means you have a weakness, so the defense power is also reduced a bit!

physical strength!

No matter before or now, physical strength is unlimited!

Arthur carefully looked at the shadow in front of him, the more satisfied he became. Although his defense power was reduced a little, he could speak after he had a physical state, and the role of the shadow would increase.

and many more!

Can talk! ?

Arthur suddenly thought of something!

When the shadow spoke just now, the mouth of the mask was closed and the voice came from inside.

So, the mouth can talk, can it eat?

Suddenly Arthur had a bold idea!

"Thump thump!"

His heart beats involuntarily, and there is an excited smile on his face!

He quickly turned his head and took out a few boxes from the bookshelf behind the table.

These boxes contain devil fruits!

They are the stone fruit of the Superman series, the wood-wood fruit of the Superman series, and the friction fruit of the Superman series taken from the navy, and an Arudiba group killed a group of pirates. The unidentified animal is Devil Fruit!

The reason why it can be determined that it is of the animal type is because there are only animals of the group of pirates.

After thinking about it, Arthur eliminated the devil fruit of the unknown animal system first!

He doesn't want to bet on luck!

Later, Shishi fruit was put aside.

No way, the superman-dominant fruit of Shishi Fruit is too dependent on the environment!

Once there is no rock around, the combat power immediately drops by 30%!

In the end, only wood fruits and friction fruits are left.

To be honest, these two fruits are very powerful!

Not to mention Mumuguo, when he watched Naruto before, Senjujuma perfectly interpreted it.

Although there are differences in the abilities between the wooden fruit and the pillar, it can still be seen that the three points are powerful.

Rub the fruit.

According to the Navy’s intelligence and Arthur’s own guess, this is also a very powerful fruit, which can make everything frictionless~www.ltnovel.com~ and it can also make everything frictionless.

After touching the enemy, you can increase the friction between the enemy and the air. When you move it, it will feel like rubbing your skin with a scrub, and you will lose a layer of skin.

After touching the enemy, it can reduce the friction of the enemy. The enemy cannot walk, eat, or do anything, because he has no friction and everything he touches will slide over.

These two fruits made it a little difficult for Arthur to choose.

In the end, based on the particularity of the shadow, Arthur chose a more suitable wooden fruit!

The use of devil fruit requires physical strength, and under the infinite physical strength of the shadow, no matter which fruit is used, it is very powerful.

However, the shadow's melee strength is a bit stronger than ordinary people, and the fruit of friction must touch the enemy before it can be used!

In this case, the wood fruits that are obviously a little more masterful are better and more suitable!

Shadow opened the box and took out the green spiral-shaped devil fruit inside.


Without hesitation, he took a bite.

After that, a couple of mouthfuls swallowed all the fruit.

The shadow does not have any taste, and naturally it will not be disgusting because of eating the devil fruit, so it will eat all the fruit.

However, after eating, there was no response.

There is no feeling of eating.

Arthur felt like he had eaten air.

Try to urge the fruit ability.

next moment.

A huge piece of wood appeared before his eyes


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