Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 151: Old newcastle

After leaving the Time and Memory Watch Shop, Boye tidyed up his clothes a bit and put his hands in his pockets.

"Da da da!"

After that, walking with long legs, he slowly left this alley and entered the busy street.

"Buns, fried dough sticks, steamed buns, soy milk are freshly baked, they are all warm"

"Freshly baked bread, fresh milk!"

"Raw egg bibimbap, miso soup"

One by one, Chinese and Western breakfast stalls with a mixture of Wano country flavors were set up on both sides of the street, and the mixed aroma filled the whole street.

Boye looked around. Although she felt a little hungry after smelling these scents, she hesitated. In the end, she didn't choose to have breakfast here, but just left here.

After serving a bowl of wontons to the customers, a hawker selling wontons by the side of the road casually glanced at the direction Poy had left, and then gestured towards the two customers eating wontons on the side.

After the two guests watched, they nodded silently, finished the wonton in a few bites, and then one of them followed.

The other guest went in the opposite direction, crossed two streets, and arrived at the Rose Hotel, the largest hotel in the Kingdom of Saint Martin.

Passed through the luxurious hotel lobby, came to the second floor of the hotel, then entered the innermost room on the second floor, and then flashed into the toilet.


After the guest pressed several times on the wall in the toilet, the toilet suddenly made a sound of mechanical operation and then began to descend.

The eyes lit up.

He came to a hall the size of a football field.

The bright and neat decoration, the strict defense, and the hurried staff all explain the difficulty here.

This is the headquarters of Passerby!

From the creation of Passerby A to the present, in a short period of time, Passerby A has changed from a small organization that spy on the intelligence of the surrounding kingdoms to a large organization, and it has been divided into several departments. 35xs

The main task in charge has changed from spying on the intelligence of the surrounding kingdoms to the current spying on intelligence, counterintelligence, protecting important people, etc. Except for assassinations, the things they do are basically the same as the CP organization of the world government.

As for the assassination?


Isn't the gem of doom the best assassination?

Still completely without side effects, the kind that no one can find!


The innermost room of Passerby's headquarters.


"Come in!"

What came in was a middle-aged man with a fierce face and a bald head.

"Master German!" The bald head bowed respectfully.

"Yabuki, what's the matter?" Devon asked casually without lifting his head.

"Just now, the suspect No. 1 and the suspect No. 9 touched!" Yabuki reported.

"Oh!?" German, who was working on the documents, put down the documents in his hand, frowned, thought for a while, and said, "First raise the level of supervision, and then report any findings!"

"Yes!" Yabuki nodded respectfully, then stepped out.

What is the most difficult part of counter-spyware?

It's not about arresting, but finding the spy and confirming the spy's identity!

As a just starting intelligence organization, for counterintelligence, because Arthur has the experience taught from various movies and TV series before the journey, although it is only just starting, it can do it well.

Among them, in order to counter-espionage, Passerby adopted a variety of methods. After excluding a large number of personnel, dozens of suspects were listed, and some were excluded as time passed, and finally twelve remained. .

The dozen or so people are sorted according to the degree of suspicion, and they are arranged from one to twelve. One is the largest and the twelfth is the smallest. Dr. Boye is the object of suspicion. The object of suspicion.

Originally, the number 9 object could be eliminated after a while.

Unexpectedly, he actually came into contact with Number One today!

Although I don't know why, German still sensitively increased his suspicion and surveillance of the two.

"What about the doctor and the watch shop owner?" Devin leaned on the chair, holding the back of his head in his hands, looking up at the ceiling, his eyes lost, and muttered.


the next day.

"A wave in a wave"

This morning, after the old Newcastle, dressed in coarse linen, finished his work, he sang and walked to the familiar clinic.

Although he is old, his heart is still not old. He usually likes to sing, dance, and drink small wine after finishing his work, and his life is very chic.

Maybe it's because of a relatively good mentality, so although I often get some minor illnesses, I have never had serious illnesses, and my body is still healthy!

Soon, Old Newcastle came to a small clinic that was only 15 square meters.

There is a signboard above the door of this small clinic. The signboard is composed of a red cross mark and the words Poe Clinic.

The door of the clinic was not closed, both doors were open, but Old Newcastle knocked on the door politely.


"Come in!" Boye said softly.

"Dr. Boy, good morning!" Old Newcastle smiled and greeted him, then skillfully opened the chair in front of the table and sat on it.

"Good morning, old Newcastle!" Boye said with a smile, "Is it still a problem?"

"Yes, the old problem is just a little backache!" Old Newcastle nodded and confirmed.

"Okay! You wait for me first, I have something to do now, I need to make a call first, isn't it okay?" Boye smiled slightly and asked.

"It's okay, it's okay! You can fight Dr. Boy!" Old Newcastle waved his hand quickly.

He still respects the doctor!

In fact, the status of doctors in any world is relatively high!

This is especially true in this world!

Just like a pirate, who fights and kills at sea every day, the injuries are just as commonplace. In this case, the pirates without a ship doctor are already dead!

Pirate ship doctors are on the ship, regardless of their medical skills, their status is relatively high, and they rarely do those things that kill them. Most of the ship doctors wait for the pirates to finish the fight, and then get a good trophy.

That's why Valbo's kind of second-hand will ban so many doctors.

It's too late to put it here, baby!

However, although Valbo was two, he was not so stupid. At least he still values ​​his life, and for this reason he organized a doctor twenty.

Seeing that Old Newcastle agreed, Boye smiled and picked up the phone worm at hand and dialed out.


After a while, the call was connected.

"Hello!" Inside the phone bug, the repairer's voice rang.

Boye said seriously, "Huygens, your medicine is here, come on! Also bring the pocket watch I repaired yesterday!"

"Okay, no problem, Dr. Poy, I'll be here soon!" Christian Huygens, the repairman of the watch shop, replied in a deep voice.

Boye hung up the phone, looked at Old Newcastle, smiled and said, "It's over! Old Newcastle, let's continue treatment!"

"Okay, please doctor!" Old Newcastle nodded, as usual, took the chest piece of the stethoscope and placed it on his chest ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ ready to let Boye listen to his heartbeat.

This time, Boye picked up the earpieces of the stethoscope and listened as usual. After a while, he nodded, "As usual, his body is still healthy, there is no major problem, just an old problem!"


Hearing this, Old Newcastle also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he often came to see the doctor, he did not want to hear any bad news at all.

At this time, Boye suddenly said, "By the way, I learned a new treatment a few days ago, massage, which can activate the muscles and bones, but I haven’t used it yet. You came here today. I will give you a try for free. Just to see how effective this treatment is! Is it okay?"

"Okay! No problem!" As soon as he heard that it was free, the old Newcastle immediately agreed happily!

"Well, follow me to the back!"

With that said, Boye opened the curtain behind him, revealing a cubicle less than five square meters behind the clinic, and there was a bed in the cubicle.

the other side.

After receiving the call, Huygens went out non-stop and walked towards the clinic.

Soon, I came to the door of the clinic.

At this moment, his body paused slightly, as if he had found something, but he pretended to be innocent, and shouted as he entered the door, "Doctor Boye, the pocket watch you repaired yesterday has been repaired. I will get it for you coming!"

Huygens went in for half an hour, then walked out of the clinic again and left here.

"A wave in a wave"

And half an hour later, Old Newcastle also came out with a smile on his face, nothing changed on the surface!


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