Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 212: Hang yourself

The sea area five hundred nautical miles east of Port Poch.

   This is a sea area that does not belong to the seven major waterways. The ocean currents are very turbulent and the climate is also very unstable. Under normal circumstances, no one will drive past here, and no one will even come here.

   But today, it is very lively here!

   A big tortoise-shaped ship like an island, covered with green trees, and a W-shaped beard head in front of it, floats quietly on this sea area. Even the very turbulent currents did not shake the ship.

   This is the ship of the Ward Pirates, the Golosiadi!

   And on the opposite side of this ship, there are more than twenty naval warships waiting for battle!

Unlike the Golosiadi, in the turbulent ocean currents, these warships cannot stand still at all, and can only sway with the ocean currents. Fortunately, these warships are on the edge of the turbulent ocean currents and are less affected, so There is no danger of capsize for the time being.


   Control room!

"Bing Jack, why did you choose this place? The ocean current is unstable, the climate is unstable, and the magnetic field is unstable. Even the permanent pointer doesn't work well in this place, even if our Golosiadi is in the world. The top ships, in this kind of sea, also have certain risks!"

   Naqin frowned and asked Bin Jack, who was observing the naval ship ahead.

   "It is not to choose this place, but we can only be in this place!" Bin Jack replied in a slightly hoarse voice.

   "Why?" Naqin asked in confusion.

"In order to go!" Bingjieke said seriously, "We are different from the golden lion! The golden lion can fly, so it doesn't matter where his subordinates exchange hostages, because after the exchange, they can fly away from the sky. There is no way!"

"But we are different. None of us is good at escape. Once the hostages are exchanged, it is our most dangerous time! If the Navy repents then, we will be dead! So, I chose this local!

"This place allows us, after the hostage exchange, to rely on the ship’s higher performance than the navy warship, as well as the disturbance of the surrounding turbulent ocean currents on the ship’s navigation, easily distance ourselves from the navy warship and escape from the navy. Chase!"

   "Although there are certain risks in this, we can still accept this risk compared to being stopped by the Navy!"

"What you said makes sense!" Naiqin nodded, then changed her voice and said, "However, the Navy shouldn't regret it? When we watched the live broadcast of Dr. Indigo last time, the Navy did not regret it. , There is no reason for them to regret this time?"

"Yeah! Also, we are just like Dr. Indigo this time. We hired someone to put a telephony worm on the Chambord Islands. We will broadcast this transaction directly later. The Navy shouldn't regret it, right?" Sebastian, who was listening to the conversation between the two, interrupted.

   "I don't know whether the Navy will go back on it! But we must prepare for the worst! Don't use our lives to test whether others will go back on it, because the price is too high!" Bin Jack said in a deep voice.

  Bingjieke did make a lot of sense, and instantly silenced the other three people in the control room and stopped talking!

   after half a minute of silence in the control room.

   Bin Jack looked at the sun in the sky, turned around, and said to the three of them.

   "Okay, time is almost up! Guy Ram, you go and check the ship for the last time. Sebastian will bring Varta over. Naqin, you will inform the navy and prepare to start trading!"

   "Yes!" After the three agreed, they each left the control room, leaving only Bin Jack inside to continue to observe the navy.

at the same time.

   Inside the Guro Saidi.

   The deepest part of the cabin, in a bright and spacious room.

   Valta was sitting on the big bed in the room, with his right hand propped on his head, with a heavy expression on his face.

Although he was arrested, the four of Bingjieke did not abuse Valta, but gave him a good treatment. The room he lived in had a large bed against the wall, and there were tables and chairs, even on the table. There is also a pot of tea and some snacks.

   However, Valta is not happy about these!

   No way, no matter who it is, after falling asleep at night, he woke up in a strange place in the morning, and he couldn't be happy!

   And to make matters worse, someone told you the **** that you were tied up!

   Valta, who just heard the news, almost collapsed on the spot!

   Fortunately, he is a king, and his ability to accept is relatively strong, and he soon eased, but his mood..., if you have to describe it in one sentence, then it is 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past!

at this time.

   The shadow in front of Varta sitting on the bed suddenly boiled silently.

   The next moment, a black shadow man wearing a mask slowly emerged from his shadow.

   is the shadow of Arthur!

   Ever since I met Valta in the elevator of Mary Joa that day, Arthur's shadow has been attached to Valta's shadow, and has been following him!

   And the reason why Binjieke kidnapped Varta is also the news that Arthur gave him, including the map, which Arthur used shadow detection to detect to Binjieke!

   As for, how did Arthur get in touch with Bin Jack...

   When Sebastian tried to kidnap Arthur, Arthur slapped him severely and gave him a business card in his pants. After that, the two got in touch!

"who are you?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of the shadow man in front of him, Varta was so scared that he jumped onto the bed, using his hands and feet together, retreating frantically, but the size of the bed was always limited. He quickly retreated to the wall against the bed Side, can't retreat anymore!

   He can only lean against the wall, looking at the shadow man with a strange mask in front of him with horror.

   "Don't you remember me?" A demon-like three-dimensional double voice came from the shadow population with weird masks. This voice made Warta's hair stand straight and cold sweat.

   "You... who are you...?" Varta asked with a trembling voice.

   "Hehe! Who am I?" Arthur chuckled lightly and said, "Give you a hint, doctor!"


   Upon hearing this word, thousands of thoughts flashed in Warta's mind.

   a flash of inspiration!

   King of the Kingdom of Saint Martin, Pendragon. Arthur...

The name    suddenly appeared in his mind.

   "Are you... King Arthur of the Kingdom of Saint Martin?" Varta asked hesitantly.

   Arthur nodded. .

   After confirming, Varta is not so afraid!

He took a deep breath, eased his nervousness, and asked with a complex expression, "Why? Why do you want to do this? I think I have no regrets for you, but because you have lost a lot, why do you want to kill? "

   "Do you hate me?" Arthur did not answer his words, but asked coldly.

   "Uh..." At this moment, Varta thought a lot, then, with a wry smile, he said, "I understand!"

   I understand with this sound, with a lot of things, there is helplessness, unwillingness, hatred, understanding of the cause and effect of this incident, etc., but the ultimatum is relieved.

  Because he knew that he couldn't run away today.

   "The moment you hate me, it determines your fate!" Arthur said lightly.

   "I understand all of these, but can you agree to my two requirements before I die?" Varta looked at Arthur with a look of expectation.

   Arthur shrugged, and said indifferently, "Anyway, it's not too late. Let me listen. As for whether you can agree, it depends on the situation!"

   "Can you let my son go?" Varta said in an imploring tone.

   Arthur thought for a while, nodded and agreed, "Yes!"

   The reason why Arthur agreed to him is very simple, because his son is Valbo!

   For kings like Valbo, Arthur has always been very tolerant. He also wished that there would be more kings like this. How could he be willing to kill him?

   "Thank you!" Varta said gratefully, and then took a deep breath, and said, "Finally, can you make me more decent?"

   "Oh? How do you want to be personal?" Arthur asked curiously.

   Valta did not speak, but got up from the bed, picked up the quilt, and with a "hiss", he tore off a long strip of cloth.

   Then, he got out of the bed, took a stool, placed the stool in the center of the room, then stood up, and threw the strip of cloth that had been torn off.

   The cloth strip was hung on a hook on the roof, and finally he tied the cloth strip.

   After pulling twice and determining the hardness of the cloth strip, he stepped off the stool~www.ltnovel.com~ and took a few steps back to tidy up the clothes on his body.

   Looking at the cloth strip in front of him, his face was forced to smile, his eyes could not help but flush.

   At this moment, he thought a lot.

   When I was young, every time I acted like a baby in the arms of my father and queen.

   When I was a teenager, every time I got a compliment from my teacher, I showed off in front of my father and mother who had a little white sideburns.

   In his youth, when he was on the throne, when he was full of spirits.

   During the middle age, staying up late every day, trying to govern for the development of the kingdom.

Finally, he showed a solemn expression on his face, like a king, with one step, two steps, and three steps, stepping firmly on the chair, and after taking a deep breath, he put his head on the cloth. In the article.

   Seeing this scene, Arthur stopped talking, but silently stepped forward to help him pull the chair away.

   Time passed by.

  Varta didn't struggle at all, but the breath on his body was getting weaker and weaker. Finally, he rolled his eyes and rolled his eyes, completely losing his breath.

   Seeing this, Arthur sighed silently, and then turned into a shadow, hiding.

  恩...The insider is not dead yet, and he has no plans to leave.

   Just three minutes after Valta's death, Sebastian also came to this room.

   But all he saw was the corpse of Varta hanging on the cloth strip.

  :. :

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