Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 325: Never seen such an arrogant female ghost

The yard is still full of food.

Main table.

Arthur picked up a freshly blanched beef ball, dipped it with the dipping sauce, and put it directly into his mouth!


In an instant, the taste of beef, the taste of the dipping sauce, and the taste of the soup base burst into his mouth, making him unconsciously showing an expression of enjoyment!


After swallowing the beef balls, Arthur sighed, "Good!"

Perhaps it was because of the cold weather. Today, Arthur felt that the hot pot was better than usual.

Just as he was eagerly preparing to stretch out his hand and eat a beef ball, suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he caught a strange figure.

On the spot, Arthur's movements froze, and the whole person stared at the entrance of the courtyard directly opposite his seat.

At the same time, Shion, Motoyanagi Shigekuni Yamamoto, Bairegang Ruisembang, and several other golden saints who were sitting at the table with Arthur also discovered something wrong with Arthur.

So they turned their heads together and followed Arthur's gaze.

At this look, they were also stunned!

After that, it seemed to be contagious. Starting from Arthur’s table, one table...two tables...three tables, in less than ten seconds, there were more than ten tables in the courtyard, and hundreds of people all turned their eyes to the door. !

As for why they are like this...

Just because there was a female ghost at the door that they hadn't found for two hours!

Moreover, this female ghost was squinting and standing at the door with a look of intoxication.

What the hell?

The female ghost appeared by herself?

He appeared swaggeringly in the place where they gathered, did his head cramp?

What's the matter with that intoxicated expression?

Suddenly, everyone present was a little messy!

Without waiting for them to react from the mess, this female ghost did something more messy for them!


I saw this female ghost sniffed twice with a look of intoxication, then suddenly opened her beautiful big round eyes and looked around.

After spotting the people around, she was not afraid, but smiled and greeted them, "Hello!"

Then, without waiting for everyone to reply, she drifted in!

After coming in, she fluttered while turning her little head, looking around, as if looking for something!

When she saw an empty seat at Arthur's table, the female ghost's eyes lit up again, and she floated over.

You're welcome!

Sit down directly, pick up the chopsticks, and while Arthur was stunned, after picking up a beef ball in the pot, he placed the beef ball under his nose.


The female ghost took a violent mouthful of the balls, and she seemed to inhale a transparent white smoke in the balls.

At the same time, a satisfied expression appeared on her face, saying, "It's delicious!"

After that, she put the beef ball into the pot, and then she picked up another beef ball in the pot and repeated the previous action.

Seeing all this female ghost, Arthur was dumbfounded!

The saints, Motoyanagi Yamamoto and Balkan Ruisen, the officers and soldiers were also confused!

All are dumbfounded!

In one sentence, I have never seen such an arrogant ghost!

This Nima is simply too arrogant!

Don't put them in your eyes at all!

After everyone's search, I didn't say that I showed up. More importantly, after I showed up, I walked in so arrogantly, and made no secret of it in front of them.

Uh...it doesn’t seem to be eaten, everything is still there!

But anyway, this little female ghost obviously didn't put them in his eyes!

Immediately, everyone present reacted!

"Girl ghost, get out of the way, is that where you sit?"

"Boy, who the **** is it, report it!"

"Ghost girl, who are you talking about and why are you here?"

"Boy, how did you get in and out of the palace, tell me?"


The soldiers and officers stood in Qi'ali together and questioned the female ghost aggressively.

Faced with these questions, the female ghost seemed to have not heard her, eating hot pot on her own!

At the same time, after taking a deep look at the female ghost, Arthur stretched out his hand, pressed it down, and said, "Quiet!"

Suddenly, everyone present became quiet.

"Who are you? Are you a ghost, or a demon fruit capable person?" Arthur couldn't help frowning as he looked at the woman ghost who seemed to be fearless and unfettered.

The female ghost ignored Arthur and continued to eat hot pot on her own!

Yep! ?

Suddenly, Arthur couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"call out!"

Immediately, Shi Ang, who was next to the female ghost, suddenly shot and fisted towards the female ghost. When the fist hit the female ghost, the fist passed directly through the female ghost's body.


Upon seeing this, everyone present was surprised.

An armed officer boldly stepped forward, touched the female ghost with his own armed color, and finally passed through!

Surprise, shock, puzzlement, doubts, etc., all the faces immediately passed by all the people present.

It's weird!

You know, death and Xu are also ghosts, but at least they can be touched by the armed color, and they can also be perceived by the seeing and hearing color. But even if this one appears in front of them, the armed color can't touch it, and the seeing and hearing color is also Can't feel it!

As if it didn't exist at all!

But she did appear in front of everyone again, and even started to eat!

This kind of thing really made everyone present a little embarrassed!

Afterwards, Yamamoto Moto Ryusai Shigekuni said lightly, "I will try!"

After that, he also stepped forward and punched it out with a soft punch.



The female ghost flew upside down on the spot.


Seeing this scene, Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. Although I don’t know why the female ghost would not be touched and felt by the armed sex, but now ~www.ltnovel.com~ Yamamoto Genryu can hit her. .

In this case, this female ghost is not invincible!

the other side,

After the female ghost was beaten out, she floated for more than ten meters before she stopped.

But she was not angry. Instead, she jumped up with a surprised expression on her face and shouted, "It hit me, it hit me! I, someone can hit me!"


After seeing this scene, everyone present was a little speechless.

Shion even walked to Arthur's face and whispered, "Your Majesty, this female ghost seems to have a problem with her brain!"

Arthur glanced at Shion, nodded in agreement, and said, "Well, I think so too!"

Afterwards, Arthur thought for a while, turned his head and ordered, "Grandpa, please get her up first! I have to ask her carefully!"

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni nodded and said, "Yes!"

After that, he immediately disappeared in place, and then appeared behind the female ghost again, grabbed her by the neck, lifted her up, and brought her to Arthur!

Above the King of Pirates

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