Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 601: Leave

   "You can do it!" Charlotte pointed at Arthur, gritted his teeth and said, took a deep look at Arthur, and remembered his body shape deeply.

   Immediately, he turned and beckoned to his hand, suppressing his anger, and said in a deep voice, "Put down the 20% gold jewels, let's go!"

   After talking, Charlotte left without looking back!

   And his subordinates, after putting down 20% of the gold jewels, they also carried the remaining 10% of the gold jewels and followed him!

   On the way!

   "Boss, shall we just forget it?" one of his men frowned and asked.

   "Forget it? What's a joke? When did you meet me?" Charlotte said with a sneer.

   Right now, the reason why he didn't say much, but left with a ruthless word, was because he knew that when all three groups were targeting him, he was useless no matter what!

   Even the use of force is of no avail!

   So, he chose to leave and come!

   But, leaving is leaving, but he won't forget it!

   "That..." the subordinate said hesitantly.

As Charlotte walked, he said coldly, "When you get back to the ship, you go to call and buy some information from the Qianjuzhujian in the underground world. By the way, he got tens of billions of gold jewelry worth. Promote it out!"

   "After that, contact me some killer organizations and place orders for them. The goal is this Senjujuama! Also let half of the armed forces in the chamber of commerce keep the guard headquarters, and half of them will come and make peace with us!"

After listening to   , his subordinates took a cold breath and exclaimed, "The leader, do you really want to do this?

  Charlotte is absolutely amazing!

Inquire about Arthur’s news, publicize that Arthur has obtained tens of billions of gold jewelry, contact the killer organization, call the armed forces of the Chamber of Commerce, and follow the four-pronged approach. In the eyes of his men, let alone Arthur, even Whitebeard , Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, these big pirates who have names and surnames all have a headache!

   "I want him to see the fate of offending me!" Charlotte gritted her teeth after a cruel look flashed in her eyes.

"Chief, if you want him to pay, you don't have to do it? If we do this, no matter whether he died or not, we will definitely pay a high price this time, even more than this time. There are still more gains!" The subordinate said with a frown.

   "Are you questioning my decision?" Charlotte cast a sullen look at his next hand.

   Under his hand, he hurriedly said, "Subordinates dare not!"

   "Then no more nonsense, I'm determined to do so!" Charlotte said in a deep voice.

   "Understand!" The subordinate nodded quickly.

   After hearing the words, Charlotte didn't say much, and went straight to his ship.


the other side!

  Looking at Charlotte's back not far away, Arthur narrowed his eyes involuntarily!

   He naturally knew that Charlotte would definitely not forget it!

   But, what is he afraid of?

   Except that he is now a shadow and can't die, what he had reported before was the name Senjujuma!

   Charlotte wanted to find someone to find out about him, but couldn’t find out!

   is the most, I just found out that he started from Konoha Island!

   And what can be done like this?

   Go to attack Konoha Island?

   That's a joke!

   Not to mention the strength of the Konoha Village on Konoha Island, even if the Four Emperors come, they can have the power to fight, just say where they are...that is the Whitebeard Sea!

   What do you want to do there, that will definitely offend White Beard!

   "Unfortunately, it didn't come from the body, otherwise I would just kill him!" Arthur thought silently in his heart.

   The reason why he let Charlotte off so easily is of course not kind!

   but he is powerless now!

   The shadow body can't stop a lieutenant-level character who wants to escape!

   That's why he didn't mean to **** the supreme sword for twelve work after he came out!

  Because of his lack of strength, he was not sure to **** Griffin from Ben Beckman, so forget it!

Of course, in fact, in the square before, after seeing the Supreme Knife Twelve Workers, he did not choose to grab it the first time, but at the moment he chose to grab the diary, he had already given up on this knife. The fight is over!

  The ninjas of the Ghost Shadow Corps made the shot, it was just his fluke!

   If the ninja could get it at the time, it would be an accident, and it would be normal if not!

   And just now!


   Accompanied by the violent shaking, the land under their feet suddenly began to sink, as if it was about to return to the previous state!


   "Back to the island!"

"go back!"


   Almost at the same time, Arthur, Ben Beckman, and the three sisters Lily gave orders immediately and took the lead and ran toward the island!

   In a while!

   With their return, the land where Charlotte's treasure was located sank again, leaving only a vast ocean!

   And just now.

   Charlotte's ship also left the island directly.

   In the end, only the Red-haired Pirates, Arthur and Lily, were left on the island!

   Uh... and Hawkeye!

   At this time, Ben Beckman looked at Arthur and the three sisters Lily, and then at the back of the island, with an expression of hesitation on his face!

   He wanted to see how Shanks was in the battle with Hawkeye, but as the only lieutenant-level character in the Pirate Group, he would be a little worried if he left a group of partners here!

   I'm afraid they will be eaten by Arthur and the three sisters Lily who seem to be united with Arthur!

   After hesitating for a while, a decision appeared in Ben Beckman's heart!

   He directed towards **** cloth behind him, "Jesus cloth, you go and see how the captain is!"

  Since he can’t go, let the others on the boat go!

  As the red-haired pirate group with the most average strength in the world of pirates, although other people, including **** Bud, have not reached the lieutenant general, they also have the strength of the major general level, so Ben Beckman is very relieved to let him go!

   "Understood!" **** Buo nodded ~www.ltnovel.com~ and walked towards the back of the island!

at this time!

   Shanks appeared!

   Not only him, but also the Hawkeye who left with him before!

   The two were standing side by side, talking and laughing towards Ben Beckman and others!

   "What's the situation?" Ben Beckman was a little dazed.

   Not only him, everyone present was a little confused!

   This style of painting seems a bit...

its not right!

   Didn’t you go to fight before now?

   How come back talking and laughing?

   Thinking like this, everyone present was stunned!

   Even the three sisters of Lily!

   I want to say that the only person in the audience who was not surprised is Arthur!

"Sure enough, no matter when it is, people who will become friends will eventually become friends!" While Arthur sighed in his heart, he said to the three sisters Lily, "I think it will be useless for us to stay here. , Let's go!"

   "Good too!"

   Baihe immediately recovered her mind when she heard it, nodded, and agreed.

   Soon, Arthur took the lead and left here, and the ninja he summoned also followed. Before leaving, he did not forget to watch the red-haired pirates and take half of the gold jewels they took!

   At the same time, the three sisters Lily and their men also took the gold jewels they had grabbed and the gold jewels left by Charlotte, followed Arthur and left here together!

  In the end, only the Redhead Pirates and Hawkeye are left here!


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