Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 607: Mod that stuff

"What's so fragrant?"


   As the ship approached the island, a refreshing fragrance faintly passed from the direction of the island into the noses of the three sisters Ayiri, making them squeeze their noses!


   After hearing these words, Arthur on the side didn't smell anything, but felt a little strange!


   If this island really has such a strong fragrance, there should be written in the diary!


   Thinking like this, Arthur frowned involuntarily!


   Now that he is using a shadow body, he doesn't care about not being able to smell the fragrance.


   After all, the shadow does not smell this feature!


   But the fragrance that was not written in the diary book gave him a bad feeling!


"what happened?"


   Arthur murmured, and suddenly realized that the three sisters around Lily seemed to be starting something wrong!


   They seemed to be a little hot, and they all stretched out their hands, unbuttoned the top buttons of their cheongsams, opened their chests, and let Arthur see a white beauty!


   In this regard, Arthur did not feel feasting on his eyes, but rather creepy!




   Very wrong!


   After this period of contact, Arthur knew that the three sisters were not the kind of stray people, and it was completely impossible to do such a thing!


  In other words, they have problems now or they have encountered problems!


   As for what is the problem


   Combined with the fragrance they just said, the answer is obvious!


   The aroma here is the problem!


   Thinking like this, Arthur frowned and turned his head, scanning the people around him.


   found that except for him and the ghost ninja he summoned because they don’t need to breathe, there is no problem, everyone else started to twist their bodies, and their hands were also moving restlessly!


   "This is Chinese aphrodisiac!?" Arthur said in surprise.


   After saying this, looking at the increasingly restless people around, Arthur felt that his guess was correct. The fragrance definitely had the function of aphrodisiac!


   Immediately, the corner of Arthur's mouth raised up!


   Great opportunity!


   These people are now a little vague in their consciousness, and they don't have much ability to resist. If he takes this opportunity, he can completely kill them all!


  As for relatives


   Stop joking, after hundreds of years, are you considered as a relative?


   If it weren't for both sides to be able to help each other, now at most there will be only one side left!


   "Are you going to do it?" Arthur looked at the three sisters Lily who couldn't help but leaned on his side, still hesitating!


   is not because of relatives!


   But he didn't know whether the forces behind the three sisters could bring him even greater benefits!


   From their subordinates respectfully calling their three sisters, eldest lady, second lady, third lady, etc., you can know that their status in the organization is not low, and they are likely to be heirs!


   Based on this speculation, that is to say, the organization they belonged to was probably established for the restoration of the country after they fled from the Tik Kingdom hundreds of years ago!


  This kind of drama, whether in other worlds or in this world, is not uncommon!


Just like Don Quixote do Flamenco, although he is in the North Sea now, he is still in the new world. The Dragon people of their line were in Deres Rosa before they became the Dragon people. The idea of ​​the kingdom!


  Of course, the reason why Doflamingo wants to become a king is not all to restore the country. More often, he wants to use his identity as a king to bring convenience to his business!


   It is convenient for oneself to open a factory in the kingdom, so that it is convenient for oneself to do some illegal things.


   "Hey~ save it" After hesitating for a long time, Arthur sighed to himself and made a decision in his heart!


   This is not his kindness!


   But he suddenly thought of something!


  Since the three sisters are descendants of the Tik Kingdom, will their organization have the technology left over from the Tik Kingdom?


   This is very possible!


When Arthur got the first treasure of the Kingdom of Tik, he knew from Troas in the treasure. In order to preserve the precious scientific data, the Kingdom of Tik was set up before the kingdom was destroyed. There are a lot of ships storing various technologies!


   Although I don’t know how many ships escaped, from the Tike Kingdom technology that Arthur has obtained more than once, there must be some!


   And the map of the location of these ships, according to Troya, except that the four princes of Arthur's line are not in the outside world, everyone in the royal family has a different map!


   Under these premises, as the three sisters of the second prince line, the power behind them and the technology left over from the Tike Kingdom is a very possible thing!


   Even if the ship on the map they took was stopped, they did not find the treasure on their map, but after so many years, they can always follow the clues and find one or two fish that slipped through the net?


   Coupled with so many years of hard work and development, the forces behind them may have thoroughly understood the technology of the Tike Kingdom, and they may not even introduce new ones!


   And if Arthur saves them now, their favorability will not be said to be greatly increased, but they will also move up.


   Based on this premise, it shouldn't be difficult to acquire the technology they have mastered as long as it is not particularly important.


   Even if it’s important, it’s not impossible to plan well as long as you make a quick plan!


   "Control everyone on the boat, separate them, and reverse the boat at the same time!" While Arthur grabbed the restless hands of the three sisters that had been attached to him, he instructed the surrounding ninjas.


   After hearing his words, the ninjas nodded one after another, and then disappeared.


   After a while.


   The ship fell back!


   After leaving the island for a while, as the fresh air entered, the people around gradually woke up from the confusion!




   The eldest sister Lily of the three sisters who woke up first, exclaimed and pulled her hand out of Arthur's hand.


   Then, after recalling what she had just done, she looked at Arthur and quickly grateful, "Thank you!"


   Although they were confused just now, it doesn’t mean that they don’t remember the process!


   So, she is very grateful to Arthur!


   asked herself, what would she do if she encountered this situation?


   After thinking about it carefully, she was sure in her heart that she would not save Arthur, even if they were so-called relatives. She might even have robbed the diary before killing Arthur and throwing it into the sea!


   Well, this is the most normal way in the new world!


   By comparison, the gratitude to Arthur in her heart is even heavier!


   Of course, besides that, she also has a bit of resentment towards Arthur in her heart!


   What the hell?


   A beautiful woman like my old lady sticks to your body~www.ltnovel.com~ You don’t even have a heartbeat?


   Still not a man?


   Thinking like this, Lily's resentment is still suppressed by the full of gratitude for the time being!


   It’s just that what she didn’t know was that the reason why Arthur didn’t have a heartbeat at all was because he didn’t have this function!


   The body of this shadow is nothing like that! ! !


   If it were replaced by his body, something he would like to hear and hear would have happened long ago!






"what happened?"


   Then, with a cry of exclamation, after the camellia and the delphinium woke up one after another, the other people on the boat also woke up!



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