Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 679: No desire


   Grommash was taken aback when listening to this question, then shook his head, and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness, but now I have no intention of joining other forces!"

   Before, he had no intention of joining other people's forces, and now he has no intention of joining other people's forces!

"Ha ha!"

   Arthur listened to this answer, smiled, not caring.

   He had anticipated this a long time ago, and had a plan already!

   Immediately, he looked at Grommash with scorching eyes, and said with a little profound meaning, "If...the price is to help you prolong your life, restore youth, and restore your strength at the peak?"


   Grommash's heart jumped, and he said with some uncertainty, "You mean...help me extend my life and restore my youth? Restore my strength at the peak?"

   Grommash, as a big sea pirate, has never heard of legends like what treasures can restore youth, what fruits of surgery can be immortal, and what keel can make elixir in the course of past adventures.

   But in the past, he only regarded these as legends!

   He has never seen it before, and never thought it was real!

After all, if there are so many things like prolonging life and regaining youth, then the overlords on the sea now should be a group of immortals, not like they are now, as time goes by, generation after generation Changing.

   However, now listening to Arthur say this, he is a little uncertain whether the legends are true!

   Arthur is the king of a kingdom!

   And it's not the king of the ordinary kingdom, but the king of a superpower!

  A king of this kind of kingdom, would he be so idle that he would fool him, such a retired great pirate?

   "Yes, as long as you promise to join my kingdom and work for me, then I can promise to help you extend your life, restore youth, and restore your peak combat power!" Arthur said affirmatively.

   Hearing such affirmative words from Arthur, Grommash suddenly put all his doubts behind!

   Arthur dared to say so with certainty, so the so-called prolonging life span, restoring youth, and regaining combat power are all true!

   A king of such a big kingdom, there is no need to fool him!

   Because of this, his heart couldn't help but shake!

   Why did he retreat from the Great Channel and return to Xihai for retirement?

   In addition to being wiped out by the navy, it is more because of old age, severe reduction in combat power and physical strength, and there is not enough energy and time to rebuild the pirate group and fight with others!

   So, with his savings, he returned to Xihai for retirement!

   And now, such an opportunity to prolong his lifespan, restore his youth, and regain combat effectiveness is in front of him. It is fake to say that he is not moved!


   There is an instinctive pursuit of life.

  Who wouldn’t want to live longer?

   But after hesitating for a while, he still shook his head slowly, and said, "It's still not!"

   "Why?" Hearing these words, Arthur asked a little surprised.

  In his opinion, people should not refuse such things as prolonging life and regaining youth, but Grommash’s answer is really unexpected!

   "Why..." Grommash groaned, shook his head slowly, and said, "I can't tell you exactly why! If you have to explain...just treat me as enough!"

   "Enough to live!?" Hearing this answer, Arthur showed a strange expression on his face!

   This is the first time he has heard that some people feel that they are living enough!

   "Yeah, enough to live!" Grommash sighed and said something, it seemed that he had figured out something.

   He smiled and explained with relief, "In my life, I have experienced everything from the difficult survival of a child, to riding the wind and waves in my youth, to the world in the middle of life, to the sharp turn of the old age!"

"Whether it is poverty or wealth, whether it is prosperity or adversity, in short, I have tasted most of the things in the world, so I have no regrets about my life, and it doesn't matter. !"

   Listening to Grommash’s words, Arthur thought for a while, and probably understood why he said that!

   To explain briefly, I am getting older and have experienced enough things, so I wanted to start!

   However, Grommash wanted to open it, but Arthur felt a little painful!

   What is most afraid of recruiting people?

   is the one who was recruited has no desires and desires!

   Once the recruited person has no desires, it is basically impossible to recruit successfully!

   After all, there is no desire or desire, how can it be solicited?

   Thinking like this, some unconventional methods appeared in Arthur's mind!

   Or, let Shaka modify his memory?

   But as soon as this idea appeared, he immediately denied it!

   This method is simple and effective, but he has decided to use this method sparingly if not necessary.

   After all, this method is fine for a while, but it will definitely not work for a lifetime!

   Besides, Grommash was once a pinnacle of lieutenant general level anyway!

   With Shaka’s current strength, if you want to modify him, it is basically impossible to succeed!

   Thinking like this, Arthur's head hurts even more!

   "What to do?" After Arthur muttered silently in his heart, he began to recall the situation of Gromash in the materials, trying to find his weakness, and recruit him through this weakness!

  Don't say it!

   Thinking about it so carefully, Arthur really thought of Grommash’s weakness!

  "Are you really indifferent?" After Arthur asked a question, he asked with a bit of profound meaning, "including the death of those brothers when they were defeated by the Navy?"

   Although Grommash said that it doesn't matter, and on the surface he looked like desireless, but after thinking about it carefully, Arthur felt that it is impossible for people to be truly desireless!

   The so-called desirelessness is nothing more than based on the situation that you have or don't care about it!

   is like Ma Ali who doesn't like money, and Liu Jingdong who doesn't know his wife's beauty. If they can't live in poverty and marry Sister Feng, can they still say those things?

   The answer is obvious!

And the reason why Grommash can say so indifferent and seem so desireless is because he has basically experienced everything in life. In his opinion, even if he extends his life and restores his youth, the most It's just going through the experience of his first half of his life!

   Therefore, he does not have such a strong desire to extend his life and regain his youth, and he seems to have no desires!

   In this case, if he wants to recruit him, Arthur knows that he must find what he cares about in his heart, what he desires, and stimulate it, so that he can be recruited!

   As for what he cares about, what he desires...


   After carefully recalling Grommash's life, Arthur discovered something that Grommash might care about.

   That was the battle that was ambushed by the navy after the battle with Roger!

   That time, it was the Waterloo of Gromash's life!

   He lost all his crew in the first battle, buddy!

   And as the saying goes, people are not plants, who can be ruthless?

Although that battle can’t tell who is right and who is wrong, it just happened because of a problem of position, but in that case, a normal person would have hatred in the navy, not to mention Grommash’s kind of boldness and empathy. generation?

   He can fight for the lives of the villagers where he was once born, let alone the crew members who risked and fought together with him, partners?

   Therefore, he must still be thinking about this matter in his heart, and want revenge!

   It's just that he already felt his old age at the beginning, and knew that he was powerless, so he had to give up revenge and return to Xihai for retirement!

the other side!

   Grommash was silent after listening to Arthur's words!

   How could he forget that matter?

  Although as a pirate, he had long been mentally prepared to be defeated by the navy, but when things came, he couldn't accept it!

Especially looking at each crew member and each partner, spraying blood, screaming and falling by their side, gradually disappearing, but I was entangled by the opponent's master again, and the maddening sense of powerlessness that could not be supported , Heartache, he still can't forget it!

   But what can it do?

   He is old!

   There is no time, no energy, and no strength to take revenge!

   "What do you want?" After a long silence, Grommash opened his mouth slowly and asked in a hoarse voice.

   "As long as you join Saint Martins, I will not only help you regain your youth and prolong your life, but also help you take revenge!" Arthur squinted and said.

   avenging him is nothing more than confronting the navy!

   And the way of Saint Martin was destined to confront the world government and the navy, so Arthur was very happy to tell such things sooner or later!

A struggling expression appeared on Gromash’s face. After hesitating for a while, he said in a deep voice, “It’s okay to join Saint Martins! But I won’t help you do too much in the future, the most is to encounter some powerful enemies, or I will only take action when there is a crisis in the kingdom!"

   "In normal times, I don't want to pay attention to or participate in the small things, especially those wars with other kingdoms!"

Having said that, he paused, his voice changed, and he said in a deep thought, "As for revenge for me...no need! That matter was simply a matter of position at the beginning. No one is right or wrong, so I don't want to be involved now. More people, whether it's Saint Martin or the Navy!"

   "For revenge, I will go alone, and I will not involve other navies. I will only target the navy that presided over the battle, the current admiral Sengoku!"

   "Good!" Arthur agreed directly.

   The strong!

   Of course, there must be important things, and powerful enemies need to take action!

   Ordinary trivial matters, as well as the war of the kingdom, Arthur himself would not let Grommash, a lieutenant-level powerhouse, take action. After all, he has so many soldiers, he can't just let them go, right?

   What are they doing?

   As for the matter of revenge, Grommash needs help or no help, anyway, Saint Martin will face the Navy sooner or later!


   With Grommash’s previous strength, even in the peak state, I am afraid that he is not an opponent of the Warring States Period. If he is allowed to avenge him alone, it is not revenge, but death!

Thinking, Arthur changed his voice and quickly added, "However, the Warring States is now a general, and I heard that he will soon become a marshal. If you want revenge, your current strength is definitely not enough. Going is tantamount to dying!"

   "So, I promised you all other conditions directly, but regarding revenge, I also have an additional condition!"

   "What conditions?" Grommash asked, frowning.

   After an inexplicable light flashed in Arthur's eyes, he said, "When you regain your youth and strength, you must defeat the strong in our kingdom, Yamamoto Motoyanagi, before you can take revenge!"

   "Yes!" Grommash readily agreed!

   He didn't know at all. With his promise, he stepped directly into a bottomless pit, and it is very likely that he would never have a chance to avenge him in his life!

   "That's it!" Arthur smiled deeply.

   "When will it help me regain my youth and strength!" Grommash asked eagerly.

   After agreeing, Grommash wanted to quickly regain his youth~www.ltnovel.com~ to train and restore the original combat strength, so as to quickly find the Warring States to avenge the original revenge!

   "This is not a simple matter. It will take a while, probably a few months!" Arthur raised his brows and said calmly.

   The reason why it took several months was because Arthur didn’t have a life-prolonging potion in his hand!

   This thing is a rare commodity. As soon as it is taken out, it is distributed by Arthur to the important and older ministers in the kingdom to prolong their lives, so there is no stock!

   "I understand!" Grommash nodded, expressing understanding!

   Yanshou knows that it is not a simple thing, and he can understand it if it takes time!

   "I will arrange a place for you to live in later, you wait patiently, and I will let you know if you can!" Arthur said sternly.

   "Hmm!" After Grommash nodded, he seemed to think of something, and said, "Your Majesty, can you arrange a pub or something for me? I want to continue to open a pub here!"

   Speaking of this, Grommash paused, and added, "However, the place where the tavern is located doesn't need to be too good, just a little remote. I don't like the tavern being too busy!"

   "Okay! I'll let you find a remote place to open a tavern!" Arthur readily agreed!

  Since the other party agreed to join Saint Martin, there is no reason why Arthur would not agree to such a trivial matter!

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