Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 30: A trial

Several major events took place in the week after the castle was broken. The first was the establishment of the provisional government of the town of Alano, and Chen Hansheng became the real mayor. The administrative staff is mainly from Chen Hansheng's working group, and of course also recruits a small number of more cooperative locals.

The second thing is that the interim government burned all the serf contracts owned by the baron's family. It has also established Arano Farm, Arano Forest Farm, Arano Mine and other operating enterprises, turning adult labors willing to sign into employees of the Tower of China.

These serfs became contract workers, and most people still did not understand what was going on. It seems to them that they just changed their owners. But some smart people have discovered the difference. It seems that the self-paying person will never be able to eat because of the poor harvest?

The third thing is to prepare for the public review conference. In order to let most people understand what the court is, the mutual aid society and women spent several days to popularize the basic knowledge of the law to the people in the town. ", But what they heard was naturally a popularized and simplified version of the criminal law.

The collection of witnesses and evidence took a lot of effort. Although Chen Hansheng did not study much, he recognized the truth in his heart. No matter what he did, it was better to have a formal look at the beginning, and then it was not easy to go wrong. Although the form of the public review conference itself has a lot of epoch-style, in his world it is gradually prohibited behavior, but here is undoubtedly a huge progress.

For the residents of the town of Alano, the significance of such an activity is far more than just understanding the law, but also to let them understand that the nobles and mages who are usually high above are not born noble, there is a power to judge them, they must also Like others, take responsibility for what you do.

On this day, a high platform was erected on the small square in front of Baron ’s Palace, above which was the trial area. Below the high platform are all listening areas. Most of the townspeople gathered here to listen to the public trial meeting against the "black forces" in Alano.

Chen Hansheng stood in the waiting area, and the guards beside him held more than a dozen defendants. Although today's trial process includes court investigations and court debates, unless there is a major turnaround, the fate of these people has basically been determined. And in order to play a better effect, all the defendants will be sentenced in court.

Still holding the ring of imprisonment, Akle, who had her hands cut back, watched Hahn being put on the dock, with a mixture of uneasiness and confusion in his expression, "Master Chen! Is this your answer? You really don't think about it My proposal? "

Chen Hansheng's expression was indifferent: "No, your proposal is very interesting. But it is not a bargaining chip for me to do business with you. No one can escape the legal trial."

Akle glanced at Ruth behind her and said, "She is a woman and her injury is just getting better. Do you have to accept such a trial?"

Chen Hansheng said: "Everyone here has clear evidence to prove their crimes. Do you still remember the trial two days ago? We did not injustice you? You have to pay the price for what you have done. After that, if you want to cooperate with us on the matter of Alvita, we can talk again. "

"You don't want to accept my transaction, do you still expect me to cooperate with you?" Akle said angrily.

"I think you will make the right choice by then."


During the conversation between the two, the prosecutor had already brought charges against Hahn: "... Hahn forcibly had a relationship with Irene while Irene was cleaning the room for him. Because Irene violently resisted, Hahn pinched Irene Her neck prevented her from breathing and eventually died ... "In order to take care of the local people, the words used in the court are deliberately simple and popular.

"What's going on? I said Isrell did it!" Acre shouted angrily, "Why did it become Hahn."

"Did you hear that the presiding judge asked Hahn, did he admit it?" Chen Hansheng pointed to the court.

"How is it possible, how could he admit these things, you forced him!"

"Of course there is evidence, he just can't refute these evidences." Chen Hansheng said in a hurry.

Soon, the court invited witnesses. Among them were the maid in the next room at that time, the guard who helped Hahn deal with the body, and the knight who heard Hahn bragging about it among friends.

One piece of evidence after another, framed things a little bit in the prosecution statement.

With the emergence of these evidences, the townspeople who watched became more and more angry. Some people jumped out and cursed Hahn. Others demanded that he be hanged immediately. Some people even picked up stones on the ground and threw them at the defendant. Among them was Doris standing in the front of the auditorium. After the presiding judge warned them to be invalid for many times, they had to send guards to bring the most excessive ones out of the auditorium.

"Look at it, is there any evidence here that you think is fabricated?"

Akle knows the course of events, and the testimony of these witnesses can basically perfectly match what he knows. He couldn't say anything about it.

However, he did not expect that this was just the beginning. The prosecutor filed another four or five cases in one breath, and three of them were murders. Even Aklee did not know that his fourth brother, who was still quiet at home, was actually in the town. Such a fierce and cruel person. In one murder case, only a burden carried by a woodcutter struck Hahn ’s horse leg, and he was ripped open. This matter was clearly seen by people on the whole street. Seventy or eight witnesses came up.

At the final stage of the court debate, the defense lawyer's defense was pale and weak. He had not said a few words about the witness' credibility, and his head was almost smashed by the stones flying from the auditorium.

It is time for the defendant to make a final statement. Hahn said with regret in the face above: "Yes, these are all made by me, but I want to ask Master Chen to forgive me. I have been thinking in prison for a long time, this is not my fault. This is the whole noble circle. False. They used words and actions to tell me from an early age that people are different, some people are more noble than me, some people are not as noble as me, and civilians are not people, they are just our tools. So, I just One, a naughty kid who destroys tools. Never wanted to kill a truly thoughtful, powerful person ... "

As soon as this paragraph was spoken, the audience was detonated again. If Chen Hansheng immediately dispatched additional personnel, Hahn would definitely be killed on the spot by the rushing crowd. So that the court had to surround Hahn with militia.

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