Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 34: Sea Fleet

The white whip in Xiao Chen's hand hit the last guard who fell to the ground. The whip was scattered in the air, and the man woke up in a scream. All the people on the bridge were back to normal. But the taste of mental whipping can be uncomfortable. Many people still hold their heads and feel a headache.

Xiao Chen ordered, "Luo Ling, Umeda Tian and Huang Zheng went to the third deck to look at the situation and wake up the fallen people. Xiao Lin went to contact Xing Tianhao to see what was going on. But there were Mao Kai, Ye Zihe Metatron sits on that ship and should not have too many problems. "

Captain Ma Anmin is also a high-level master of the Star Tower, but he is not as good as the Master of the Dream Tower in terms of fighting spiritual attacks. Although he has not been hit by a whip, he also spent a lot of energy after blocking the sound of Xiao Chen Only then did I wake up completely, "This kind of drowsy power is too powerful. If you are not the big magicians, you will have a big trouble."

Jerez also gasped and said, "This, this singing is too weird. I have never heard of such a thing. Master, what should we do now?"

Xiao Chen said, "Since the other party has used such a method, it is natural to hope that after we all fall asleep in this kind of singing, we will seize our ship. I guess they should show up in a few moments. They made their own heads and gave them another surprise. "

"Will it count?" Jerez obviously didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence.

Ma Anmin said, "This is a good idea. Our gunners have not adapted to shooting at sea. The hit rate is already low. If we can wait for them to come close and hit them in an ambush, then the grasp will be much greater."

At this time, Lin Lichuan said, "Xing Tianhao replied that they had some minor troubles at first, but the situation is now under control."

Xiao Chendao "said Mao Kai that the ship remained silent and we waited for the enemy to manifest itself."


Xiao Chen said, "Let the Marines hide on the deck. Don't let the enemy discover, let them think that everyone on our ship is asleep."

Under the arrangement of Xiao Chen, the spar power rooms of the two ships were reduced to the lowest output power, and the speed was picked to the slowest. No one was running on the deck of the ship. Everyone was hiding with the help of the room and the wall panels. Got up.

The enemies in the mist looked cautious and sang the ballad for another ten minutes before stopping. It took another ten minutes before the shadows emerged from the mist.

auzw.com "About two nautical miles from us." Ma Anmin judged.

"It really is a ship of the Hai tribe." Jerez took out the telescope and began to observe the approaching boats. "These ships are very good according to the standards of the Hai tribe. They must belong to a very powerful tribe."

With Xiao Chen's eyesight, he could see clearly without telescope. The ship of the Hai family looks very different from humans. It is a narrow triangle with fewer masts and sails, but there are many heads floating on the side and behind the ship. "How many people are there Holding the boat in the water? "

"The materials and technology of the sails for making sails are relatively backward, so their sails can provide limited power, so in addition to moving on the wind, they will also rely on the scale slaves to push forward." Jerez explained, "scale The clan can always live in the water, so they do not have to board the boat all the way during the voyage, and the ship is generally prepared for the A group in charge of combat and toughness, as well as other advanced sea clan. They also use metal swords, bows and arrows, etc. Weapons, these things can not be soaked in water. "

As the other party moved closer, Xiao Chen gradually saw the people standing on the ship. At first glance, there were five or six different types of sea clan. There are at most two types. The first type of sea clan is turquoise, chest and abdomen Both have natural carapace on their shoulders and look like they are wearing a full set of armor. Most of them have weapons similar to humans, and they have swords, guns and arrows. This must be what the Jerez said. The second type of sea people are covered with fine scales, similar in shape to humans, except that there is a diagonal pattern on the cheeks and neck, as if they are breathing gills, and the hands and feet have fin-like structures on both sides. Those who are underwater are the squad of the same race. Their weapons are not metallic, and most of them appear white, like bone.

The number of the remaining sea tribes is much less, some are four to five meters tall, the skin is dark gray, and there are sharp teeth in the mouth. This should be the shark tribe mentioned by Jerez. It is a person with three pairs of arms, and his lower body is like a snake. This is the Naga tribe Xiao Chen has seen in the book. And on all ships surrounded by and protected by these other sea clan, it is often the mermaid clan with the upper body as a human and the lower body as a fish.

These mermaids are basically only one on each ship, which is very different from the film and television works that Xiao Chen has seen. The mermaid does not use the fish tail to support the body, nor does it have feet on the shore, but floats on the power of magic Tens of centimeters high.

They are not as unpretentious as in fairy tales, they are all wearing very gorgeous robes. The robe was made of something unknown, giving a smooth and waterproof feeling. The robe was inlaid with various pearls, corals and gemstones according to different personal statuses.

They all hold a stick made of blue coral with magical light flowing on it.

"Oh my god, there are dozens of mages of the fish clan, and there are about the same number of sharks and naga. This kind of battle ... is enough to attack Shuangfan City. I have never heard of any tribe who can take it all at once. So many masters! "Jerez surprised.

"That must be their leader?" Xiao Chen found that there was the largest ship in the middle of the more than thirty ships. Although the ship was only half as long as the Houyi, it also had three masts on the bow. A woman wearing a high-necked robe holds an equal-sized coral staff in one hand and a conch in the other. Around her are four Naga guards holding six knives. Xiao Chen faintly felt a kind of magical wave from the conch. He had a feeling that the singing just came from this female mermaid.

The ships of the sea tribes slowly approached in an arc, and Ma Anmin asked, "Chairman Xiao, can we launch an offensive? Now is the best opportunity, otherwise these big guys of four or five meters high will rush to us It's not easy to deal with in front of you! "

Xiao Chen hesitated and said, "Looking like this, the other party should be a very important person in the Hai clan. Although they are ahead, I am going to give them a chance."


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