Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 54: Under deck

When Xiao Chen and Luo Ling returned to the flagship deck of the ghost fleet, the time was just over forty minutes.

Adriana said: "When did humans stand with the Hai tribe, shouldn't these barbarous and ignorant guys be solved?"

Xiao Chendao said: "Saint Adriana, in my opinion, every power that can be brought in is meaningful. These sea tribes do not believe in gods and only worship the sea itself. They have no fear of the **** of nature. Why? Can't we be our allies against the God of Nature? "

"How much can a weak man have as an ally?" Adriana asked rhetorically.

Xiao Chendao: "In this difficult situation, we should not use strength to distinguish allies. They have caused no small trouble in your battle with you. Use such power. Is n’t it better to deal with the City of God? "

Adriana snorted coldly, but said nothing more.

Luo Ling asked: "Anyway, we have let those Hai people back, can you see us?"

"You are really persistent, then you come, but maybe, you will be disappointed when you see me. Remember to take down my mage robe and staff." Adriana's voice softened.

Xiao Chen and his entourage walked under the deck following the guidance of the voice. Since there were no other living people on this ship, the cabin under the deck appeared empty, the ship continued to shake with the waves, and the old wooden boards squeezed each other and creak The sound of this ship usually has oil lamps or illuminated spars in the cabin of this ship, but there is nothing on this ship. Looking up and down, it is dark and dark, and it looks gloomy and dull. A scent of corruption and smell mingled with the smell of sea.

A small sphere of light illuminated around Xiao Chen, illuminating the darkness around him. Roger blocked in front of him. Luo Ling, Mao Kai, Ye Zi and Glad followed behind him, and several people walked carefully. Go ahead. In the Soul Bridge, Xiao Chen said to Luo Ling: "I have a bad hunch. Anyway, this is the flagship of a saint. For her, she can easily take care of it as long as she wants. But what it looks like now only shows that Adriana has no spare time to improve her living environment. "

"Or maybe it's not a cause of power, but just ... no need?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Do you remember what Adriana was like according to Glad?"

"Manjusahua growing on the boundary between life and death?"

"The title of Manju Sahua can not only say that she has the power to control life and death, but also that she is a beautiful beauty."

"I do not know how?"

"You didn't ask Glad. But I talked to him a lot about Adriana, of course, not for gossip, but for intelligence.

Among those seven towers, there were countless people who wanted to take this manjusahua. Grad described to me that where Adriana appeared at that time, it really shined. Beautiful women like her will not care about the occasion of their debut ... "



"Unless she no longer needs this."

It took only a moment for the two people to communicate in consciousness. In reality, they only walked four or five steps. Strangely, after they walked down the deck, Adriana made no more sounds. Xiao Chen shouted twice and received no response. He had to find her position by himself.

Roger pushed open the door of a room. I saw that in the dark room, all the transparent ghosts stood in the room crowded, with their chests pressed against their backs, motionless as if many plastic clothing models were stacked in it. together. These lifeless figures all looked up at Roger when he opened the door. Rao is Roger, an experienced warrior. When he came across this, he stepped back two steps.

"I'm going. This is a horror movie." Mao Kai said.

"These are just low-level ghosts, which are commonly used cast materials by the Spirit Tower mage. There is no consciousness or emotion. These should be Adriana's reserves." Glad glanced into the room and said, " As long as the mages do not manipulate them to attack, they will not have the consciousness of actively attacking people.

It ’s just a little weird. It seems that most Spirit Tower mages will store them in their own soul containers, but why should Adriana put them in the cabin like this? "

"What is a soul container?" Xiao Chen asked.

Glad said: "In fact, it is similar to the storage ring, except that it is specifically used to store souls. The" Juling Roster "in my hand is a very high-level soul container."

Luo Ling said: "Maybe it is damaged. Thousands of years have passed, and there may be too many changes."

Everyone explored several rooms on this floor again, most of them were filled with ghosts. Some of the rooms were also full of dangdang, while others were empty. It must have been consumed in the battle just now.

Roger looked at a ghost with a hijab in front of him and said, "These ghosts may have been accumulated many years ago. Their clothes are not in the current style. I have only seen them in ancient paintings."

Mao Kai said: "These ancient ghosts can last for such a long time without dissipating? But according to my understanding, as long as they exist in this world, they are constantly consuming energy."

Glad patted the inner wall of the cabin lightly, and saw a ripple appear on his palm. He said: "The souls are dealing with the spell of the Tower of Spirits, which is not ordinary undead magic. You don't feel the cabin Does the magic on the inner wall fluctuate? The interior of this ship has been sealed by the Spirit Tower, which can prevent the positive energy from the outside from damaging the ghosts and absorb the negative energy from the outside to nourish these ghosts.

The crowd walked to the end of the corridor, where there was a staircase to the lower cabin.

Roger was still on the stairs, and he felt a kind of spiritual coercion.

Xiao Chen They all know that Adriana is probably close to him.

When they turned out of the stairwell, they just felt their eyes light up.

The lower cabin is much wider than the upper one, and there is no compartment, but a cabin that runs through the hull. The floor, four walls and ceiling of this cabin are filled with fluorescent arrays that illuminate the entire cabin. Into blue-green.

The cabin was filled with magic crystals and various magic materials. In the middle of the room, there is a large chair like a throne. The chair is made up of many strange magical institutions. In the middle of the chair, there is a person wearing a black robe.

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