Above The Sky

Chapter 111 For Hope (1010)

Campfires, roasting heaps, burning stones, wooden racks for drying fish, and rudimentary camps.

It is a miracle that Hilliard is still alive today, how could it be possible to fight such a fierce battle? !

Coming to another coast where he could look further afield, Weggs stared at the sea in the distance and muttered to himself, "I was wrong from the beginning."

That's why Weggs said in a low voice, he turned his head sideways, his dark green eyes locked on the sturdy sacrifice that was tied to the side, he whispered: "The sacrifice can only be selected from the disabled... How is it possible?"

"Now the Tenglan Department, which has lost all its support, has to make an agreement with Harrison Port, so it is obviously an ally in name, and it pays a lot, but the income is surprisingly small!"

"Ha ha……"

He died quickly.

And the one who is bound to the side and will be bled and sacrificed later is naturally the captive and victim of which tribe God knows.


He whispered to himself, "No."

Immediately, the patrol knight noticed something was wrong.


Sure enough, Weggs was not happy.


Although the chief did not understand why Weggs asked these questions, he also noticed that the other party did not want to shoot at them, so after hesitating for a moment, he slowly said: "Because of the war, the tribe has lost a lot of warriors, a lot more. disabled."

"The mountain master, has already invaded the city, as long as the spirit of Teng Lan assists and drives the sea beasts, Harrison Harbor will be breached!"

"If not, they are wrong... If not, then one shot..."

The knight frowned: "No!"

This kind of thing is not uncommon even in the empire, a world known as civilization, and it is even more ugly and disgusting because it is dressed in the cloak of civilization.

"In the entire port of Harrison... No, after His Majesty's death, there is nothing in the entire Terra Continent that can make the mentor fight at the cost of his life!"

Because at this moment, he is completely aware of the mistakes and omissions in his previous guesses!

He laughed extremely sternly, and his voice was hoarse, like scratching a slate. The Tenglan native who was sharpening his knife was impatient and stepped forward with the knife, as if he wanted to cut off the opponent's tongue.

From the skinny victims, to the civilians whose wives and daughters were taken by force...

But Wiggs stretched out his hand, and the bone fragments around the altar shook, and an invisible force stopped the native.

"Someone blocked the sea beasts - even blocked the two totem masters and inflicted heavy damage on them!"

It must be said that Weggs will feel unmotivated because of the sacrifice of the indigenous people. He really underestimates this patrol knight. He has seen worse scenes no less than dozens of times.

A few hungry men, a few pairs of women and children with longing eyes, a few elders who were sharpening their blades, and a disabled native who was bound to the side, blind and numb.

"It's the mentor... It's the mentor who drove the totem master, blocked the sea beast, and made the indigenous offensive fall short!"

There were a few hunters who took up arms, most of the prisoners retreated backwards, and a few old men who were holding wooden sticks tightly...


A giant eel stone statue entwined together, a pitch-black stone basin soaked with blood, bone debris scattered around, and a slowly burning chimney.

It would be better to say that the indigenous people really had to eat people just because they were very hungry and had no food, but there was a simple helplessness.

Whispering to himself, after listening to the voices of countless people, the fluent knight lowered his voice.

This is why Weggs never thought that it was Hilliard who took the initiative to stop the two sea lords... Others may not know it, but isn't he still aware of the injury his mentor suffered?

And, a trace of nostalgia.

The only thing that doesn't exist, as a partner of Port Harrison, is the "Voice of Delight" that is also the victor of the war!

And the core point of it all...

Weggs did not prevent the killing among the natives.

Knowing this, even if they were driven out, these natives did not dare to say anything harsh, but just reiterated: "We have an agreement... Port people, if you want to trade, go to the trading area!"

And Weggs narrowed his eyes, he did not pay attention to the other party's warning, but seriously looked around the situation of the entire tribe.

At this time, the entire tribe was mostly women, children, and the elderly, and only a few young men could tell!

At this moment, Weggs could hear many voices.

"The Tenglan Department not only called on the totem master to drive away the sea beasts, but also attacked Port Harrison...even their totem master, the two giant eels, were dispatched, but they returned without success!"

——At least a full-fledged knight... The whole tribe together may not be able to destroy each other.

He doesn't even say 'Imperial' anymore.

Contrary to what he had imagined before, the Tenglan Department did not retain their strength. They also participated in the war against Harrison Harbor two years ago, and also lost many warriors!

at the same time.

It originated from the depths of the labyrinth, the plague poison called 'Ice Prison Tribulation Ashes', the most vicious poison that was enough to poison the ancient dragons and erode the giant beasts into a mass of rotten bones - even the old The City of Destruction will never be immune to this poison.

"of course not……"

"Fighting with the totem master of the second energy level peak, for the teacher who has been ravaged by the source virus, it is simply fighting with life!"

"In order to nurture new warriors, the divisions will exchange disabled warriors as sacrifices..."

The voice of humiliation, the voice of unwillingness, the voice of regret after defeat.

Those hungry aborigines, who were wearing snake scales and coral products, were naturally members of the Tenglan Department.

"It is the sea lord who was hurt by your wrong information, and you should take the greatest responsibility!"

"We fought! You didn't capture it yourself!"

Although there is a bit of bragging in front of outsiders, the voice tells the knight that the other party is not lying.

And in desperation, the voice of the one who admitted his defeat and was willing to surrender.

Weggs did not hide his figure, he was seen by the natives as soon as he stepped out of the woods.

Ignoring the warning of the hunter who was probably the chief of the tribe, Weggs took a step forward and asked in a deep voice, "Are most of the tribes in Tenglan as poor as you?"

"Is that how Port Harrison treats its allies? Impossible, if that's the case, how could the Teng Lan Department be willing to cooperate with them!"

The native hunters of the Soaring Sect looked at each other vigilantly, and then one of the leaders stepped forward and drove the apparent imperial visitor away in a less proficient imperial language: "Get out of here!"

"Let him speak."

The natives rushed out, but the sea beast and the totem master were blocked for unknown reasons, and the mountain master confronted Viscount Grant, but was finally hit by a team of city guards and a young psionicist with alchemy artillery.

He still glared at the others, native and imperial, with a final roar: "Betrayal...you betrayed..."

In addition, these natives did not say more cruel words.

Because they are not stupid, no matter how you look at the black full-body heavy armor on Weggs, it seems outrageous, which is an insurmountable iron wall for the natives who can only use leaves and hemp as armor.

Although he didn't feel hostile, because of Weggs' serious inquiry and the spread of the oppression of the second energy level, the chief couldn't help but take a half step back, a little flustered and puzzled: "Poverty? We are already a minority among the coastal tribes. A clan that can eat enough!"


"It's for hope."

At this moment, the disabled sacrifice who had been silent on the side laughed.

Having said that, the Tenglan native who couldn't bear it any longer roared and cut the sacrifice's throat, but he still laughed, not afraid that his blood was gushing out.

On the contrary, he even showed an extremely puzzled, even extremely angry expression: "But how is it possible?!"

Raising his hand, the knight pointed to the sacrifice: "How did he come? Are you capturing the prisoners?"

Ian, who has just finished making berry stew, is in his own home, checking one by one the means he can use now.

The sacrifice glanced at Weggs in surprise, but he had no scruples about dying. He glanced at the Tenglan natives in front of him resentfully, cursing: "We, we should have won! It's this group of bastards. , the spirit did not move!"

Poverty, hunger, full of greed, but restrained by strength, is a paradoxical combination of cowardice and bravery.

His tone became a little dazed, puzzled and jealous.

From the nobility's longevity sacrifices to the terrifying rituals of the esoteric religion...

This is a scene that is not uncommon among the natives of the Great Redwood Forest—an ordinary, small native tribe sacrifices blood and food to the totem master, and by the way, allows itself to survive.

He had already sensed the real truth...but he couldn't believe it.

Quietly, he has disappeared.

"...what are you going to do?"

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