Above The Sky

Chapter 117: Ice Prison Tribulation Ashes (44, Please Subscribe For W Word Updates!)

"...for so many years, Wiggs, it can be regarded as a little fruitful."

Hilliard exhaled heavily and said solemnly, "I would give you an 'excellent' for your sword skills even back then."

That being said, only he himself knows how bad the situation is now.

The source plague poison 'Ice Prison Tribulation Ash', originated from the big labyrinth 'North Sea Ice Prison', is a vicious and vicious poison that can corrode all source material structures and multiply itself.

After research, some scholars believe that 'robbery ash' is essentially an extremely tiny, out-of-control alchemical creation that can only devour and self-replicate. It is not only difficult to preserve, but also impossible to replicate. It is extremely rare. The share brought out of the ice prison by the countries of Xinjiang is not an epidemic virus in the traditional sense.

But because its effect is so vile and domineering, even the sublime of the fifth energy level cannot be immune, so it is still called one of the most terrifying epidemic poisons.

Hilliard knew very well that all of his source organs had been swallowed up and destroyed by the ashes of the Ice Prison, and it was only by relying on His Majesty's last strength to suppress the spread of this poison.

Losing the Origin Quality Transforming Organ, he could no longer extract Origin Origin from food normally. The robbery ash was only imprisoned, but not removed. He could only rely on the most primitive, ordinary human-level digestive system to extract that insignificant Origin Origin.

He can't even eat a lot of sublimated food because his body has decayed to the point where it doesn't have the ability to properly digest those nutrients.

So much so that even aging cannot be stopped.

If it weren't for the old knight who still had a large amount of Origin Quality left over from that year, he would probably have aged and died long ago.

Even so, use a little, a little less... and it will be difficult to recover.

The more you fight, the weaker and older you become.

What's more, the enemy is still extremely skilled. If it hadn't been secretly suppressed in recent years, I'm afraid I can look forward to the former apprentice of the fourth energy level, the fluent knight Weggs.

"You have never taught me swordsmanship... and now you are evaluating the pros and cons of my swordsmanship?!"

Obviously praised by the mentor who has been chasing, but Weiggs is angry: "It is better to say that all the people in the Knights of the Patrol were really put in your eyes!"

"All the people you left behind, all the colleagues and disciples who were executed by the new emperor, those who still believed that you would come back before they died... that's how you look... with this kind of thinking!?"

Hilliard was just silent. He was really speechless.


At this moment, Weggs took out a tube of medicine from the armor, poured it directly into his mouth, or even stuffed it into his throat, crushed the medicine tube with his tough esophagus, and swallowed it into his abdomen together with the glass to absorb the medicine.

Hilliard's expression condensed, because he saw that among the potions the other party was taking, there were liquid essentia, high-level recovery potions, steel tranquilizers, and other sublimation potions that were worth hundreds of talers.

The other party is more than prepared, he is fighting with himself with the heart of death!


Blood poured into his eyes, and Weggs opened his eyes angrily.

He has already seen that Hilliard, who is old and weak, and whose body is constantly being consumed, has not much power left...

At most, there is only one blow left!

As long as he survives this blow, he can win!

Without any extra words, after taking the potion, Weggs stopped drinking and stepped forward.

Almost about to be stained red with blood, the shattered white bone armor was replenished from the earth once again. The source material in his body exploded, and the invisible power poured into the sword in his hand, and then disappeared in an instant, bringing a whirlwind storm.

The enamel scorpion spider has the ability to control calcium and use the source material to shift its center of gravity in a short period of time - this allows it to sting the 'tail hammer' with lightning speed, using its own strength and its own body weight, crushing the prey.

And Weggs uses it in his swordsmanship. His sword is the tail hammer of the scorpion spider. Every time he swings it, it is a 'sting' that is enough to smash the chariot. If coupled with the precision of the great knight Sword skills are more than enough to tear the sound barrier and the atmosphere.

At this moment, the long sword in the hand of the fluent knight drove the surrounding air to whistle, and the wind and thunder were mixed.

In the face of such a blow, Hilliard must also take it seriously. He raised the black iron sword in his hand, and the pale golden brilliance lit up. The turbulent sand and dust slapped on the illusory Origin, but issued a collision of gold and iron. sound.

The stunt of a patrol knight blasted his former mentor with all his strength, but the old knight just fought back with a long sword infused with Origin Quality—the weapons of both sides exploded with thunder during the collision, making the surrounding invisible air. Shattered and shattered, the gust of wind shook endlessly.

Catching Hilliard's heavy sword, Weggs wanted to take advantage of the situation to counterattack, but he thought that the opponent was about to be exhausted, but he was stunned to find that the old knight was slashing with a heavier sword, and once again smashed himself forcing back.

"Stronger than I thought... worthy of being a mentor!"

Gritting his teeth and insisting, the black-haired knight felt incredible, but if it was Hilliard, it would be normal to have this kind of strength - he also squeezed his own potential and the power of the potion, and continued to slash back with swift stabs.

However, there is another sword.

After a sword there is another sword.

After that, there is still a sword!

Weiggs stared incredulously at the figure in front of him, which was clearly crumbling, but was like a mountain. There was only a trace of strength and only a trace of life left, but it was able to continue to bloom far beyond his imagination, far beyond all his expectations. the power of!

No matter how Wiggs changed his moves or tried to break through Hilliard's defense, all were unsuccessful. The old knight's defense was as strong and heavy as a mountain, and his offensive was as unstoppable as a landslide.

He was obviously just an old and fragile old man, but he stood straight in front of him, always standing.

But even so!

"That's it!"

Almost frantically shouting, staring at the figure in front of him that seemed to overlap with the past, Weggs always charged with his sword: "That's it!"

And the old knight just waved his sword silently.

The storm raged, shaking the lake forest.

In the fierce confrontation, Hilliard glimpsed a flaw when Weggs' center of gravity shifted, and the black arc cut through the gust of wind. The knight wanted to swing his sword to block, but because of the momentary change, the weapon in his hand was knocked into the air.

How could Weggs not know that the situation was bad, he took a step back, the huge bone armor burst on the spot, affecting the judgment of the old knight like a reactive armor, and the whole person escaped from it, like a big cat. go.

But at the moment of retreating, he saw the arc of the black iron epee following closely, locking him firmly from beginning to end.

Hilliard was not affected by any blindfolding, and stabbed him in the heart with a sword!

Wiggs tried his best to fold his stomach and turn around, exerting strength on his waist and spine, and forcibly moved half a foot in mid-air.

But Hilliard stabbed out, still running through his shoulder blades.

The power of the no-blade epee was as easy as smashing porcelain, smashing Weggs' right arm scapula and scapula, and even part of the rib plate was smashed and fractured, and the flesh and blood turned into a mud-like pulpy structure. It's like being hit by a heavy hammer.

The black-haired knight was smashed into the air like rubbish, and rolled on the ground several times.

But at this moment when he should have declared victory, Hilliard also showed a look of astonishment.

He took two steps back, and instead of chasing, he covered his stomach.

Blood was flowing, and there was a long bone knife that looked like a hand bone.

"...good decision."

The old knight stared at the long knife made of human bones stuck in his abdomen, and exclaimed from the bottom of his heart: "I know that my right hand will be broken, so I simply manipulate the calcification of my right hand as a weapon, and I will break your bones before I break it. When the time comes, take advantage of the momentum.”

"Cough cough... Don't talk about one hand, even if I put my life on the line, in thousands of counterattacks, it's just a chance to counterattack."

Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Weggs swayed and struggled to stand up from the ground. His eyes were firmly locked on Hilliard's body. There was no emotion in his blood-soaked eyes. The deepest determination.

joy? in awe? respect? anger? hatred? question?

All complicated ideas were thrown away, and he wanted to win now.

The mentor has been injured, can he still attack? In any case, caution is required... The knight lifts his spirits and digests the medicine in his stomach. As long as he persists, he will be victorious.

Of course, it could also be his own death... But so what?

can die in...

Just when Weggs was struggling to prepare for the final confrontation, he was stunned to see that Hilliard simply broke the bone knife inserted in his abdomen, leaving only one blade inserted in the wound to avoid heavy bleeding. Then he walked away without hesitation.


Watching the silhouette of the other party away, Weggs was inexplicably stunned, but this consternation soon turned into extreme anger: "It's like this - it's like this again! Just leave without saying anything, even if it is death. Willing to tell me the truth!"

"What exactly do you want to do? Am I not worthy? Am I not even worthy to die in your hands?!"

As if the dazedness of decades ago in the palace was one with the present, Weggs stepped forward furiously, but the change of center of gravity caused by a severed hand and a severe lung injury caused his body to slant, and he could only watch helplessly. As Hilliard disappeared from his field of vision.

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