Above The Sky

Chapter 129 Predicting The Future (23)

"Ian... wait, are you hurt?!"

The moment the visitors entered, Elder Pude wanted to stand up in astonishment - but Alan, who had just woken up, was still in his arms, so he didn't really do it.


The boy said calmly, he didn't look good at the moment.

The clothes of the white-haired boy who had just entered the door were soaked by the heavy rain, and there were many holes in the cuffs and trouser legs. He was holding a black long sword in his right hand, and there was blood running under the shirt on his chest, which was tightly attached to the skin.

Ian's long hair was not tied up as before, but spread out and stuck to his face and neck. His bright pupils were a little dim, which was the obvious sequelae of overuse of psychic power.

However, compared to these embarrassed images, his ecology is quite calm. At the same time, two white people's guards also came to the door. They were a little confused and wanted to ask Elder Pude for instructions.

No matter how much Ian is valued by Pude, he still seems to be injured, but this child has a sword after all, even if they feel that even giving Ian another sword will not cause any threat to Elder Pude, but they Must be conscientious.

"Go back."

Elder Pude nodded and signaled the guards to step back, and after the sound of going downstairs came, he put Ailan, who was still rubbing his eyes, on the chair, and walked to Ian with a stride, wanting to check his injury.

"It's okay, elder."

Ian opened his hand and let the other party act helplessly: "It's a little injury, but it's all healed."

"It's all right, but the blood..."

Elder Pude frowned. After he checked, he found that Ian did not have any injuries - although the blood on his chest had become a blood scab, his clothes were not torn... He was thinking about it, but finally decided to do nothing. ask.

There is no need to ask.

If there's something Ian needs to know, he'll say, if he doesn't need to know, then it's best not to ask.

He knows this better than anyone else - knowing what he shouldn't know will only have the most tragic consequences.

Just like the family of yesteryear, seek things that shouldn't be sought, and long for impossible rewards.

"Give it back to you, Elder Pude."

While the old man was thinking, Ian pulled out the silver handgun from his waist that the elder had lent him when he left.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the gun calmly: "I don't need it."


Squinting and taking the handgun handed out by Ian, Elder Pude slowly said, "Ian, what does this mean?"

"Elder, don't worry."

And the boy pulled his hand away, his tone was calm: "I know what you mean, and my answer is that everything was within my expectations."

After Elder Pude checked the handgun, he did not find any traces of being used - not a single bullet was missing, and the ignition inscription engraved on it was not damaged at all.

Ian did come back victorious without using his 'aid'.

Looking up, the old man looked at Ian.

The young man said, "When I see the future, I don't have it."

"It didn't make sense, but I took it anyway."

"...I understand, forgive my temptation."

After being silent for a while, Elder Pude sighed, he nodded and said: "For the sublime of the second energy level, even a seriously injured, unconscious sublime, an ordinary handgun that is not charged with an alchemy module cannot cause any effect. Killing."

"But in any case, it does bring certain advantages. If it is an ordinary person, even if it is meaningless, it will definitely be used a few times."

"Ian, you are indeed a prophet... true and true."

He finally admitted it from the bottom of his heart.

It’s not that Elder Purdue doesn’t believe that Ian is a prophet. Rather, he is the person who hopes that Ian can really predict the future.

But what is the power of predicting the future? Most of the psionicists have some experience of precognition, and the foreshadowing of danger is more common.

A psyker with little talent will always feel like he might be a prophet—but true prophets and seers are very different from the kind of foreboding that psykers share.

But now, the old man can be sure that at least Ian is a true prophet who can see the trajectory of the future and even the obvious signs... When he sees the future, he does not have his own help, so when he acts later, he does not need to own help.

Ian wasn't lying.

"It's yours now."

Without hesitation, Elder Pude handed the gun to Ian: "Although it is useless, it is also a portable self-defense tool, which is better than ordinary swords."

He looked sideways at the black long sword clenched in Ian's right hand, his eyes narrowed slightly, then shook his head and said, "Of course, it can't be compared with this sword in your hand."

There was some hesitation, but in the end, Pude asked solemnly: "Ian... that lord..."

"……he left."

After taking the gun, the young man was silent for a moment, his tone was smooth and natural: "I won't come back again."

"Yeah, he has been found, and he should leave anyway."

Elder Pude did not suspect him, he let Ian sit on the guest sofa next to him, thinking: "Your injury... I declared to the outside world that it was a failure to condense the source seed, so I need to rest recently... No, just say that recently The exercise is too hard, and the spiritual power is not smooth, so take care of my uncle by the way."

"As for your uncle, he said it was a deformity attack, and he needs to rest at home without being disturbed. I have prepared the materials and the next treatment plan before, and I have sent his request document to the wharf, and the salary will be paid three times. month, and died naturally after three months.”

Regarding Ian, Elder Poud said slowly and cautiously, and decided on the spot according to the situation.

As for the identity of 'Osenna', his handling ideas are quite smooth, and he has obviously matured his thoughts.

"You are a psionicist, with a talent for sublimation... Being his disciple and getting that inheritance, naturally I don't need to worry about it."

The old man frowned, he was obviously very distressed: "But what about the inheritance of the wave chant? Viscount Grant's inheritance is the 'Abyssal Lizard Whale', which is the upper bloodline of the fourth energy level. In his eyes, he can roughly sense the progress of any low-level water bloodline's true form."

"That's not a problem." Ian didn't care: "Before the second energy level, I can disguise as the true form of water... and after the second energy level, I will temporarily leave Port Harrison."

Aware of Elder Pude's expression, the young man said with relief: "Don't worry, the existence and prosperity of the family is the foundation of my future plan."

"Elder, don't talk about feelings, only talk about future interests, and I will not give up the white people of Port Harrison."

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