Above The Sky

Chapter 13 Knights

In the scorching July, on the hot summer night, a round moon hangs high, but there are not many stars in the sky.

The original dazzling galaxy is now missing most of it, as if the vast sea of ​​​​stars is obscured by a layer of dark fog.

But the scorching wind came swiftly from the desert of the Flying Flame Land, igniting this starless night.

With no starlight, the moonlight is brighter than ever, almost like another sun.

Under the moonlight, the man surrounded by the golden haze was tall and had long gray hair. He was about forty or fifty years old, maybe even older.

His cheeks are thin, his eyes are deep, and his old face is tired.

But even so, he stood as indestructible as an iron tower.

Ian saw that the other party just put out a hand gently and pressed it on the head of the struggling native hunter. As soon as he twisted it, the hunter who was still screaming and screaming disappeared immediately.

The man who easily took one's life turned his head, looked at Orsenna's body, and then turned his head to the white-haired boy.

He is watching.

At the same time, Ian is also observing each other's clothes.

There was a half-handed sword hanging around the man's waist. The blade was more than one meter long and had no sharp edge. It was more like a ruler than a sword, and the hilt had marks of deliberate wear and tear, which seemed to be an inscription from a noble family.

And he was wearing a navy blue cape, which was tightly wrapped from head to toe. Obviously, it was only used for night travel, not a wandering knight or a forest hunter.

The two looking at each other looked at each other.

"Cough cough..."

——This is the real body of the golden mist?

With a light cough, Ian will see the golden mist and realize 'This is my adventure? ' The joy subsided, and he was surprised: "I didn't expect it to be a living person..."

"But maybe it's better."

He calmed down and clenched the pitchfork in his hand. This series of actions was taken by the knight as a surprise when he suddenly met himself.

"Relax, child."

So the man put his hands behind him and took a step back, indicating that he was not malicious.

At this moment, for the first time, instead of following behind him, he faced Ian face to face, carefully scrutinizing the boy who repeatedly surprised him.

Surprisingly unexpected.

Not to say that in other respects, the surprise this time was very simple - the child in front of him was too good-looking.

"...How could there be such a beautiful child? It's like the fairy in the legendary lake."

Wei Wei was amazed. From the old knight's point of view, Ian's appearance was beautiful. Although he was still a child, he could already see his future upright. It was very different from those noble children in the imperial capital with their baby-fat faces, but the southern immigrant area With insufficient resources, the children living here will indeed be thinner.

Of course, Ian doesn't look like the child of an ordinary fisherman's farmer's family in terms of skin color, conversation, and actions.

Thinking about it carefully, the white people of Port Harrison seem to have some impressions. Is it the one that was exiled decades ago...

Taking his thoughts back, the man looked back. This clean and plain-clothed child looked at him. Except for being a little surprised and nervous at first, most of the time his eyes were calm and his reactions were very methodical, and he never put down his weapon or relaxed his guard.

More than that.

The old knight could also notice that this unusual boy from the White People didn't even breathe.

While he was looking at each other, the boy also stared at himself, scanning up and down, no matter the tears on his clothes and the old bloodstains that could not be washed away, or the scars on the back of his face and hands, he was carefully observing and analyzing.

If you have to say it, it's like those great scholars of the Alchemist Institute, when considering the price of their own experimental materials, that kind of philistine but out of the world's eyes and expressions.

--very good.

The old knight laughed.

——The thinking is quick and clear, full of logic and planning, and based on the resolute calmness of detecting the aboriginal hunter sneaking and counterattacking just now, all qualities are the best choices.

So, the man nodded and said, "Well done, whether it is the counterattack against the abusers from the beginning, or the choice of the area to deal with the corpse, it is also impeccable to deal with the attacks of the forest leopard and the natives."

He praised: "It's a really good job."

"He knew it from the beginning?"

Startled, Ian recalled the golden glitter he had seen faintly when he opened the window to observe the street.

He couldn't help knowing in his heart: "So that's how it is... Has he been observing since then?"

But if so, why didn't he see that golden light when he chose Xihe River and Guandao before?

"It should be that there are 'dangers' in those two directions that I don't know about, enough to hold back the kind old man, so that the other party can't take care of me - or, the danger there is not so close to death, It's because the other party has already taken action to help me prevent a part of the disaster."

Ian didn't give it much thought. These are the details, and the most important thing is the flashing colors on the old knight's body.

Golden, this level of opportunity must be seized, and the other party has goodwill towards him and will help.

For that alone, he should thank the other party.

So, in the subtle silence between the two looking at each other, Ian took the initiative to say, "Thank you for your compliment."

"Sir, you can call me Ian."

The boy of eight or nine years old at most nodded slightly. His voice was young and clear, and he seemed very serious: "Thank you for your help before, may I ask your name?"


The old knight raised his brows, but he didn't realize that the other party was actually asking his name for the first time.

Is this the time to ask about this? He shook his head slightly, and said amusedly: "This is not the time to ask the name, don't you know?"

"Of course I know." And Ian also smiled: "But without your help, sir, I'm afraid I'll be hurt."

"My right arm was cut by a native hunter's knife, how should I explain it to the doctor? It's so hot in July, and my wound is likely to become inflamed and purulent. Under such weather and medical conditions, will I survive? These are all unknowns. ."

"I want to thank you, so I need your name."

"You are no ordinary child."

Squinting his eyes, the old knight said firmly: "Your psionic power should be reading minds, or sensing emotions, and predicting danger - you knew from the beginning that I had no malicious intentions, so you were so bold. No wonder you can find that hidden Aboriginal hunter with decent skills."

"But don't put too much faith in your psionic power."

At this moment, the man smiled, but soon, his expression became indifferent and cold. The old knight took a step forward, as if he was about to reach out and grab Ian's neck: "I didn't have malice before, it doesn't mean I don't now."

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