Above The Sky

Chapter 133 Source Material Structure Transfer (33)

The first time I saw Hilliard's eyes twinkling with silver light, thinking about it carefully, it should have been two years ago.

But now, the answer seems to be close at hand.

The legacy of Inaka II... the world's most precious treasure.

But if you observe carefully, you can see that the rubbing and transfer of these source material structures are based on a faint rainbow-colored light band!

Why wait under normal circumstances? It's completely unclear, and the thing with the highest strength level in Ian's hands is naturally the heavy abyssal iron sword left by Hilliard, and its strength level is 'cornerstone'.

That's half a continent away!

Because Ian used the precognition horizon to observe his own body, and it has not yet been fully integrated with his own body. At present, it can only be regarded as the core of the ancient dragon with the external sublimation organ, so he can find this.

[Body material...Sublimation change...Metal base conversion and sublimation]

In the young man's vision, the source material structure in the core of the ancient dragon is gradually spreading and derivation along an invisible vein at a slow speed.

Making it without equipment... This kind of thing requires not only the ability to control the source material, but also the extreme familiarity with the configuration and materials of alchemy potions and potions, otherwise, just a little mistake will make the whole Medicines are completely scrapped.

The silver chip that had already merged with him.

That is an active metal core with a strength level of 'authority'. It is in a dormant state due to insufficient essentia, but even so, there are still more than 500 benchmarks of essentia left in the core. There are many sources in the body.

If it wasn't for Hilliard's physical strength, the modified musculoskeletal skeleton would have required a huge amount of source material to support him. If he was just an ordinary old man, these source elements would be enough for him to live for a long time.

The effect of the ancient dragon core is not obvious at present. It is still sleeping without enough source quality. If you want to activate it, at least the first energy level Ian can't do it.

Yes, 'wait'.

The second and third times, Ian remembered, it all happened on the day when he took Originium and actually became a sand armor apprentice.

Hilliard doesn't have that level of alchemy strength, and he has absolutely no way to joke about Ian's potion—in other words, the reason why he did this was because he really had no equipment and had to have absolute confidence.

By the way, this 'Uninstall' button is still bilingual, and there is a warning next to it, you need to click 'Confirm' again to uninstall.

[First energy level, juvenile body, excellence, natural intelligent creatures, main intelligent creatures in the star field, psionic awakened individuals]

But even so, the teenager can use some of its characteristics - when Ian's own source material is stored to the limit, he can transfer his own source material to the core... It is a super-giant source material storage organ, for As far as the first energy level is concerned, its storage capacity is almost infinite.

But there are also differences.

"And the sources of grass, cattle, sheep, and grains that are specially planted by people are definitely not inferior to most of the wild counterparts. Only the dominant magical beasts and powerful creatures, such as the wild Bison giant cattle, may have a large number of sources. quality."

When I went home after buying the ingredients, Ian could feel that the silver chip had completely coexisted with himself - the other party was connected to his whole body nervous system and obeyed his brain signals.

When it wants to know the data of a certain thing, it will display various observation information, some of which are the results of his own observations and the knowledge in his memory, and some of which he does not know, but the chip is still Relatively complete information will be displayed.

The functions of the two sides overlap, but they can complement each other, and the core functions are even more different.

In addition, Ian can also observe scattered information such as surrounding wind speed, illumination, humidity, temperature, etc.

Ian didn't feel anything at that time, because his whole body was immersed in the grand prophecy, immersed in the uncontrollable hesitation and loss.

Strength level is a very strange standard, Ian has also seen this standard in the description of other items, most of them are not more than ordinary, but 'waiting'.

Although the calculated ratio between the two is not correct at all, Ian can roughly estimate that the basic essentia contained in the light blue material, the bottom line is the range of 7~15. Taking the median of 11, it is easy to estimate.

"So that's the case... Is it that it strengthened the teacher's observation ability, and provided information on alchemy and potions to guide the teacher..."

According to the calculation of the source material contained in the venison jerky, about six or seven hundred pounds of venison has a basic unit of source material, which is worth about ten thalers.

He even found the 'uninstall' button. This is probably why Hilliard was able to take the inheritance from the emperor and then pass it on to himself.

[Symmetrical humanoid carbon-based sublimation creatures on both sides of Terra Star (the people of the chalk variant)]

"Can it be transferred and carry the source material structure?!"

The chip seems to have a built-in information base. It is not comprehensive and detailed, but it can be called an encyclopedia. It is like the information about the unicorn deer and the wetland seagull before. Ian has to say that Ian does not know that the basic information is fake, but he also I really don't know that the antlers of the one-horned deer are not used to compete for the organs of the mate, but a hollow sound wave receiver, not to mention that the other migration place of this group of seagulls in front of my house is actually the northwest tundra.

Ian spent the afternoon in the market, buying a lot of high-quality food by switching between the different observations brought by his psionic power and the silver core.

But strangely, when Ian looked at himself, the chip did not give any analysis of physical fitness.

In contrast, it faithfully delivers a rather odd series of messages.

It is precisely because of this that Ian also noticed another effect of the silver chip.

Hilliard's eyes flashed with a silver halo, and he seemed to be looking for something on the cliff, and he used the vision horizon to find the central balance point of the psychic field, similar to the area of ​​​​the eye of a typhoon.

It's nothing more than the difference in the use of nouns, and he doesn't care.

Because of the loss of control of his vision, he seemed to be predicting the future.

If it is just to supplement the source essence, the sublime with the source seed can easily extract it from ordinary food - but if you want to accumulate a large amount of source essence enough to shape the sublimation organ in a short time, then the monster material is the best choice.

[Strength Level: Normal]

Here, it can also be said to be 'experience' - even if Hilliard loses his strength, he still has the eyesight of the fifth energy level of the past. Even if he only relies on experience and instinct, he may be able to find it.

The second and third time, the memory is clearer.

The young man believed that even if he didn't help, Hilliard would definitely be able to find it... But on the other hand, the teacher, whose strength had been severely weakened at that time, should not have the strength to observe the entire psionic energy field of Tawatan Cliff, and then Find a balance.

Of course, this is also because Ian has just finished his deathmatch and has not replenished his Origin Quality.

What he cares more about is the magnitude of the source quality.

In addition, because of the exploration of the ancient dragon core, Ian also noticed that the silver chip also needs energy.

Under the scan of the silver chip, Ian also found the core information that Hilliard had inherited to himself.

"I do know why the road of sublimation is so difficult to walk - apart from the calorie energy provided by food, the accumulation of source quality is also a big problem."


The question is, where does Hilliard's confidence come from?

[Contained source quality: 375.9617 basic units]

In theory, the chip should give it. After all, the first thing it does when it connects to the nerve is to check Ian's physical fitness, but as a result, it does not give attributes similar to strength X, endurance X, and perception X.

It uses source quality as energy, and consumes about 0.7 basic units in half a day, which is not too much, but it is definitely not too little. Only sublime people can afford it, and most sublime people can't make ends meet.

In Ian's eyes, the halo of psychic energy flashed like a firefly, and he thought thoughtfully: "Of course, this is just the ratio of the hooks I forcibly calculated using the vision horizon, not to mention that the unicorn deer and seagulls are both in the middle of the food chain. Consumers, the top predators like humans, must have accumulated more of the source material than these herbivorous and avian organisms."

On that day, the teacher realized that he was wrong at the first time, and then went home quickly to recuperate the source in his body, so that he woke up the first time.

The functions of the vision horizon and the silver chip in determining whether an object is rare or not are completely consistent and overlapping, but the vision horizon cannot provide more detailed information introduction and explanation, and the silver chip cannot determine the future direction.

But for the third time, when Hilliard used the power of the psionic field to refine the sand armor apprentice potion, the skill he showed like an alchemist was not something a knight should be able to do at all.

And a sublimation material of light blue mist level, worth seventy or eighty thalers, may be more expensive, mainly to see where it is produced and what kind of creature.

The original Ian didn't care about this and didn't care about the answer.

After testing and researching throughout the noon and afternoon, Ian had a rough idea of ​​the effect of the silver chip.

The silver chip uses the Gulong Core, the largest source material storage pool in Ian's body, as its energy source.

In short, these information are enough to let Ian know more about all aspects of Terra.

Ian didn't think about the standard of the cornerstone. It was obviously an evaluation system that he didn't understand at all, but it was enough to be able to distinguish between the high and the low.

Perhaps the most important effect.

Not nutritional value and calories. Although the meat of the reef-devouring sea otter has advantages in this regard, it cannot completely crush ordinary beef and mutton. What is really important is the accumulation of source substances that are thousands of times that of ordinary creatures, and the sublimation materials may reach tens of thousands of times. .

"In ordinary creatures, the source substance contained is calculated in ten thousandths, ten thousandths, and the weakest sublimation material has 10, tens of thousands of times that of ordinary creatures."

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