Above The Sky

Chapter 141 4 Years Later (13)

Terra 773, April 9.

The early spring turned from drought to tide, with frequent rains and thunderstorms, muddy official roads and the danger of flash floods. There were significantly fewer caravans entering Harrison Harbor.

But in recent years, with the emergence of new urban areas and several out-of-the-wall settlements surrounding the port, the permanent population has grown considerably more than ever.

Even without the caravan, Port Harrison is still full of life.

This sparsely populated Nanling frontier has finally gained some popularity as a regional business center.

Port Harrison, the new city, a caravan from the imperial capital is entering from the north gate and advancing along the riverside avenue beside the Ewok River.

They arrived with a large amount of alchemy substrates and pre-processed raw materials that Harrison Port could not produce independently at present, and would take away all kinds of southern Xinjiang specialties, as well as cheap Warcraft materials compared to the imperial capital.

【Platinum Iridium Workshop】

Judging from the logo, it is the name of the caravan.

The imperial capital far from the frontier has no soil for the existence of any monsters, but it is the economic and political center, and the rich and powerful emerge in an endless stream.

In such a market, the prices of potions and Warcraft materials will naturally rise.

On the other hand, Port Harrison is just the opposite. The frontier towns surrounded by dense forests of monsters lack the resources and wealth that all civilized societies should have. However, monster materials and various fur resources are not difficult to obtain, so that some cheap.

The long-distance trade between the two is extremely difficult and dangerous, but the benefits are equally enough to ignore all difficulties and obstacles.

The main body of the caravan, the gray dromedary beasts slowly lifted their feet. This desert creature that originally lived in the great desert of the Blazing Land was not very suitable for the humid environment of the southern border, so that the fur was a little knotted and tangled. together.

But their speed is not slow. The thick and hard hooves of the camel beast are said to be able to step on the charcoal fire, and even the far-flung sand that is enough to boil water cannot hurt it.

A young boy whose face was covered by a hood, under the vague protection of several tall guards, followed the caravan, and curiously looked around this city that was different from all he knew in the past.

Although the city walls here are low, there is no city defense array to protect them, and the armor of the city guards is quite cheap.

But the enthusiastic hawking in the city, and the sails of the sea, were all new to him.

"Contrary to what my mother said, Port Harrison isn't that scary - the slushy swamps in the frontier, the wild areas where bugs can eat people, the miasma jungles that can die if you're not careful, it's still too exaggerated. "

He smiled cheerfully, and then after hearing an old man beside him cough, he realized his rudeness: "Ah, I'm sorry teacher, I didn't look down on it, but everyone..."

Noticing that it seemed that the more the explanation was, the darker it seemed, the young man immediately coughed lightly and his face became tense.

The boy's words did not affect the surrounding guards, they just moved forward in silence.

"The last time I came was fifteen years ago. At that time, Port Harrison was indeed a city in the mud. Although it was not as bad as your mother said, the environment was indeed very unbearable, and the indigenous people were raging."

On the contrary, the leader of the caravan came to the boy's side. He looked around and said with some emotion: "This guy Ailes has done a really good job. I thought he had given up governing the territory long ago and was just enjoying it, but he just hibernated and waited. The timing, and now when there is an opportunity, has an amazing potential.”

"Ethan, how do you feel? Haven't you been out of Quinor Plain before?"

The man and the old man beside the boy looked at each other, nodded to each other, and then looked at his nephew with a smile.

He stretched out his hand and patted the blond boy on the shoulder: "It's the first time you've traveled far, so far from home, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"It's not bad, uncle, thanks to the teacher who took me to the foggy rainforest for three months." The young man said unexpectedly calmly: "Although I am also a little afraid that I can't bear the hardships of the journey, but now it seems that I have not Spoiled by the environment of the imperial capital."

"That's good."

The man nodded with satisfaction. He turned his head and looked along the riverside avenue to the pier at the end: "This time you have a heavy task... Don't forget your parents' expectations for you."

"Isengarde, you are already half an adult, you can't discredit the glory of the family."

To this, the teenager responded with awe: "Yes, uncle."

At this moment, the sea breeze blew, and a group of densely packed seagulls took off from the coast and headed towards the farther woods, causing everyone to look up.

On the blue sky, a shadow passed quietly, and rain clouds moved swiftly in the sky.

Along with it came a quiet drizzle.

The wind picked up.

Jingle, Jingle.

The new city is close to a street along the pier along the river. The half-new two-story building is not old, and the wind chimes hanging from the window are jingled by the sea breeze.

"got windy."

Scrolling through the pages in the cool air, the white-haired boy looked up at the window, then got up and closed the window, causing the bell to disappear.

The soundproofed double glazing made the room quiet, and fourteen-year-old Ian sat in his workshop and began to work with breathless concentration.

The workshop on the second floor of Baishi Groceries was very different from four years ago. In addition to the rows of alchemy raw materials and semi-finished substrates placed on the four walls, there were many complex instruments and large lockers.

On the four walls and the sides of various instruments, all kinds of manuscript papers were pasted everywhere, some of which were instrument operating rules, and some were experimental plans that would be changed from time to time.

On the workbench in the center of the second floor, there are manuscript papers and schematic diagrams filled with correct fonts at the front, and common tools for inscriptions, such as row-cutting blade files, inscription pens and ink, are placed at the rear.

Several broken clocks that had been dismantled in half, a completely disassembled alchemy gun, and some mechanical parts and design drawings with no apparent purpose were placed aside.

An apparently handcrafted telescope was placed in a translucent crystal case, and was used as a paperweight over several worn-out notebooks and books that were frequently flipped through.

On the wall directly in front of the workbench, there are two hand-painted 'maps', one is a topographic map and a nautical map around Harrison Port, and the other is a star map of the Nanling area. Each star is marked with its brightness. and characteristics.

It's just that this star map is very sparse, and most of the stars have been crossed out, and the pen is forceful.

On the workbench, on the silver metal armor, an old lithography pen was held tightly by a slender hand.

The young man with white hair and blue eyes held his breath, the output of the lithography pen was stable, and the fine and dense electric light formed a white arc on the tip of the pen.

He turned his wrist attentively and slowly drew lines on the nail plate, eventually forming a smooth and complex multiple geometric pattern.

These patterns are complete and smooth, with a rhythmic beauty of order, and the stability is almost the level of high-precision machine tools in the previous life.

After a while, when Ian exhaled softly, raised his wrist and raised the pen, the complex geometric patterns on the nail plate were already complete, but this was not the end.

The teenager took out a bottle of light ink with a lily pattern on the bottle from the table. He carefully used a test tube to draw a certain amount of light blue fluorescent ink from it, and then aligned it on the nail plate, where he had first inscribed with his pen. , drop the light ink.


As the light and ink dripped and merged into the nail plate, a faint blue stream of light emerged from these lines, and then quietly dimmed.

The originally inconspicuous piece of armor now has a faint light on the outer layer that is difficult for ordinary people to see, and it feels much tougher and harder to destroy.

From determining the material and finalizing the beginning of the inscription; to conceiving the overall structure and stabilizing the effect of the inscription; and finally to the completion of the writing, the light and ink enlighten the spirit.

The teenager picked it up with satisfaction and looked at it.

"Not bad," he said.

Until now, the most basic 'Shock-resistant Armor for Ether Armor' has been completed.

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