Above The Sky

Chapter 158 Your Inscription Is Very Good, Now Mine Is (33)

Just when Viscount Grant was negotiating with Master Gosse.

The blond nobleman who was hanging aside frowned slightly.

"This guy is really good at clinging, and he has found a chance to cling."

Thinking to himself, Patrick narrowed his eyes.

Ayers Grant, in the academy, and he were both underachieving students.

But compared to Patrick, who was not sociable at the time, Ailes was more independent and more popular with teachers and classmates.

The relationship between them is indeed not good, but it is not too bad. It is nothing more than the competitive heart of the two 'inexperienced' boys.

The two teenagers compare their family background, alchemy, stargazing, biology, friends, popularity, sublimation talent, and sports class results...

They compared too many things, and even the nonsense of who fished the most, they had to compare at that time.

And these bullshit things are won and lost, but it's always him who loses.

Or, apart from family background, alchemy and fishing, Patrick is always losing.

As for fishing, the two were forced to tie because they couldn't catch even a single fish.

Old Harrison was the leader of the new generation of inspectors under the late emperor at that time, or, in other words, the model of the new inspector knights.

Although the strength has not reached the third energy level, but because of the aether armed with family heritage, it also has its own place.

Patrick originally thought that the competition between himself and Ailes would continue until the two sides worked in the imperial capital - at that time, these competitions in their childhood and adolescence would have been a source of ridicule between them, and the old one. Harrison will also advance to the third energy level and become a general under the emperor's command. All in all, it is enough to talk to the Ellen family on an equal footing.

They would be allies... This idea continued until old Harrison was dispatched to the far ridges of the southern border, a wild land surrounded by endless redwoods and blue seas.

And, until he died fighting against the natives.

The Grant family is over.

This was the only thought at the time of all the families who knew about the death of old Harrison and knew him well, and the Ellen family was no exception.

If old Harrison can open up the southern border, defeat the local natives, and achieve the third energy level for the empire, then he can justifiably be canonized as a brand-new Marquis of Nanling, or at least he holds great power. The frontier viscount, became one of the new pioneering nobles.

But he died - the late emperor took pity and gave Harrison Port to Ayers, as long as he could continue his father's career, exterminate the Nanling natives, and put down the strongest nail for the empire in the extreme south of the world. The honor that His Majesty had promised them still counted for becoming the third level.

But the little Viscount Grant, who was still the first energy level at that time, might not even be able to hold Harrison Harbor.

Sure enough, little Grant's letter of help was sent to the imperial capital almost like a snowflake... But how could childhood friendship help him?

Everyone silently or indifferently ignored the letter of help.

Only he, Patrick Ellen, lends a helping hand - with his own funds, he has provided a batch of key healing potions and a boosting potion such as the power of the giant bull.

"What if you have more friends than me? What if your talent is better than me? Ailes... You can't beat me all the time."

Withdrawing his gaze, Pat squinted his eyes, looked to the other side, and kept silently watching, the smiling Bai Zhimin boy.

Excellent - really excellent.

Even a jealous person like him sometimes has to admit that some people are jealous and can't be jealous.

For example, his eldest brother, now the head of the Ellen family. For example, the rookies of the knights of the year, the current generals of the frontier.

Another example is the alchemy genius in front of him.

Patrick clearly remembered all the words of Master Gosse... This country boy, at the age of fourteen, has the level of a full-fledged alchemist?

Apprentice, junior, formal... Even the outstanding graduates of the Royal Academy of Alchemy are only at the level of a formal alchemist.

Ailes is a real alchemy waste, and there is no alchemist in Harrison Port who can teach apprentices. This proves that the other party is completely self-taught by basic reading materials-yes, the college tutor often said that as long as you fully master all the basic reading materials. Knowledge and coherence are enough for them to graduate with honors.

But is there really such a person?

Patrick didn't believe it at first, but now he does.

It's no wonder that Master Gosser will cherish his talents and invite each other.

"Is there any chance to recruit? Anyway, I only targeted Ailes before."

Patrick thinks he can try it. After all, it only takes money to recruit this kind of thing. It may not be easy to say about the Ellen family. The money is really much.

"Ethan. Come here."

After thinking for a while, Patrick turned his head and said something to his nephew, who couldn't hide his curiosity and surprise, causing his nephew to nod again and again.

Then, the young blond boy coughed lightly, and walked towards the white boy with a very formal attitude.

Ian naturally noticed the movement, and he turned to look.

"Mr. Guide."

In the most formal tone, he patted his palms and praised very politely: "Your source texture sensory skills just now are so superb, it's like art, it's amazing."

"Thank you for your compliment."

Ian couldn't help but want to laugh when he saw that the other party was not much older than him, but he had such a formal and mature etiquette.

——This is probably the nobles from the imperial capital.

For this sincere appreciation, he also bowed slightly, then raised his head and replied calmly: "Just call me Ian."

"My name is Isengard Ellen."

When the other party officially sent the name, Ian was also looking at the other party's appearance.

The boy named Isengard was wearing a black expedition suit that was easy to move. The material seemed ordinary, but the real material should be the refined leather of some kind of magical beast. His long golden hair that was shoulder-length was tied together in a mess. Under his eyebrows, lake-green clear eyes were staring at him curiously.

However, under the boy's left eye, there is a striped code composed of fine inscriptions, I don't know what the purpose is.

The other party was indeed a real nobleman, and his skin was snow-white that had never been exposed to the sun at all, but his fingers were a little rough, and even had a little messy color, which was obviously caused by long-term alchemy experiments and infiltration of medicines.

Just as Ian looked at it, Isengard put forward his request generously: "Ian... Your identification process just now was too smooth, I didn't see it too clearly. Can you demonstrate it for me again, identification I'm not very good at it, and I want to learn."

"I will pay."

He seemed to have thought of something, and then hurriedly added a sentence, generally speaking, he was relatively reserved.

For ordinary appraisers, this is a very rude request.

Everyone's method of extracting the source material and identifying the details is unique. It is a housekeeping stunt that can be passed on to future generations. How can it be shown to outsiders? It's not a question of paying or not at all.

This kind of question, other people will not ask, let alone such an open and above-mentioned requirement of 'learning'.

But Ian knew very well that the other party didn't really care that much.

He just wanted to watch and learn... and he was never rejected.

"no problem."

Raising an eyebrow, Ian didn't reject him either, because it wasn't necessary.

The guy in front of him seems to have been in the academy for too long, and has been separated from the real world, but in the final analysis, the other party is coming with good intentions, at most, he has insufficient emotional intelligence and is not human.

As a nobleman, that's pretty much the virtue, and it's considered very polite.

What's more, the other party will definitely not be able to learn the essence of his psionic energy and silver chip identification technique, and he has other skills.

Who earns who is cheaper, maybe.

"Excuse my rudeness, the appraisal is impossible to empty-handed... Excuse me, can you give me an alchemy creation that can be used for appraisal, or a psionic jewelry?"

The water-colored halo in his eyes flashed, and Ian quickly determined his goal. He smiled slightly, pointed to a gem bracelet on Isengard's wrist, and said calmly, "How about this?"

"Huh? No problem."

Isengard was a little surprised. He didn't expect the other party to see the most expensive psionic jewelry on him at a glance.

But this also means that the young appraiser in front of him does have skills that he does not understand yet!


So the blond boy took off his bracelet quite happily and handed it to Ian in front of him.

Watching this scene, Patrick frowned slightly.

"What a coincidence?" he whispered inwardly.

Ian stretched out his hand to take the bracelet. He stared at the purple and green mist in his eyes. It was definitely a psychic accessory at the second peak of the energy level. The brilliance in his eyes changed to silver-blue.

Immediately, in the young man's field of vision, the inside of the originally ambiguous purple-blue mist suddenly appeared one after another of inscription marks that were extremely clear and displayed in silver!

Ian stared at these complicated and detailed, rigorous and orderly inscription arrays like works of art, and seemed to want to burn them deeply in his mind...

Do not.

Right now, he is using the silver chip to record these psionic inscription formations that are at the peak of the second energy level!

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