Above The Sky

Chapter 162 Extreme Domain (33)

"Real mission?"

Although Ian showed just the right look of confusion, he did not ask any further questions, but waited for the Viscount to explain.

Sure enough, Viscount Grant didn't really wait for the two white people, the old and the young, to continue to cheer, and continued to talk on his own: "Actually, you should also be aware that if it is just the element crystal shell, it is impossible to let that A doting marquise who sent her son to our country part of Port Harrison."

When talking about the countryside, the Viscount did not laugh at himself, but elaborated seriously.

He could even say calmly, "The Ellen family has three sons and two daughters. The young master here is the third son. He has two half-brothers, a sister and a biological sister."

"The middle-aged blond man who looks like his nose is on his forehead is his uncle, Patrick Ellen, the regional director of the southern region of the Platinum Iridium Workshop."

"And the slightly hunchbacked old man is one of the fifteen royal masters awarded by the Royal Alchemy Association, and one of the two masters who are still teaching within the association. He is also my original alchemy tutor, Gosey. Abid."

Having said that, the Viscount did not continue to speak, because he believed that the two people present could understand what he meant.


Elder Pude nodded thoughtfully: "Although strategic creatures are important, they really need to be divided into levels. A few first-level sublimators are enough - the element crystal shells are not really magical beasts, an ordinary reconnaissance. The team can complete the material recovery task."

"At most, a second-level leader can lead the team. This young master is worthy of this configuration, but the two of them are a bit fanciful."

"Patrick won't necessarily make a move." Viscount Grant said: "The Ellen family is now very competitive internally... Little Ethan's two brothers and the sister are not fuel-efficient lamps. Although Pat is not smart, he will not choose Side stand - especially with Ethan."

——No, he has already chosen, but he did not choose Ethan.

Ian complained in his heart, he knew that the Viscount's speculation was correct, the reason why the blond nobleman came here was absolutely not the element Jingbei, and the other party was obviously not very interested in this task.

In contrast, he has other things in mind. As for whether this matter is the real task of the Viscount, or to assassinate his nephew... that is another matter.


And Viscount Grant concluded: "Apart from the element crystal shell, the Ellen family must have other plans, and maybe even the element crystal shell is just a cover up."

When the Viscount said this, his tone was decisive. Both Ian and Elder Pude knew very well that the other party must have obtained some information to dare to be so sure.

In fact, it is indeed the case - with the specialty trade in recent years, Viscount Grant has a number of channels in the imperial city, of course, it may also be the favor of his father in the past, and most of his sources are very accurate.

"Pude, Ian."

The man stared at the two white people with piercing eyes: "For you, this is an opportunity."

"Ian, your talent astounds me, you're smart, and you're not tempted to know that staying in Port Harrison is the best option for you—but Master Gosse is right, compared to you It is true that I will only delay you, so you must maintain a good relationship with Master Gosser on this mission.”

"He is the only master in the Alchemy Association who is still educating the younger generation. He has a complete set of alchemy books in his hand, and the collection of books is so rich and comprehensive that the entire empire may not be able to find the second one, as long as he is willing to help you. , you don't have to worry about self-taught material at all."

He turned his head and looked at Elder Pude: "Old guy, you have a chance to lead the family to wash your reputation in your heart - the previous emperor demoted you, but the current majesty will not care too much, as long as you make contributions and show value, Getting back the surname is just around the corner."

I have to say that Viscount Grant has done a very good job in drawing cakes and guiding people. This ability has nothing to do with learning ability, but a natural instinct, which Ian admires.

But... Ian sensed a hint of urgency from the other party's words.

"Oh...I probably understand."

The young Bai Zhimin had a clear understanding in his heart: "If there is a so-called real mission, it is definitely inseparable from the labyrinth. It may even be a group of ruins!"

"Viscount Grant is also a descendant of the pioneering group in the past. He should also know the existence of the South China Sea Relics Group and regard it as a forbidden one, so he wants to pay close attention to the movements of this survey group, and wants to use us as nails and insert them into it. ."

"We can indeed get benefits, and we will definitely do our best. The mission of the survey team will be smoother with the help of us locals, and he can also successfully obtain information. It is a win-win situation."

After almost instructing this, Ian left the Viscount Mansion, while Elder Pude stayed, and the two still had some government and military affairs to discuss.

When he left, he saw that Yam and Lamar were also in the hall on the first floor of the Viscount Mansion. They seemed to be chatting about something, so they both smiled and nodded to Ian as a greeting.

Because of the tasks of the Ellen family and the imperial capital, the top management of Port Harrison has started to operate again... Maybe more than that.

But Ian didn't care much about that.

Now, he pays more attention to his own strength.

"My sand armor apprentice has already cultivated three source organs. He has been improving his physical quality for the past four years, and now he has fully adapted to it. It can be said that even when the teacher was at the first energy level, he should have Between my brother and sister."

On the way home, Ian couldn't help but start thinking about his sublime heritage.

Hilliard once said that because of Ian's super-first-class source seed, the speed and quality of his condensing source material is far superior to that of ordinary sublimators. Even the descendants of the great nobles, for the sake of safety, would not choose such a radical as him. high-efficiency source.

It is precisely because of such a high-quality source seed that Ian can quickly accumulate the source material to build his sublimation organ in the follow-up, and become an official sublimator.

However, he was too young at that time, and even if he became a sublime, he could not fully exert his otherworldly power.

until now.

The current Ian, after four years of precipitation, has reached what Hilliard said, the theoretical limit of the first energy level of the 'Sand Armor Apprentice'.

His three sublimation organs, the 'Heart of Fertile Earth', the 'Pure Rock Crystal Bone', and the 'Sand Armor Rock Core' are all about to fully mature.

And the reason why he didn't completely fix them into a complete form was simply because of a possibility that Hilliard told him at the beginning.

——There are speculations about the fifth energy level and above, the 'extreme realm'.

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