Above The Sky

Chapter 166 The Possibility Of Distortion (13)

"It was the first time I saw a Terran with a cold and a fever, but I didn't expect it to be my own brother."

And after Elan drank the purified antipyretic soup, which was almost half an alchemy potion, the fever was indeed curbed, and at least he didn't look so uncomfortable.

Ian stretched out his hand and pressed it on Elan's left shoulder, his eyes were deep: "The left shoulder is also a steel bone - it seems that our ancestors of the white people must have a strong ancestor who practiced and has a bloodline related to the steel bone. One after another, atavisms appear in this generation.”

Not to mention that the other party is his younger brother, the distortion also gave him a little inspiration.

The results were mixed for him.

Now, he also doesn't feel that taking care of Elan is a waste of time.

But most of them are twisted and weak beings, but there is a pair of parents who have powerful powers and can protect them from being naturally eliminated.

Combining some biological alchemy books and some experiences from previous lives, Ian boldly speculates that the distortion may be the result of the random intermarriage of the "ancestors" in the Lost Era in the early days of modern Terra civilization.

Therefore, nowadays, both nobles and commoners believe that intermarriage between different bloodlines is a great taboo, and the reproduction between nobles also strictly follows the relevant rules, and even the birth of offspring without bloodline characteristics is not encouraged.

"What's more, will there be some distortions on my body?"

The teenager was not nervous, on the contrary, he was even a little curious: "The other peak period of distortion is adolescence. I can suppress the distortion in childhood, but the brain development in adolescence is extremely violent, if I force it, I'm afraid it will have a great impact on Elam's intelligence."

Ailan obediently went to wash and exercise. After the two brothers finished their meal, Ailan continued to learn and play by himself, while Ian went out and went to the elders hall to find Elder Pude.

Because in that case, if the descendants of nobles with half of the characteristics of unmanifested bloodline continue to intermarry with other commoners, it may lead to the wrong manifestation of recessive genetic factors, resulting in secondary aberrations in the second or even multiple generations.

"Today you will be punished for eating one more egg, and you have to eat the fish bones too!"

"Fortunately, Elan is usually well nourished, at least not like Osenna, because the lack of nutrition cannot fully develop and lead to distortion... The most dangerous level has passed, and I only need to pay attention later, so that the distortion will not continue. "

"Sublimation must be carried out, and distortion must be studied. This is sound."

At that time, there were not so many taboos among sublimators, and everyone did not know about aberrations. Many sublimators with different bloodlines were married to each other, so that a large number of aberrations like Chimera were born.

This time, he had to order some magical beast materials, tell the other party the hostility and related speculations he saw in Patrick, and ask a question about the ancestors of the white people.

Elan's fever is, in essence, a release of cellular energy brought about by slow self-transformation... Because of Ian's source of comfort, the boy has calmed down, and it is estimated that the fever will be completely subsided tomorrow morning.

Taking a long sigh, Ian felt the importance of eating, drinking and sleeping well - a healthy and regular diet and sleep, and even the distortion can be suppressed!

Today, human genes are no longer flawless, but are mixed with many scattered bloodline gene fragments... This is a genetic disaster that is enough to prevent human beings from being able to reach the high-level path of ascension.

"Have a good rest and don't move."

The distortion of Orsenna is a typical multi-generation secondary distortion.

"Mmm Good……"

It is well known—at least to the ascendants—that the origins of the kingdoms were the major sanctuaries after the cataclysm. At that time, the number of human beings was scarce. Once they were mixed into the aberrant bloodline, after a few generations, basically everyone was involved.

Origin quality, psychic energy and chip are three-pronged, and soon, he found the problem.

Standing up, Ian went to boil another jug ​​of water and put it next to Ellen for backup. He brought a chair and blanket over and prepared to sit next to his brother to rest.

After all these emergency measures, Ian began to conduct an in-depth inspection.

Uncle Orsenna's "abnormal bone" is the abnormal change of the sublimation organ "steel bone". Because there is not enough nutrients, it cannot develop successfully. In addition, the original source structure is not comprehensive, so it develops incorrectly.

For these reasons, nobles who do not follow the rules of bloodline will be regarded as barbarians and punished or even removed from their names.

Ian, who was frying eggs and fish in the morning, heard a pounding movement behind him, and then felt the energetic charge of his younger brother slamming into his hind legs - Elan didn't seem to realize that he had passed out with a rapid high fever. , I thought I was just drowsy and fell asleep.

So the question is, what is the distortion?

When he got home, Ian immediately noticed something was wrong with Elan. He immediately used the vision and silver chip to double scan, and then he learned the fact that the other party had a fever.

Take medicine, cook medicine, and simply refine and purify medicine. All of Ian's actions are done in one go, which can be said to show the excellent basic skills of an alchemist.

This is also the reason why almost all races in Terra have aberrations.

"It seems that, before the age of fourteen, Elan will either cultivate an inheritance related to the 'steel bone' and 'crystal bone', like me, or obtain an alchemy potion that can normally suppress the distortion."

Turning his head, Ian stretched out his hand and rubbed his face with an embarrassed, pitiful little face, and then patted the other person's head: "Go to exercise, then wash up. I'll come back at noon to cook for you, if you're sleepy, Go to bed and rest more recently."

"Osenna's cheap uncle's deformed bone is due to insufficient nutrition when he was young, so it leads to incomplete development. The steel bone is limited to the legs and oppresses the growth of normal legs, so it becomes that kind of weird carapace. Tumor shape."

After Ian finished feeding the medicine, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on Elan's forehead.

"Eight years old is indeed a period of rapid growth - this should be the cause of the distortion of most people in the past."

These early aberrations, lycanthropes, and even the legendary monsters and aliens, some even possessed extremely powerful powers, and even became the earliest inspiration for the true form at that time.

Terra Continent is essentially no different from Earth. In the past 1800 years, whose ancestors were not the survivors of the previous era, the ones with hard luck and strong health?

And the aberrants are absolutely not allowed to marry and leave children, so as to avoid further contamination of the human gene pool that has almost collapsed.

Ian went home today, originally wanting to add a brand new sublimation organ to the true form of the Wave Chanter, and initially drew up a tentative plan. By the way, I thought about how much research funding and monster materials I would get from Elder Pude tomorrow.

"Brother?" Halfway through, Ellen woke up once confused and wanted to get up to say hello, but was quickly pushed back by Ian and continued to lie on the bed.

These mutated bloodlines have been passed down and mixed with each other, polluting the gene pool of the entire early human race.

Ian's parents have both sublimated and deformed ones. In general, at least the genetic talent cannot be said to be ordinary.

"Brother, I'm sorry, it seemed like yesterday, I slept on the table..."

However, in the final analysis, the so-called distortion is essentially the presentation of fragments of a sublimated bloodline, but it has not developed successfully for various reasons-it is not a complete curse, but an incomplete false blessing.

When they were still in the imperial capital, what kind of inheritance did they cultivate as a white people?

Or rather, he wanted to know.

The blue-gold source material flows, and there is even a silver halo in the eyes of the teenager: "Although it is not very serious, Elan has always been healthy, what is going on?"

"The conversion between blood vessels and true form will definitely lead to redundant organs, which will cause distortion... In contrast, is it possible that controllable directional distortion is also a way to increase sublimation organs? "

Theoretically speaking, the perfect genetic race of the Terrans, even if they are brothers and sisters combined for hundreds of years, will not have any distortion. Even in the radiation environment, Ian is quite suspicious of the possibility of mutation.

After all, according to Ian's knowledge, many unique sublimation organs in the later stage of powerful sublimation inheritance need to elevate the essence of life - whether it is to use high-energy radiation to induce birth, or to completely phase and multiply, it seems that it can be regarded as As a controllable and powerful distortion feature?

"In the process, even for the treatment of Elam, more research is needed on related topics."

The teenager held back his laughter, and then frightened Elland: "This is the result of not eating well and exercising normally, but suddenly feeling sleepy after studying at night!"

The next morning.

With this thought in mind, Ian sat on the chair and slowly fell asleep after confirming that Alan was sleeping in the city.

Because everyone's ancestors are the descendants of those who were originally ascended and those who married them.


Therefore, the radiation genetic disease he had guessed earlier could not actually happen to the Terrans.

"Distortion... Or, does a part of the bloodline return to the ancestors..."

Judging from his current experience, if the Terrans add a little bit of strengthening, the space on the body may not be a problem, and the cosmic rays may not be distorted for decades.

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