Above The Sky

Chapter 169 Alien And Alien (13)

Feather shedding. Like the afterglow of the fairy, it is the first energy level material of the fairy system.

The second energy level is the fairy's flying feathers and the fairy's streamer.

The goblin is a naturally sublimated species with the second energy level of all members. It was a legend in the pre-epoch era, and some people even thought it was just a fairy tale.

As a result, I never thought that in the era after the fall of the sky, the goblin had almost disappeared, but instead returned to the stage of Terra once again, even in the distant inner sea of ​​the falling star, or the current 'Raging Sea' around the establishment. It belongs to its own small city-state 'City of Falling Stars'.

In the human kingdom, intelligent creatures that do not belong to humans or beasts are called 'alien' and 'alien'.

It’s ridiculous, the relationship between humans and aliens is mostly close. For example, the aliens such as goblins who live in the poor hills with no interests, and the aliens who settle in the primitive jungles such as treemen have established diplomatic relations with many major forces. , their power is also extremely strong, even the empire is not willing to fight against them.

The most important thing is that no matter how you play, it is definitely not worth it.

On the contrary, human beings themselves and their own kin, but because they have the same biological chain and living space, they often fight endlessly.

As for the aliens, they are far from being treated so well, but what is even more ironic is that the most numerous alien races are probably human.

Those first-generation Ascenders intermarryed each other, and gave birth to the offspring of mutants with powerful powers—their deformed but powerful bloodlines have also been passed down with wisdom until today.

Aberration giants, multi-armed trolls, two-headed ogres, shapeless ones, snake demons, red-haired snow monsters...

These huge, deformed, and even indescribably ugly races, first because of prejudice, and then because of their abominable nature completely separated from human beings, so they became the aliens they are now.

They have a direct blood connection with humans, and they have not even had reproductive isolation today. Compared with the alien races such as goblins and tree people, they are more hated by humans.

There are not many books describing aliens. Instead, there are many stories and travel notes describing alien customs. It is through those miscellaneous books that Ian learns everything about fairies, so he is more and more curious about this race.

And today, it was the time when he saw the 'part of the goblin' in a real sense.

"Most of the goblin's materials are sold by themselves... This race is a pure psionic creature, and their external form is the materialized psionic seed that gathers the natural psionic field in the heavens and the earth. And the outer shell condensed from a part of the source material, or a tool used to influence the outside world."

Recalling the racial information of the goblins, Ian opened the stone box with anticipation: "So after a goblin dies, the psionic seeds return to goblins to breed new goblins, and their bodies become pure potions. Materials - Fairies sell these materials, part of the money is shared, and most of the money is reserved for new fairies as the starting capital for life."

"It's a wonderful race. If I have the chance, I really want to see it."

With such emotion, the stone box was opened.

Then, the entire workbench was illuminated by a brilliant blue light.

Naturally, Ian wouldn't be caught by the light, and he could even see more clearly.

So he hesitated.

"Is this the fairy's wings?"

Ian picked up the box with a weird face and looked at the contents carefully: "Is there a misunderstanding of the goblin, or is this goblin really a little weird?"

It can be seen that the goblin shedding feathers in the marble stone box are not the same as the goblin wings in Ian's fantasy and the description of the books under normal circumstances.

It doesn't look like some kind of gorgeous butterfly wings, or soft and fine feathers... It's not even the kind of fantasy light wing made of various colored crystals and geometric shapes...

It's a whole piece.

A solid piece, as if condensed from unmelting ice... a wing.

Yes, it's the wings.

As a rocket engineer, how could Ian not know what a plane's wings look like? He is very familiar with the wing, and the fairy's wings are not only similar in shape, but also very structured. They are almost standard integral siding wings. The two layers seem to be fragile and actually tough. The transparent sublimation material is embedded with a thin fluorescent film, so the appearance is very smooth.

The space inside the wing is supported by icicles with a triangular structure. It looks fragile, but it is actually sturdy and scary, completely contrary to Ian's inherent impression of the goblin's wings being soft and fluttering.

And it's still glowing.

A pair of goblin molting feathers, which looked obviously very wrong, were placed in the stone box like this, and the young man's workbench was shining brightly, making his expression gloomy and uncertain. Keeping pace with the times' or 'What the hell are fairies in this world? ! ’.

Fortunately, Ian himself is indeed a big-hearted person, and he thought about it: "After all, goblins are born to fly, isn't it normal to outperform their contemporary humans in aerodynamics and flying wing design? It is said that Yanjiang that There are winged people living on the side, but the winged people over there can't change their physical characteristics freely, and they are indeed slightly inferior to fairies in this regard."

After finding a reason, Ian began to calm down and study this fairy material that was about to be made into a 'half potion' by himself.

Yes, half potions.

What Ian has to do now is to extract the source material structure in the wings of this 'water elf', then make it into a semi-potion, and then burn it into the silver chip to connect with the original wave chant's true form, In addition to the fixed 'two sublimation organs', add an extra fairy's sublimation organ.

Because it is not a magic potion that truly transforms the essence of human life, but only on the premise that the essence has been successfully transformed, an additional sublimation organ is added, so it is called a semi-magic potion.

In fact, half potions are far more technically difficult than full potions.

In the final analysis, this is an intermediate mode that is converted from true form to bloodline, and it is extremely easy to distort in theory... But let's not talk about Ian has done many prediction experiments with the precognition horizon. With a silver chip as the base, he can't at most This material is wasted.

"It's better not to waste it. It's not easy for Elder Pude to find a goblin material. I'm afraid I have to catch up with Master Gesai before I can get a channel, but that's too slow."

Exhaling a breath, Ian's eyes lit up with a silver-blue halo.

Immediately, the information of the material in front of him turned into dense data in small characters, which appeared in front of him.

【Fairy Moulting Feather (Icelandic Species)】

[First energy level, unprocessed, elite, edible]

[The fairy living in the small town of Iceland, the ice wings that fell off due to transformation. The main material is non-melting ice, which is formed by incorporating a certain amount of suspended sea dust and sand. It is extremely hard, but has low toughness.]

[Can be used as water potion material, alchemy material and inscription light ink material]

[Storage on weekdays, it should be placed in a cool and dry place, and frozen is the best. If there are no conditions, it can be soaked in pure water with a purity of more than 90.75% for storage. When making potions, the sealed water can be regarded as a complete material, which can guarantee More than 98% effect]

[Contained source quality: 157.4093 base units]


Silver light flickered.

After confirming the specific information, Ian turned on the vacuum distillation apparatus in the workshop.

The refining of the potion is about to begin.

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