Above The Sky

Chapter 191 The Day To Go To Sea (13)

This was indeed a question, Viscount Grant frowned.

Obviously, Ian is right. He has long known about the recent restlessness of the Tenglan Department, and he has indeed thought about the possible impact of the other party on Zhanhai Crystal Dragon... But he originally planned to keep this group of natives as demons, okay Increase your key weight in this mission.

The natives attacked the exploration team, and the local lords worked hard to rescue. Although the main credit belongs to the Ellen family, the Grant family made an indelible contribution to the final success!

This is a good script!

However, if there is a strong attack on the Isengard killer, and there may be a surprise soldier in the flames...

"I understand, indeed, that this time may be more dangerous than I thought."

Stopping, Viscount Grant nodded solemnly, and said to Ian and Elder Pude: "Pude, you'll come with me to overhaul Zhenglan later, I have to maintain the point where I can be dispatched anytime, anywhere."

"no problem."

Since it was helpful to Ian's safety, Elder Pude did not hesitate - Viscount Grant said some words of encouragement to Ian, praising him for his thoughtfulness and keen perception, and then left with Pude.

They have always acted resolutely... After all, they are not the same as the nobles in the central region of the empire.

Next to Port Harrison, there are really natives!

Guys who don't have this kind of action ability are already dead.

After being guaranteed, Ian did not rest. He came to his workshop at the fastest speed and began to prepare and debug some related alchemy potions.

The time to go to sea is within this week, before the storm.

Although he had some pharmacy reserves before, there is definitely no harm in preparing more... the most is to spend more money.

"Fortunately, there was a reward from Mr. Yinfang a few days ago, otherwise, it would definitely go bankrupt this time."

In the workshop, the element precipitation pool like a fish tank lit up with a faint blue light.

Ian stared at the alchemy matrix that was gradually changing in the pool, but did not feel fear in his heart, but felt anticipation for the upcoming exploration: "Although, these days, I have been thinking about whether it is dangerous or not, conspiracy not conspiracy, etc. s things……"

"But the labyrinth, and the dragon seed... these are things that have never been seen before."

In the faint blue water, the youth's eyes were reflected, and Ian could be seen smiling: "I'm really... looking forward to it."

Time is fast, and the days are spent in preparation and waiting.

Isengard and Master Gosse prepare a plan for a possible surprise attack. Patrick is still plotting an unknown conspiracy.

The movement of the natives has become so obvious that ordinary people in Port Harrison have a hunch.

Viscount Grant and Elder Pude have not left the arsenal underground in the Viscount Mansion for a few days, while Knight Yam, Lamar and others are also preparing the logistics and funds for the fleet.

The sea also seems to have fallen into silence. The South China Sea has been calm recently, which makes the fishermen feel uneasy, because in this season, the calmer the day, the more violent the typhoon will be in the future.

As for the pirates, Ian didn't know the situation very well, but the silver chip showed that they had moved to another location, and that was an area beyond the chip's limit detection range.

However, the sharks have been tracking them from a distance, and come and report to Ian from time to time, so it is not completely ignorant.

Imperial Outsiders, Port Harrison, Natives, and Pirates.

If you add the 'Zhanhai Crystal Dragon', which is regarded as the mission target by most of the forces...

It can be said that the entire coastal area of ​​Nanling Province is just about to come.

And just today - April 16, Terra 773.

The storm has come.

April 16 morning.

The sultry morning atmosphere made it uneasy to lie in bed, and many elderly people got up early to look at the clouds and mountains facing the sea and the wind blowing the forest sea.

They, who have lived in the South China Sea for decades, know better than anyone that a rare storm is about to come, on this extremely hot and humid day, which makes people lose their appetites.

But just as a storm can't affect the exploration ship of the platinum-iridium workshop to set off to the open sea, the hot and humid weather can't affect the appetite of the little boy of Bai Zhimin.

"Hey, eat slowly, don't choke..."

After the morning exercise, when Ian came out of the kitchen and served a pot of kelp and pork ribs soup, he saw that the breakfast in bed had been swept away by his younger brother.

Bread, broth, eggs, and a well-prepared grilled devil fish steak - to be exact, Ian's handmade fish steak burger, which is also filled with high-quality green leaves, tomatoes and tart berries. is healthy taste.

Talking to people of this era about what kind of junk food a hamburger is, is to underestimate the nutritional value of the ingredients. In this era when many people can't eat oil, Ian's ability to fry fish steak is already a luxury among luxury.


Hearing Ian's voice, Alan raised his head in confusion, holding the last bits of bread and minced meat from the fish steak burger in his hand.

The boy's mouth was bulging, and the food was obviously very fragrant, and he looked like a big redwood squirrel.

Weak, cute, and can eat.jpg

"Forget it, just don't choke."

Shaking his head slightly, although Elan's appetite is far less than his, but Ian is very clear that this is probably the 'sequelae' of suppressing the distortion for Elan.

In other words, reasonable development.

The steel bones in Ellen's shoulders did not stop developing due to malnutrition, and were distorted. Now they have begun to develop slowly... This development is a very slow process, and it basically grows with the normal bones of boys, which is a bit like The process of awakening the bloodline seeds spontaneously by the descendants of the ascendants above the third energy level.

After Elam's puberty, the steel bone will gradually mature and become a whole primary sublimation organ.

During this process, Elan will at some point ingest a lot of nutrients and store them in the steel skeleton process to prepare for the formal sublimation of puberty.

But in the same way, if the threshold cannot be crossed at that time, these nutrients will become the fuel for the aberration, burning up Elam's life and creating a terrifying aberration tissue.

"The silver peak messenger's potion has some clues, mainly because the materials are not easy to obtain... and to be honest, the silver peak messenger obviously lacks potential, I can absorb some of the parts at most, as a plug-in for the blood of the goblin, not really Let Ellen be the messenger of Silver Peak."

Rubbing the little boy's head, Ian asked him to carry the dishes himself to wash the dishes - Elan was about to be nine years old, and doing housework was a matter of course.

What's more, anyone who likes to cook knows that cooking is one thing, and washing the dishes after eating is another.

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