Above The Sky

Chapter 193 Haha, You Also Know That I Have Children? (33)

Because of the Whale Song battle in the past, the armament technology of the sea descendants has always been the top in the world, which can be compared with the dwarves. Although they originated from the sea, they did not reject the flames, and in the combination of alchemy inscriptions, they were at the forefront of the world.

Each long sword has peculiar abilities, endowed by inscriptions, which can be extremely powerful in the hands of a master samurai.

Such a superb sea-born sword is enough to buy a house in the new town of Port Harrison and leave it as a family heirloom for descendants.

When the cruiser noticed Ian's gaze, he showed his fangs and smiled back - he's a real Whalesong Cliff, no wonder there is a way to get this weapon.

"you arrived."

When Ian was about to visit Master Gosey, the old man on crutches found him in advance: "Get ready to go, I'll be waiting for you."


Hearing this, Ian couldn't help but be stunned for a moment - the news he got was that he was going to sea at noon, why was it suddenly a few hours earlier?

It was too sudden.

Even Patrick, who was on the side, was stunned: "Are you going to sea now? The manpower I have drawn from the surrounding provinces a few days ago is still on the way... It will definitely arrive before noon."

"No need."

In this regard, Master Gosse obviously has a different opinion: "They were originally a deception. I asked you to call more people just to let the possible killers waste time on those 'helpers'."

"Let's set off now and find the target track as quickly as possible so that they can't keep up with us. It's far more useful than adding a dozen or so guards who don't know if there are spies."

In fact, the reason for this is not very solid, but in general, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

What's more, even though he had a different idea, he really protected Master Gosse - just look at Patrick's headache.

Although it seemed that it was only a headache because Master Gosey suddenly changed his plan, in fact, Ian could guess without even thinking about using it. The blond nobleman must have felt unhappy that the group of inner ghosts he had finally summoned were useless.

"That's it." Patrick didn't say much in the end, but followed the advice of Master Gosse.

So Ian and others began to prepare to board the ship.

There was no accident when boarding the ship. Patrick stayed on the shore and watched the group carry supplies and instruments in an orderly manner, and then watched the exploration ship leave.

His brows were furrowed, but the back was soothing.

"It's only a few hours." The man thought to himself: "If you want to chase, you can definitely catch up... But look at it like this."

"Has the teacher really started to doubt me?"

Patrick is very confident in his hiding. After all, he is not an excellent student, nor is he a very qualified excellent noble, and he has never been involved in any intra-clan struggle, and he also does not want Isengard to die from the bottom of his heart. .

This kid...is a good kid.

So, why must it be involved in the sibling rivalry, in the battle between the royal family and the aristocracy?

"It's the same as I was back then... Wouldn't it be good to just admit defeat?"

He sighed in his heart, but Patrick did not hesitate. He was about to go to a hidden place to communicate with the hired elf pirates, and muttered to himself: "Strange, even Ailes doesn't know about the early departure of the exploration ship? ?"

"No, I know."

At this moment, a low male voice appeared behind the blond nobleman, which surprised Patrick.


Patrick turned his head, and sure enough, the Viscount was standing behind him with a calm smile: "Pat, your heart is messed up, otherwise, you shouldn't be able to detect me with your strength."

"Did you hide with water mist just now?"

The blond aristocrat understands that this place is located on the coast, and the humidity itself is heavy. For Viscount Grant, a water sublimator, he has his own cover. As long as the other party is standing in a slightly hidden place, it is difficult to be found.

The Viscount did not answer, tacitly acknowledging this.

He raised his head, looked at the exploration ship that was heading for the distant coastline, and thoughtfully said to himself: "Isengard...is Aveline's child? That little girl, she has always liked Wilder before. , after Ellie's death, it can be considered as one's wish..."

Avrina Setar. Or rather, Avrina Ellen. The Emperor of the Empire, the youngest daughter of Axel the Keeper, and the current Marquise of Ellen.

Wild Ellen is the current Ellen family head, Patrick's eldest brother.

And Ellie is the former marquise, the daughter of a small noble, but she can be regarded as the official wife of the Ming media, even if she is a princess, she is just a successor.

"Hmph...that woman really fucks."

Patrick snorted coldly. For Viscount Grant, he had nothing to hide: "Big brother, he can't control the following. He has a child with his cousin, and he has an embarrassing position as the boss. He obviously has blood, but he is only a concubine."

"Eli gave birth to his eldest son and eldest daughter, but he didn't support him. Instead, he made Afrina, a stupid woman, become ambitious."

"This child Yisen is not suitable to be the head of the family. He is soft-hearted and innocent. Although he is smart, it is the intelligence and clarity of a scholar, not the cunning and cruelty that a family head needs."

"Some things should be left to children to choose."

He said this, clearly indignant.

And Viscount Grant glanced at him sideways: "Just like you did, give up the competition directly?"

"What is there to compete with big brother? Didn't you also fear big brother at the beginning? The brothers are just fighting for the boss position. He is the boss. I admit defeat and change to a comfortable position.

Patrick shrugged: "You don't know how comfortable it is for me to be the chief steward of the South. In the future, I don't need to be too afraid of the head of the family. I don't plan to leave any children anyway, and my status is very detached."

The blond aristocrat did a good job on the surface, as if he really didn't care about it, but the Viscount broke his defense with just one sentence, showing a startled look: "Haha, how do you know that I already have a child?"

At this moment, a gust of wind swept the cloud sails, causing the waves to churn.

Raindrops fall. What followed was a flash of light that ripped through the dark clouds.

rumbling rumbling...

The thunder and heavy rain of early spring finally came to Port Harrison.


"As soon as we go out to sea, it will rain, and this time is really accurate."

On the deck, Ian raised his head and stared at the thunder in the sky: "Sure enough, the breath of the storm is strong, and many of the beasts that were lurking are now active."

"Thunder-hunting jellyfish, the electric discharge demon fish I encountered before, and the great sea eels and electric eels in Odell Reef... If my guess is true, then there must be a lot of thunder-type demon beasts in this sea area."

He lowered his head again, the water-colored psychic halo glanced at the sea, and then smiled at the many blue mists among the blue waves: "And."

"This trip will definitely not be small."

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