Above The Sky

Chapter 215 The Death Of The Great Shaman! (54, Ask For A Monthly Pass!)


At this moment, the native great shaman still hasn't figured out what's going on... He is clearly a wave chant, but he burst out with a high speed that is impossible for any first-level wave chant. Besides, The body is also extremely hard, and the strength is incredible.

As he predicted, the flesh and blood of the crocodile dragon is too hard for ordinary people, but it is just the right cushion for the sand armor apprentice - after he blasted the flesh and blood on the top of the crocodile dragon's head, a huge blood hole, When the minced meat was scattered, he even felt that he only needed to go a step further, and he could directly rush into the crocodile dragon's brain, completely destroying the mind center of this beast.

In the back of the crocodile dragon, which is constantly struggling and rolling, and the pain is terrifying, the flesh and blood humanoid and Ian will start a last desperate fight.

Or a monster that cannot be evaluated with common sense.

He pulled out the iron sword of Chongyuan, brought a handful of orange-red blood flowers, and then slashed with his backhand, smashing several tentacles of flesh and blood that wanted to get close to him.

Just below him.

From the disintegrating flesh and blood, he grasped the iron sword of Chongyuan again, and Ian held the sword in his backhand, and he was about to insert it into the gap above the head of the crocodile dragon, and use the source material to severely damage the opponent's brain.

At the moment of this blow, even the sea water was ripped apart, and the high-speed water flow visible to the naked eye swept in all directions. , turned into a blur of flesh and blood.

The sword light flashed, like a flying star breaking through the sky.

Bang! The dull impact sounded, and the flesh and blood figure was obviously stunned - he felt that he was enough to hit the stone claw that penetrated the reef into a thick and solid alloy plate. After drifting, the body is unstable.

Fighting in water doesn't need a fulcrum on land. With fairy wings, there are fulcrums everywhere - he jumped up immediately, then drove the fairy wings forward, and kicked at the hilt of the sword.

The two sides looked at each other - if this is also called looking at each other, then both Ian and the other party understood one thing.

He let out a breath—or rather, let out a stream of water, and Ian's eyes lit up with a silver-blue halo.

But Ian seems to have expected it.

Thinking of this, the great shaman knows that he has not lost yet... Crocodile Dragon has not lost either.


The power far surpassed that of the arm exploded, causing the fleshy humanoid's arm holding the long sword to loosen, and the long sword pierced into his chest.

The young man held the sword back, then aimed it hard, and inserted it!

And Ian spat out a mouthful of blood and smiled.

"It seems that that is the incarnation of the great shaman in the main body of the totem - killing it is equivalent to temporarily killing the soul of this beast."

This is the final part of the battle.

At this moment, Ian had already carried a terrifying impact that made him feel like his body was shattering, and slammed straight into the center of the Crocodile Dragon's forehead.

The flesh and blood humanoid still wanted to struggle, but under the sword that even the water in the deep sea was torn into steam, its entire body was split by a sword.

The sword in his hand was clamped, and the offensive was blocked for a while, and the surrounding crocodile dragon flesh and blood swept like tentacles to capture the young man.

After that, all the muscles, blood vessels and nerves that make up the flesh-and-blood humanoid were all weakened, and the flesh and blood tentacles were no longer active. The six pupils of the crocodile dragon, which had been struggling, all turned white. It was clear that the brain was not damaged. It was as if he had suffered an unbearable shock.

Taking advantage of the fact that the opponent's blow was not fully successful and the door opened wide due to the shock, the young man held the sword in both hands and held it high above his head.

It is also a move that can be called 'execution'.

The light-golden brain crystallization presents a regular icosahedron, surrounded by a haze of purple and blue mixed light.

Outside, the crocodile dragon twitched violently.

There was no gust of wind whistling in the water, and no sound waves oscillated, only the low humming of the water could be heard, bringing a sword that flashed across the deep sea like a shooting star.

Then, split into two pieces.

This kind of super-spec power is simply impossible for the first energy level to possess! Even that guy Grant is driving the bombardment of the aether armed, but if he knows that he is facing the old opponent of Grant, how can he not prepare everything in advance and wait for it? Physical strength to intercept?

But Ian didn't dodge.

At this moment, the flesh and blood humanoid wants to swear even if it is indifferent, but this is not the end. It is shocked to realize that not only did its attack not penetrate the opponent's flesh and blood, it did not even scratch the opponent's shirt. .

But isn't he his own water system inheritance? ! How did it turn into dirt? !

This flesh and blood has a vague human shape, but it is extremely terrifying. It is a strange thing made of muscles, scales, blood vessels and nerves. The thick arms have purple and orange liquids that are flowing rapidly. From the majestic power.

At this moment, Ian flipped in the water, and the dexterous water jet adjusted his strength, but he did not stray too far because of the previous reaction force, but stayed in place and re-held the long sword in his forehand again.

Since it's still one step away, go ahead and do it.

Misstep - the opponent I have to face is a real genius...

Although the huge body of the Totem Lord will soon re-condense a new soul and mind core that is brutal and savage, primitive and without wisdom... but Ian will not give him this chance.

The surrounding sea sand also gathered and covered the body of this humanoid. It clenched its right fist, and its sharp stone claws, which were strengthened by the earth element to almost alloy, went straight towards the boy's heart.

Kacha Kacha Kacha - the sound of bones breaking, Ian's whole body fell into the brain of Crocodile Dragon.

The core of the ancient dragon, the self-originated seed, the heart of the fertile soil, all the sublimation organs that can stimulate the source quality and power are running vigorously, delivering power far beyond the first energy level waiting to explode.

------off topic-----

5 more, ask for a monthly pass!

The other party is also an earth-type inheritance... It is an earth-type guardian inheritance higher than the crocodile dragon it controls!

While the purple mist was churning, he saw that the Crocodile Dragon was the most vulnerable, and it was also the last area where the blue mist was thick.

This was a last resort, because those tentacles were almost about to wrap around the boy's ankles... And taking advantage of this gap, the heavily wounded flesh and blood humanoids gathered all over their bodies, and layers of light-yellow Originium patterns visible to the naked eye from The crocodile dragon passed on and finally converged on it, and the rich rays of light even condensed into a solid light shield around it.

But it was as heavy as a sword, but it was tightly clamped by a mass of flesh and blood.

After dozens of seconds, when Ian reappeared outside, he was holding a huge brain crystal in his hand.

At this moment, he wants to wield all the swordsmanship, the most powerful, the most powerful, and the most neutral move.

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