Above The Sky

Chapter 230 The Spiritual Artifact Church (33)

"Should it be an illusion?"

Several times he turned his head cautiously because he seemed to be prying eyes, but the captain didn't see anything.

Turning his head with some doubts, the man couldn't help sighing in his heart: "It seems that I'm not crazy on the surface, but in fact the sequelae of that war have gone deep into my bones."

"I don't know what the above thought, but they actually sent me back to the jungle, he *****."

Because of his outstanding performance in Shadow Leaf Qunsen, the captain who had been retired in the royal army was given a heavy responsibility five years ago.

He needs to infiltrate the forests of the South Mountains of the Setal Empire, assist, help, and assist the local indigenous people to fight against the tyranny of the Empire, build modern armed forces, and combat the official rule of the Empire in the forests of the South Mountains.

To be honest, the captain didn't want to come from the bottom of his heart - he did not have a psychological barrier to the jungle, but a mentally retarded person wanted to experience a second time in a similar situation.

The captain is a red citizen, and the dark red hair and dark red eyes all show this.

He is indeed proficient in stealth skills. For five years, the imperial people have not discovered the actions of the squad he led in the various colonies and autonomous regions of Nanling.

But the current situation is obviously beyond the scope of his experience.

"Be careful, pay attention to the cracks in the rock wall, there may be poisonous snakes and insects."

When he opened his mouth and gave an order, the captain's child hole was vertical, like a snake. But instead of relying on these eyes to perceive the world, he relies on the two protrusions on the forehead, which are used to detect heat, the heat detection organs.

This is the capital of his ability to walk in the dark and the jungle, so sharp that even the heat vision of mosquitoes can be seen.

He didn't see any traces of snakes and insects in this cave, but he was careful, not to mention that in this strange and deep ancient underground cave group, it is possible for any kind of strange and terrifying creatures to emerge.

The commander's cautious order has been implemented - the team members are indeed more careful about the various details and gaps in the rock wall, as well as some small caves.

However, one of the few people wearing special priest robes beside the captain laughed.

"Captain, Mu Yong is worried."

A female voice with a little mechanized electronic voice sounded. Although this voice sounded gentle and soft, and very friendly, it was actually slightly uncomfortable, like a disguised voice line: "The instrument has no response, and we are the center. There are no notable life fluctuations in the three-hundred-meter radius."

"...Okay. Brothers, I know this will slow down the team."

Looking sideways at the group of monks wearing black-ground silver-patterned robes, the captain frowned indistinctly, and then said in a tone as gentle as possible: "I mean, in this unknown ruin that neither you nor I know. In, you can't trust those instruments too much."

"Not to mention, as far as I know, there are several ways to block the scanning of your instrument - whether it is beasts or people, or some special beasts can do it. 100% of what we need No errors, not a mechanical 'guarantee'."


Yin En followed them at a corner more than 100 meters away, he couldn't help nodding in his heart: "Don't talk about the silence ring, even a sand armor apprentice can disguise himself as a moving stone, and this instrument is estimated to be checked. Some beasts and beasts that are not good at hiding are relatively limited."

At this moment, the teenager has been with the team for a while.

Through the communication between the teams, the soldiers' announcement tasks, the content of the report, the title of the job description and other information, he has roughly figured out what kind of army this is.

To put it simply, they are the 'Flying Flames Special Forces' lurking in the Nanling, secretly assisting the natives, and opposing imperial officials such as Port Harrison.

This is an extremely powerful elite force. Among them, the captain and the three team leaders are all sublimators, and there are also three sublimators in the small cultivator team on the side—although there is no second energy level, all of them are strong in the first energy level. , there are armors, weapons and other assorted firearm shields.

If this troop is used for a storm, it is estimated that it will be wiped out by the artillery unit of Harrison Harbor within 100 seconds - Harrison Harbor has more alchemy artillery than ordinary gunpowder artillery, which are all used to deal with the second energy level Totem masters, to deal with these ordinary troops of the first energy level, as long as they hit, they will be seriously injured.

However, if it is used for latent destruction, the harm caused may not be inferior, even higher than that of a totem master.

Not to mention, the commander of this unit, the leader of the Red People, is obviously a veteran who has experienced many battles and is extremely good at jungle operations.

But it wasn't him who needed the most attention.

It was the three beside him who led the leader of the monk team.

"Spiritual Artifact Church..."

Gently exhaling, Yoon Eun is no stranger to this name.

On the Terra Continent, there are many sects, ranging from small sects similar to indigenous totem spirits in rural areas, to orthodox religions believed in the whole country, the number of which may be as many as a thousand, but four or five hundred is definitely a serious underestimation.

Among the many sects and sects, there are four major sects that enjoy a high reputation among the countries of Terra and are recognized as orthodox religions.

That is [Huaiguang Church], [Spiritual Tool Church], [Suoming Religion] and [Wanling Temple].

Only these four orthodox religions have the technology of artificially cultivating psionicists and the inheritance of prophets. They are also the 'super-giant sublimator group' where every official cultivator is a sublimator.

The Four Orthodox Churches are all important forces on Terra, and their speeches must be respected even by all countries, and even accepted for mediation.

Back then, when the Seven Cities Alliance and the Far Shore Island swept the entire Serenity Sea, it was the Spirit Artifact Church's negotiation and peace talks to stop the war.

The turmoil in the dark mountains that once occurred in the north side of Junling Fort and the empire, and the west side of Yanjiang, which infected the Three Kingdoms, was also presided over by the Huaiguang Church to jointly suppress the counter-offensive - the Huaiguang Church even moved its church core from the necropolis wasteland to Today's 'Huaiguang Holy Mountain' is to suppress the terrifying turmoil in the dark mountains on the front line.

Leaving aside other churches for the time being, the Spirit Artifact Church is a rather special orthodox church.

It is widely circulated in the land of flying flames and the capital of knowledge, and is believed by many people. Because it advocates the doctrine of the trinity of machinery, science and spirituality, there are many mechanical engineers and researchers in the church. 's developers.

In fact, the original installation site of the Constructed Knights was the 'Oath of Watching' and the 'Eye of Sleepless', the two holy knights of the Spiritual Artifact Church.

In Hilliard's description, the Artifact Church worships the technology of the civilization of the pre-epoch - they believe that the civilization at that time was close to God, and the catastrophe was not a pure disaster, but a The result after the grand ascension.

The people on the ground should follow the pace of the civilization of the previous era and get close to the noble spirit machine soul, so that they can soar in the next 'ascension opportunity'. ,

Yoon Eun rated it 'Psionic Canning' and 'Outrageous'.

He doesn't believe that the Spiritual Tool Church can't see that the pre-era civilization was destroyed in the catastrophe, and there is no such thing as ascension... The other party's teaching seems to be going to the cosmic starry sky, which is somewhat similar to his goal. ,but……

Yin En is a little suspicious that the so-called ascension of the Spiritual Tool Church may be 'cyber ascension' and 'consciousness upload'.

In that case, the so-called ascension of the two sides can be described as two incompatible extremes.

Generally speaking, the monks of the Four Orthodox Churches serve the kingdom where the church is located, but they will not send their own ascendants to participate in disputes between kingdoms, maintaining almost absolute neutrality.

However, this time, Yin En saw that the three Ascended cultivators and a small group of psychic cultivators and the special attack team of Flying Flames were acting together.

"They must be asking for a lot."

Thinking of this, Yoon Eun continued to follow closely behind this team.

He felt that as long as he continued to follow, there were more secrets that could be unearthed from these flames.

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