Above The Sky

Chapter 242 Tombst1 Of Civilization (13)

"It's a synthetic sugar solution, which is high in calories and suitable for replenishing physical strength... A little bit of hallucinogen and sleep aids. It seems that these giant golden mushrooms are using these sugar solutions to attract other creatures to 'symbiotic' with them?"

After the initial shock of the 'alien creature' message, Ian quickly calmed down.

In the previous earth, although intelligent alien creatures have not been confirmed, the existence of pure alien life forms has been proved - the light speed spacecraft project he wanted to participate in back then was for immigration and alien exploration of habitable planets Activity.

However, unlike many people's imagination, this kind of alien pioneering mission is basically no human beings, and the past are all intelligent robots.

If you think about it carefully, you can see that the empty universe and the poor and white aliens really want to spend decades throwing human elites to aliens dozens of light-years away to do the most basic coolie construction, even if they are elites. Ying himself agreed that the government and scientific research departments will not allow it either - it takes several generations or more than a dozen generations to barely make the alien construction almost enough for people to live in, and the supporting industries and production buildings after that can basically only be controlled by AI. .

What do you send elites to do for something that has no technical content?

Anyway, after the construction of the hyperspace communication base station, the delay can be reduced within a few hours.

In this case, it is better to use the robot from the beginning, wait until the development is almost done, and then let people pass.

Although it’s still hard work, at least you don’t need to do coolies, you can launch some large-scale research operations to investigate the alien life forms of some living planets.

Although the previous era of Terra civilization and Earth civilization are not the same scientific research tree, technology is a tool to achieve goals. Since both have reached the point of space development, Ian believes that the other party will definitely try to obtain relevant alien life information. .

But beyond his expectations, the Terran people of the pre-epoch were more than just exploration, they even came up with the 'alien xenogeneic ecosystem'!

After all, picking up an alien ecosystem for nothing is really enviable!

This underground relic group, the reason why the construction site is so huge, maybe there is a need for related ecosystems? For example, this giant mushroom can only live underground or something...


"According to the records in the silver chip, this large metal-based mushroom from the Obera star field was not acquired by the Terran people's active exploration, but because something code-named 'Tinder', suspected to be a spaceship, arrived to Terra's."

After reminiscing about the metallic sweetness of the fluorescent mushroom liquid in his mouth, Ian thought thoughtfully: "Tinder... Once there was a plan called Tinder on Earth, which was when the ecological balance was almost completely collapsed, and the Federation was in vain. The insurance decision made by the council - if human beings cannot repair the collapse of the earth's ecology after the war, while immigrating to the space city, launch several generations of spaceships carrying the earth's biological gene pool and history into the universe. Traveling at the speed of light toward several potentially habitable planets to avoid complete human extinction."

"In other words, tombstones sent to the universe just to commemorate the existence of human beings."

"Although the subsequent ecology has been successfully restored, the construction of the ecological space city is also very successful, the fire project has been cancelled, and it has even been criticized by later scholars, thinking that it is a dangerous move to expose the gene pool and civilization of Earth civilization to possible alien civilizations, but If there is a big risk of genocide and even the annihilation of civilization... fire is the only hope in despair."

——Did the civilizations that might exist in the Obera star field make such a choice?

And the fact that the Terra they chose actually has a native intelligent civilization, I am afraid that it is not thought of by those aliens.

This is no longer important, because Terra also suffered a 'disaster from the sky' that almost wiped out their family.

"Metal-based life."

Ian heard another movement in the corner of the cave, looked up, and found that sometimes giant golden mushrooms and their hosts would go to the pool to drink water.

Those hosts include the Swamp Crocodile Dragon, the Steel-clawed Mole, and a lot of giant beetles similar to the Mole Cricket.

This made the young man realize again: "It seems that the Sequoia Base was originally the base for the research on the heterogeneity ecosystem of Obera - this is why there are so many metal-based life around the Nanling South Sea. reason!"

——Steel Shark, Reef Eater Sea Otter, Steel Clawed Mole, Fortification Coral, Sharp Clawed Tiger, Burrowing Giant Beetle, Iron Bone Swordfish, Marsh Crocodile Dragon, and possibly Crystal Dragon...

All the common monsters in Nanling have more or less some metal elements.

Even, the species of mine hunting jellyfish, which has an extremely sensitive perception and manipulation ability to magnetic fields, may have been formed because of the research here!

In addition, the body temperature of metal-based life is very high, even the temperature of the tropical South China Sea is no different from refreshing and pleasant to them... If the temperature is too low, it will be like a cave here now, all the huge gold Fungus and Warcraft are in a dormant state that is too lazy to move!

Alien creatures... Well, it seems that Terra Civilization has obtained a large number of samples of alien creatures, so it can develop so many prototypes of "Warcraft".


"Definitely more than one alien ecology."

Thinking with certainty in his heart, Ian recalled all kinds of strange things on Terra Continent, some of which were not like natural evolution at all. The ecosystem of the Obera star field, what about the others? There are so many types of monsters, it is absolutely impossible that only Terra and Obera ecosystems will breed."

"And the ecosphere in the labyrinth that is very different from the normal Terra, maybe... is also a type of heterogeneity ecosphere?"

"Perhaps, in every labyrinth, there is more or less 'ecology different from Terra', so the labyrinth species are born?"

This is just a guess, but the teenager believes that this guess is very likely to be true.

In addition to that, Ian has one thing for sure.

"It's no wonder that before the catastrophe, the sublimation skills of the Terra continent were not strong, not even perfect at all - there are many alien creatures, and the alien modified creatures gathered on Terra, which led to the ' The sublimation skills based on the re-engraving of Warcraft power have developed explosively!"

"At that time, the sublimation skills were probably only the same as fitness skills. Only a few people were promoted purely by water grinding and the high physical quality brought about by genetic modification.

Well, here comes the question.

——A natural disaster, or a man-made blow?

——Does this blow have anything to do with the plan that caused the intelligent creatures in the Obera ecosystem to choose to use fire to carry the ecosystem?

Ian stroked the giant golden mushroom in front of him, his eyes fell, and he whispered, "Suoyue..."

That shattered moon... Once called 'Gaze', the broken moon that is now shattered...

There, there must have been many lunar space bases where the Terra civilization observed the stars.


——Who broke the eyes of the Terrans who looked at the stars in the past?

"There must be a great disaster behind the disappearing starry sky in the outer universe."

At this moment, the teenager felt as if he had discovered a part of the truth hidden in the Terra Continent: "It was the disaster that caused the catastrophe, and the reason why the Obera civilization could only use fire to transport information about the ecosystem!"

"In the Sequoia Base, there must be relevant information and data retained!"

Looking up, at this moment, Ian is more excited and determined than ever.

He looked around the entire cold cave occupied by giant golden mushrooms, looked around at this 'small xenogeneic ecosystem', and made up his mind: "No matter what, you must obtain the information in this base - even if you use the power of the sand armor apprentice, it doesn't matter! "

No one can stop him from the Special Forces of Blazing Land, Patrick, Parasites and Alien Species!

He must get the truth about the Obera ecosystem and the so-called 'Tinder' in this base!

"Cough cough!"

At this moment, Ian heard coughing from behind.

It was Master Gosey who woke up.

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