Above The Sky

Chapter 261 Mithril Rune Group (110)


Minutes later, as Ian and Isengard walked on the outer edge of the makeshift camp, he kept his eyes on the map in his hand.

Everyone in the camp is recuperating and repairing. They have been fighting for too long and now need a rest.

In fact, even Isengard injected himself with two stamina potions, and Ian had the ancient dragon core, so he just slept in the giant golden mushroom cave for a few hours, but he was still full of energy.

Of course, he also took a bottle of physical strength medicine, and used the nutrients in it to completely heal the dark wounds left by the previous battle with the indigenous great shaman.

There is a map, it is not surprising that the interior of Sequoia Base is indeed like a maze, especially after many confidential areas are blocked, many channels cannot be connected to each other, which constitutes an artificial dead end.

"The priest's land is the closest to us, or in other words, it is at the end of this 'way of the past' mural corridor, just a few more turns and forks to get there."

Pointing to the point on the map, Ian explained the meaning of each sign above to Isengard with a serious face: "And the exit is very far away from us, you can even say... uh, this is too far?"

Just when the white people frowned and wondered why the exit of the ruins was so far away, Isengard raised his hand and pointed to the 'Holy Land' sign: "Why is the Holy Land so close to the exit? In theory, the Holy Land should not be located in the center of the ruins. ?"

"On the contrary, the sacrificial place is the closest to the center. I thought it should be next to the holy place."

Ian knew why, because the Sequoia people's door to the outside world was blocked, and only the four leaders agreed to unlock it with a four-color card key.

But no one knows whether the natural disasters and changes outside are over, so no matter how much the Sequoia people miss the world outside, they can only linger at the entrance and exit gates.

Over time, with the accumulation of thoughts and the inheritance of rituals, it is not surprising that the surrounding area of ​​the entrance and exit has become a sacred place for Sequoia people to worship.

However, Ian didn't know why the sacrificial place was closest to the center of the ruins.

According to the experience of the year, could it be a material transfer center? And the central control room should be in a lower place, and the protection is more secure...

"I plan to go to the sacrificial place to see the situation."

Put away the map and return it to Isengard. Ian has engraved the entire map into the silver chip. He instructed: "You stay to take care of Master Gosey and pay attention to the situation in the camp."

"Will it be too dangerous? And you already know the location of the exit, why don't you leave?"

Isengard's thoughts are more cautious. He was originally quite a careless person, but after being betrayed by his uncle, he was too worried: "In this situation, it should not be wrong to leave early."

"Patrick has colluded with the natives, and I'm afraid he will wait for us at the exit. Don't talk about this, the exit is too far away, and God knows what will happen on the way. Besides, we don't have the key, and we can't open the door of the ruins. "

Ian is not so optimistic. Leaving the ruins is obviously not a simple thing that can be done by finding a map, which is why Master Gosse did not announce the map immediately.

In the final analysis, who knows whether this prehistoric map can still be counted? High probability is impossible, at most be a reference.

"The sacrificial place is the closest and extends in all directions. It is very likely to connect with the relic center or other key areas. That is my goal."

Saying this, the young man didn't intend to hide anything: "Since everyone has already come, I have to go and see. It's more convenient for me to go there alone. If others want to leave, you can lead them to leave."

After thinking for a while, Yisen shook his head slightly: "The teacher has recovered some of his strength, and there is no problem in taking care of himself... I'll accompany you."

——My strength alone is greater than that of you and me together.

Although he thought so in his heart, Ian thought about it for a while, thinking that Master Gosse already knew his identity, and the person with the best eyesight in the entire camp was essentially no longer a threat.

Isengard lacks combat experience, so he may not be able to see that he is using the sand armor apprentice skills... What's more, the opponent's strength is indeed not weak, if he really encounters the danger of needing to expose the sand armor apprentice, he can indeed bring him. Reduce many crises.

Not to mention, if he really encounters Patrick, the other party can at least interfere with the operation of the Ether Armament.

"You have to listen to my command, what I say, you have to do it without hesitation."

So Ian nodded: "We'll deal with a few gestures later, deal with different methods - if yes, let's go."

Isengard nodded quickly in agreement.

The fact that the two of them went to explore the road ahead did not cause any changes in the camp. After all, exploring the surrounding area really needs someone to do it. As the strongest person in the camp today, Ian is willing to explore the road, and the whole team is safe. Assure.

It has been in disrepair for a long time, coupled with the recent changes caused by the abnormal heat dissipation of the ruins, there are various cracks around the road ahead of the mural passage. The crack that Ian and others walked out of the ice abyss of the ruins was the largest of the many cracks. The kind that allows many people to walk side by side.

Fortunately, the passage was solid, and there was no problem overall. At least Ian didn't see any obvious danger of collapse.

Walking through the area with dense cracks is a few fork in the road. It is not obvious from a distance at first, but the closer you get, the more you can perceive it. This place is indeed the relic of an advanced base in the previous era.

The sturdy white tempered building materials on both sides of the wall have not decayed until now, and the design of the portal windows of each room is extremely minimalist in the future, with occasional hollow pattern decoration, which is also extremely fine, and even itself is a high-level inscription group. Demonstrate the superb technical strength of the civilization of the previous era.

"The effect of this inscription group seems to be to prevent metal oxidation in a large area?"

Along the way, Ian recorded this huge rune combination into the silver chip. He couldn't help but be a little surprised: "Also, it seems that it can continue to operate without light and ink?"

"No." But soon, he shook his head and denied: "There is an energy source behind these inscription groups - it is estimated that the fusion power generation group provides it, but it does not require such primitive means of injecting light and ink."

For the inscription group, light ink is a must. Without light ink, it is equivalent to an engine without gasoline.

However, just as gasoline-burning cars will gradually be replaced by electric vehicles, in the future, Ian believes that there will definitely be other energy conversion methods that replace the light-ink effect... and the pre-epoch civilization can directly replace the light-ink with a power station, and Not particularly incredible.

"This, this is Mithril?!"

Compared with Ian, who pays attention to the inscription group, as an alchemist, Isengard was astonished to find that the materials of the seemingly ordinary hollow pattern coating had extraordinary backgrounds during the inspection along the way: "Ian Ian! Look, The silver coating on these inscriptions—these are all mithril!"

Looking around the dozens of rooms in front of and behind the fork in shock, the blond boy felt incredible in his heart: "Although it is only a thin layer, if all are collected, it will weigh at least tens of kilograms, right? So much mithril is enough to make Several aether hearths..."

As a furnace core that needs to transmit natural psionic energy with extremely high efficiency, it naturally needs mithril, a high-efficiency energy transfer material that is close to normal superconducting materials, but the material used is not large, even the entire furnace core plus whole body conduction. The route only requires twenty or thirty kilograms.

"Don't make up your mind about these materials."

And Ian was more calm: "These anti-corrosion inscription groups are extremely critical. This may be the reason why the passages and buildings in the entire relic group can be preserved for thousands of years. If they are pulled out, this area may collapse."

"No, I'm very aware of their importance - but unfortunately it can't be rubbed this time. If you can rub it, take it back and study it, it will be of great help to inscriptions."

After calming down, Eisengarde understood the key, but the extravagance of the pre-epoch civilization still made him feel very emotional: "Having said that, Mithril is indeed not the most important material in the heart of the aether furnace, but it is so precious... Made into a patterned finish."

"It's hard to imagine what kind of disaster could destroy such a powerful civilization."

The emotion did not affect the two of them continuing to move forward. After turning a few more turns, they saw a huge metal door in front of them.

This metal door should be a kind of blocking and partition door, like a copper wall, as long as it is closed, even heavy artillery attacks cannot open it.

But Ian raised his hand, signaling Isengard not to come forward.

"The door was opened by some creature." The boy whispered: "Not long ago."

Although the giant metal door in front of him seems to be closed, there is a gap in the middle that is insignificant relative to the whole-for humans, this gap is enough to pass through.

Yisen understood, he stopped talking, but took a cautious step back, making sure that they hadn't exposed any traces before signaling Ian's ring.

With a slight nod, Ian opened the ring of silence, and then moved forward cautiously, through the gap.

Behind the partition door, there is a main hall inside. The edge of the main hall is surrounded by a small river of living water. The water quality is normal and there are no parasites. The ground is paved with a layer of silver-white metal. fluorescent lamp.

There are many complicated things in the hall, but most of them have been regolith, or decayed and deformed, reflecting the power of time.

But in the center of the hall, there is a spherical metal device with a height of two floors. The appearance is extremely smooth, almost like a mirror. .

Time has no effect on it, and after a thousand years, it still shines brightly.

The silver light in Ian's eyes flashed, and the information of this machine had been swept into his eyes.

But neither he nor Isengard had time to care about the machine's information.

Because the eyes of the two were locked on the figure in front of the machine.

The blond man stared blankly at the huge machine.

- It's Patrick.

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