Above The Sky

Chapter 264 Reverberation, Echoes And Mirrors (410)

Immortality is the highest desire of almost all life.

Because immortality itself represents almost endless time, he can do almost everything, and seek almost all meanings - as long as he has a purpose, he will not think that immortality is a bad thing, because it is the proof of all meanings, It is the collection of all desires and dreams.

In the Terra Continent, even the sublime's lifespan is quite short, and there are not many people who do not yearn for immortality.

The stronger one is, the more wealthy one is, the more one has everything and wants to have everything forever, the more it is impossible not to yearn for it.

Don't crave, pursue eternal life.


Now Ian, but just want to laugh.

"The law of eternal life?"

His expression was very weird, like the kind of expression that wanted to laugh but felt disgusted, mixed with a little sympathy and disgust - it was probably like seeing a young man deliberately run a red light to make a short video, only to be arrested The big trucks rolled into a mass of rubbish that needed a shovel to shovel.

That's how he wants to laugh, feel sad, feel contempt, but pity him and his family from the bottom of his heart.

The white-haired boy repeated with mixed feelings: "That's it? You call this immortality?"


As if infected by Ian's emotions, Patrick's face was expressionless after a sigh.

He closed his eyes and sneered after the meeting: "They think this is eternal life."

Ian was speechless for a while.

Learning machines can instill knowledge through the subconscious mind. This is based on the fact that Terra people have the technology of 'Bone Communication', a data interaction organ that can directly connect with electronic devices, and must be matched with a brain that is adapted to data transmission of information... Terra The structure of the human brain has obviously been modified to adapt to the result of their electronic creation.

Learning a machine not only allows people to learn professional knowledge, but also can learn "aesthetics" and "etiquette sentiments" - except that the thinking mode cannot be learned, it can basically learn almost all knowledge.

It can even help people who have lost part of their memories to "learn" their memories backed up in the past!

Back then, there was something like a "memory and knowledge bank" on Earth. After all, thinking patterns also have an adaptation rate. The higher the adaptation rate, the higher the efficiency and stability of learning, and the easier it is to master them thoroughly.

Well, here comes the question.

If a person with a blank brain and no self-thinking has completely learned the "memory" of another person.

Can it be said that the learner and the learner are the same person?

Can the learner use this method to achieve 'eternal life'?

The answer is obviously no.

Not to mention that learning is just memory, the brain structure is different, and the neural structure is also different. Even if a blank person learns a person's memory, he will not regard himself as a 'learned' - it may generate identity recognition cognitive disorder, but the learner and the learned do not necessarily have the same 'choices'.

This is obviously just another person with the same memory, not to mention immortality, can't even achieve the same goal, let alone take a house or something.

At most, it can only be regarded as 'reverberation'.


"It's not a dead end."

Although it looks very despised on the surface, Ian's heart has already sounded the alarm: "A learning machine is only the most elementary instillation of 'memory' and 'knowledge' - but a 'cyberized' consciousness uploader, if it rewrites its input and output It can achieve 'consciousness rewriting' and 'thinking algorithm re-engraving'!"

"A blank body, after the repetition of consciousness and thinking algorithm, resets its neural structure through some kind of surgery and drug catalysis, it can basically be regarded as 'the second me in the world'!"

"And this can already be regarded as an 'echo'!"

Echo and Ontology's thinking logic are completely consistent, they will make the exact same judgment when they encounter the same thing, and only make different choices because of the difference in intelligence.

If all the conditions are met, such as the exact same neural network, and then accept the algorithm of consciousness, instill memory, and reconstruct the nervous system, it is indeed possible to revive the will and thinking of one person in another person.

Even, like an echo, you can make as many as you want.

At this point, it can basically be said to be 'eternal life'... For those who don't care about self-identity very much, but just want to accomplish their 'purpose' and 'dream', regardless of who they are, there is a The 'other me' who is exactly the same as himself, can make the same choice, and will never betray himself, can live on his behalf and accomplish his goals.

How is it different from living on your own?

But here's the problem.

"They can't just accept the level of 'echo'."

Ian turned his head slightly, looked behind him, and in the direction of Esengard's departure, he said solemnly: "How can these ascendants with great power and authority accept another 'weak self' to accept everything about themselves?"

"What they need is not an echo, but a 'mirror'!"

——What they need is not a re-enactment of consciousness, but a 'complete consciousness transfer'!

——Upload one's own thoughts into another person's brain completely, and then achieve the result equivalent to "snatching"!

"You are so smart?"

This time, Patrick was really surprised. The blond aristocrat originally thought he needed to explain the difference between echo and mirror, but he didn't expect that Ian could understand the difference so easily.

But this is better.

So he smiled and shook his head: "Of course, what the 'mirror' needs is not just simple thought transmission, but also 'soul transfer'... After the third energy level 'Mind Light', the body and soul are entangled with each other Binding, even at the fifth energy level, there is no way to separate the intact spirit from the body when the body is intact."

"Although in theory, there is no essential technical difference between mirror and echo, but because of the existence of the soul, it adds a lot of difficulty."


Ian thought thoughtfully...the copying of consciousness and the copying of thinking algorithms are not fundamentally different from uploading and downloading of consciousness, but because this is the continent of Terra, a world with a self-proven of 'soul'.

Therefore, the difficulty of uploading consciousness is far greater than that of Earth.

Earthlings have no souls, only thinking algorithms and memory can prove that they are themselves. After uploading, it is equivalent to transferring the self.

But not in Terra - in addition to memory and algorithms, the soul has to be transferred too!

Reverberations, echoes and mirrors.

Mere memory; memory and algorithm; memory, algorithm and soul.

This is, indeed, a path to eternal life by constantly shifting the self.

The only flaw may be that even if the memory algorithm soul is all transferred, the originally sublimated power cannot be left to the new body.

But this is not impossible.

The young man now fully understands why it is Isengard - he has the bloodline of the royal family, and also has the bloodline of 'Erosing the Light and Refining the Dragon'... If nothing else, the purpose of the defender Axel should be It is to occupy Isengard's body, and then use the transformed eclipse light to refine the blood of the dragon, and in turn 'devour' or 'symbiotic' his past body!

In this way, he doesn't even need to re-cultivation, he can directly have the strength of the fifth energy level again... The next thing to do is to gradually cut the blood of the eclipsed dragon and the old body. When he got rid of the old me', he was equivalent to living a second life!

And in the process, he can even master all the wealth and power of annexing the entire Ellen family by the way, further enhancing the power of the royal family!

- Play real flowers!

Ian is not sure, this is Axel's complete plan, but according to the current intelligence speculation, this is probably the purpose of the defender, the logic is self-consistent, and it can also explain Patrick's actions.

As an experimental material and a future transfer target, Isengard must have at least the strength of the fourth energy level before he can try to possess the 'Emperor's corpse' of the fifth energy level. It can remove the eclipse light and refine the blood of the dragon.

"It's... evil."

At this moment, even Ian, who didn't care much about these things, couldn't help but understand why Inaga II... would scold his family's ancestors as 'extremely evil'.

In particular, the ancestors who obtained this technology may have used this technology in private, or even been eroded by the ‘Ancient Echoes’ retained in the machinery of the previous era civilization.

Ian didn't even plan to find out who was right and who was wrong between Inaga II and his ancestors, they were all dead anyway.

As for now, he completely understood why the people of Sequoia Base would scold the elders as demons.

Because, whether it is reverberation, echo or mirror, people need to be used as materials.

In the absence of human cloning, this usually means obliterating one's mind and preserving its body as a vehicle for another life.

This is far more immoral than pure destruction.

Most of the doubts have been answered, and now Ian, there is almost only one question left.

"And you?"

Raising his head and looking at Patrick, Ian narrowed his eyes, covering the silver-cyan radiance in his eyes: "Why didn't you tell Essengard about this?"

"Patrick...what's your purpose?"

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