Above The Sky

Chapter 274 The Highest Authority Of Sequoia Base (33)

"...Is this what happened in this central control room back then?"

At this moment, Ian has summed up the truth about the Sequoia Ruins, which has been buried for nearly a thousand years, and knows the true identity of the master behind it.

Click, click, click.

Just for some reason, but also to ensure safety, they decided to avoid the aftermath of the disaster on the surface, lurking inside the base to build an ecosystem, continue the knowledge they have, and maintain the entire base.

He made a vertical leap and came to the main control seat on the second floor.

Suddenly, the silver chip in Ian's body moved.

[The first to thirteen ecological parks were all destroyed, the fifth to twelfth power source areas were damaged, the cooling reservoir was abnormal, the main channel collapsed and damaged a large area, and the transportation channel changed dangerously... After this judgment, the Sequoia Base is in 'Extremely dangerous' state]

The brain-attached slug is a kind of brain slug originating from aliens with extremely stable genes. It can be hosted on the brain stem of vertebrates to enhance the host's memory and computing power, and it can also pass on the knowledge and memory of its own reserves perfectly from generation to generation—— Because this group of brain slugs have an internal psionic network, all their knowledge memories, and even their own genetic information are kept in psionics.

But unfortunately, the chip just because the central control room reacted to Ian's neural connection, transmitted a momentary message, and then returned to silence.

[Identity detection... White people in the northern New-Kaldor area, no data records, internet search... Unable to connect to the internet... Activate the Base Crisis Self-Determination Protocol]

Ian muttered to himself, he raised his head, his eyes seemed to penetrate the entire central control room, and looked at the entire Sequoia base group: "And the brain-devouring worm community has never been extinct, and has even grown again in recent years - that parasite The river is the proof."

But in addition to him, there were five elders with extremely high wisdom. They joined forces to upload their own consciousness, and the five joined forces to smash the soul of the great elder who was trying to control the brain slug psychic network.

He wants, eternal life.

The call went on for a long time, and Ian waited patiently.

However, these crises are not very important.


The automatically extended data cable was accurately connected to the neck of the boy, and the invisible data flowed, causing glimmers of light in Ian's eyes.

Because all that is a process of continuous struggle of the Sequoia people after losing their glory.

【Call registered user...Call failed】

Ian stepped forward under Andor's puzzled but awe-inspiring gaze.

[It is confirmed that there are no emergency handlers, and the transfer of maintenance authority begins]

All researchers at Sequoia Base are geniuses and elites, but they can't guarantee that every generation of their descendants will be elites - as long as there is one ordinary person, their knowledge will be lost.

And Ian, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately focused on sensing the change of the chip.

"Although the consciousness of the first elder was smashed, the souls of the five elders also disappeared. The parasite today is probably a ferocious and terrifying artificial biological weapon, as well as fragments of their wisdom."

But in such an instant, the AI ​​in the main control room of the Sequoia Base immediately changed his rhetoric.

Then take a seat.

[Determined as a non-threatened juvenile individual/meets the base whitelist standard]

Even, he should have modified the genes of the brain slug, made it return to its ancestors, turned it into a vicious brain parasite in ancient times, and created a worm nest, using the most primitive, savage and bloody methods to continuously invade the brethren of his own countrymen. Flesh, turning them into echoes without self.

As long as the group does not die, knowledge will last forever.

The Sequoia people decided to use 'brain attachment' and 'genetic memory' for double protection.

Even if the intact knowledge manuals are all stored in electronic devices, or printed into books and inscribed into slates, as long as one teacher misunderstands, as long as one of the descendants of any generation does not understand what he needs to inherit. Knowledge, then knowledge deteriorates.

[Calling a user with secondary administrator privileges...call failed]

A huge, redwood-shaped logo appeared in front of Ian's eyes, with gentle subtitles: [Welcome, Your Excellency the Temporary Administrator, you have registered as the ninety-seventh emergency maintenance engineer]

[The Sequoia Base and its affiliated ecological parks have been in a state of unmanned automatic maintenance for a long time, and 67% of the blocks have been detected to be damaged/missing/changed/destructed.]

It integrates the information about the past illusions that he has seen, and the information about the brain-devouring insects that he has guessed before.

【You have obtained the highest authority of Sequoia Base】

"However, in the process of the evolution of the brain-devouring worm, something must have happened - the tradition of sacrifice and cannibalism of the indigenous people has a long history, and this is definitely not a habit they developed after leaving the Sequoia Base. Moreover, it is also a mystery that the clones of the aberrant people are not controlled. Before the indigenous people leave the Sequoia Base, there must be some crisis or loss of knowledge."

At this point, the worm's nest lost its master and fell into chaos - which is why the parasite he saw before did not attack him, but just kept trying to return to the central control room.

"Thousands of years later, the indigenous people still evacuated from the Sequoia Base. They lost almost all of their knowledge inheritance. They were even one step slower than the humans in other refuges, and they really became indigenous people."

But... the leader of a certain generation of Sequoias, their 'big elder', has evil thoughts in his heart.


So, that man forced his memory, his thinking algorithm, and even his soul into the brain slug's psychic network.

[Welcome, Dean of the Federal Institute of Alien Species, codenamed 'Forerunner']

During the disaster, because of the perfect disaster prevention preparations, the Sequoia Base did not suffer the disaster like the pre-era civilization city on the surface, but was extremely well preserved.

There is no doubt that the Sequoia natives are descendants of researchers at the Sequoia Base of the Pre-Epoch Civilization 1,600 years ago.

Because the psychic network inside the parasite is already in chaos, part of it is primitive instinct, part of it is the Great Elder, and there are still fragments of the other five elders who sacrificed themselves.

However, in the absence of a sufficient population, knowledge deteriorates.

until that moment.

Just when the automatic AI in the central control room transfers authority.

[Calling a user with central administrator authority...call failed]

"Blood-drinking blood, cannibalistic natives."

click, click...

So, in order to preserve knowledge, at least, knowledge cannot be distorted.

There is too much knowledge, and it is impossible to read the textbooks for self-study... Even if there is a teacher's hands-on teaching, it may not be taught.

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