Above The Sky

Chapter 276 Warp Voyage And Ether Engine (23)

Of course, when the silver chip was recording the data, the teenager still took a look at the warp engine and the Tinder blueprint.

Immediately afterwards, he was slightly startled.

"Hey, sure enough, it's the same design idea as the Aether Furnace Heart."

The etheric furnace heart and the true etheric furnace are indeed the same design ideas. They both use ultra-high purity, or even 100% absolute purity source material, to create a space bubble independent of the natural psionic energy field. Natural psionics are naturally attracted.

For example, if the natural psionic field of the entire universe is a membrane that is roughly evenly distributed in all time and space, then the heart of the ether furnace is to create a deep 'well' on this membrane.

The wellhead will naturally gather the surrounding natural spiritual energy, which is inexhaustible and inexhaustible, and the difference between the ether furnace and the real ether furnace is that the former has a flawed design, and the space bubble is unstable. It will cause a load on the furnace core and the machine body, and it needs continuous input of resources to maintain, and the existence of cavitation cannot be maintained for a long time.

The latter not only does not need, but can even transfer the load of natural psychic energy to the perfect space bubble, and use the power of nature to load nature itself, so it is possible to accumulate power almost infinite.

Compared with the true etheric furnace armed by the Apocalypse, there is not much difference between the fire hearth.

It's just that it can exert more influence on the 'space bubble', and then build extraordinary capabilities such as 'zero inertia maneuver', 'phase transfer shield' and 'hyperspace communication'.

and most importantly.

'Warp sailing'.

Yes, warp travel is exactly the technology derived from the Obera civilization using the super-giant natural psionic energy accumulated in space bubbles to distort time and space - the warp engine will create a layer around the spacecraft that is independent of the original universe. The space-time bubble does not interact with the universe, and then uses the indirect operation of the 'space bubble' to shrink the front space-time and expand the rear space-time, thereby generating an 'asymmetric creeping field' to propel the spacecraft.

To put it simply, it is a superluminal engine, and there is no need for such a dangerous and limited thing as a subspace hyperspace channel.

This is similar to the technology of the aether furnace. Rather, it is precisely because of the development of the aether furnace that the technology of the warp engine can be mastered.

"In this case, Terra has apocalypse armed countries... As long as they can independently manufacture a brand-new apocalypse apocalypse that is not modified from the aether furnace in the ruins...then they are only one step away from traveling faster than the speed of light. ?!"

After realizing this, it was hard for Ian to hold back—although he also knew that the so-called one-step progress of this key technological advancement was often the burning inspiration of the entire civilization for unknown years.

But from the point of view of the technology tree, the distance between the pre-epoch Terra civilization and the true interstellar civilization that can travel faster than the speed of light is really only a little thin film distance!

And the current Terra civilization is not far from the interstellar civilization.

It's just a pity that most of them can only be used, not manufactured.

Although there are also countries that want to study, but the war between them has made them pull each other back, unable to gather the wisdom of the entire planet's population and researchers for research.

Of course, if it was the original earth, if the original earth also had essentia and ether, then it is estimated that the earth has long since become an interstellar civilization - there is no such extraordinary thing as ether on the earth.


With this in mind, Ian continued to consult the database after satisfying his curiosity.

And this time, what he read was the Terra Star Chart.

Sixteen hundred years ago, when darkness had not yet blinded the stars, the original star map!

The original star map has always been a doubt in Ian's heart.

Since his birth, whether before or after awakening the memory of his past life, the bright starry sky has never been seen on Terra.

Unlike the fact that the light pollution is too severe to see the stars, Terra's inability to see is simply 'no'.

The stars disappeared, leaving only a bleak gloom.

Of course, there is no bright starry sky, it does not mean that none of them can be seen.

In recent years, Ian has found a few visible stars other than the planet Terra.

However, as the boy depicted on the star map in his alchemy workshop, some of these stars were also disappearing one after another.

In fact, these stars have long since disappeared, I just saw their light completely dissipated.

"If there is really a cosmic natural disaster that constantly destroys the stars in the distance, then it is easy to understand that the Obera star field sends a fire ship..."

Ian exhaled, he calmed down for a moment, and opened the ruins star map.

Following the boy's instructions, the dark curtain in front of him was like a dazzling fireworks suddenly ignited.

Endless stars flickered, and the bright stars lit up one by one in front of his eyes.

At this moment, Ian seemed to have an illusion, that is, those civilizations that were swallowed by darkness went back in time and returned to the sea of ​​​​stars from the endless dark and vast universe. On the star map 1,600 years ago, they are still Burning flames with the heat of life, weaving dreams that belong to one world, full of hope and future.

Maybe not an illusion... Prophets don't have illusions.

Closing his eyes and being silent for a while, Ian seems to be reluctant to see these too bright starry sky.

Then he opened his eyes again and stared at the star map in front of him.

After a period of time, he found what he wanted to find from these overly dense stars.

"right here."

Turning his eyes, Ian looked at an unnatural dark void in the starry sky. He said softly: "Sure enough, in the pre-epoch 1,600 years ago, the stars were already extinguished, and even a large void area was formed."

"Let me see... well, there is also a time record of the stars disappearing one by one... Sure enough."

"It is according to the distance one by one, and the uniform speed of light disappears."

Ian's voice was not as calm as his own, and he never thought that he could be so indifferent when he saw the long-awaited picture of the stars of the past.

Is it because you have fantasized about it countless times? Or was he actually not as excited and looking forward as he thought?

Ian doesn't know.

He just felt a kind of coldness... a kind of pitch-black coldness was approaching his spine, his heart and even his heart, making the young man have to calm down and calm down.

Then, you can breathe.

The large void area has long been discovered by Terra researchers, but because it is too difficult to explain, it is believed that this area is obscured by 'interstellar dust'.

This can barely explain why the stars in this direction are dimmed one by one, but it cannot explain how large the interstellar dust zone is to cover the distant galaxy calculated by tens of thousands of light-years.

This also does not explain why there is a dark and opaque cloud that moves uniformly at the speed of light, cutting off the brilliance of all the stars.

Therefore, it has also been suggested that some kind of cosmic natural disaster may be gradually approaching... But the information in this regard is very incomplete, and it seems that some people have deliberately deleted it.

"It's not that Terra is obscured by something - it's true, the stars in the distance gradually disappear, from less to more, from existence to nothing, the constellations that originally overlapped dim in turn... instead of disappearing at the same time. not see."

"And, someone deliberately deleted it? Why is this? Even if there is a cosmic natural disaster that is destroying the stars one by one, it is not a shameful thing - it needs to be concealed from the public at most."

Keeping these conclusions in mind, Ian frowned, and he continued to observe the complete spherical star map: "Anyway, we cannot rule out the possibility that Terra is also obscured by something. I don't know what happened."

"For the universe, 1,600 light-years is not too much, but it is not too small, but after all the surrounding stars are dimmed, the next target must be Terra."


Thinking of this, Ian was a little surprised, why Inaika II was so urgent.

Yes, if Inaga II also saw the star map of the civilization of the previous era, and then compared it with the starry sky of today...

No matter who it is, there will be an uncontrollable fear, right?

A person's life span of dozens or hundreds of years is considered a long time, but on the cosmic scale, it is only a moment.

It is precisely because decades and hundreds of years are also a moment for the universe that humans feel anxious about this.

——Whether it is decades, hundreds or thousands of years, or the next moment, destruction may come.

While ordinary people can comfort themselves that the sun will rise as usual tomorrow, those who know the truth understand that every second can be a moment before the end of the world.

Therefore, there is no patience, no stopping, no slow reform.

You can only keep moving forward and keep moving forward in order to make yourself feel at ease.

Only then can I comfort myself... Before the destruction comes, I have at least tried my best.

At this moment, in Ian's mind, the scene from the last time he looked up at the sky could not help but reappear.

The dark universe, the almost dazzling night sky, the crumbling new moon, and the only moonlight...

All of this seems to be announcing a fact to all beings on the Terra continent.

- The next one is you.

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