Above The Sky

Chapter 279 The Stomach Of The Behemoth (23)


Everyone saw that an ironclad shark that had lost one fin opened its mouth wide and began to hunt down the big silver fish one by one as the black and white fishes fled in panic. What does this have to do with the ironclad shark, which is almost at the peak of the first energy level, and the ironclad shark at the top of the food chain in the South China Sea?

Nothing more than, very refreshing food that's all!

At this moment, the shark can really be said to be wind and clouds, and the shark's mouth is wide open. It has been hungry for a long time, but it has never been able to find anything that can be eaten with peace of mind.

If Ian hadn't stopped it, it would have nearly gnawed at those pre-epoch alloy walls big enough to break its teeth out.

The shark's hunting ability is still very strong. In a short time, the big silver fish in the lake was eaten up by it.

Visible to the naked eye, many small wounds and defects on the shark's body have begun to repair - these silver fish are really a big supplement to it.

Through the water mist that galloped through the sharks, the figures of the white people and the pirate captain slowly appeared in front of the surprised crowd.

Ian didn't mean to talk nonsense or waste time. He looked around at everyone present, and said in a clear, youthful voice, "Everyone, I found a way to the outside world."

"But before that, I have one more thing to do, so I won't go with you."

As Sharks settled in the underground lake and swallowed all the big silver fish into the shark's mouth, the original white blind fish basically all ran away, and the entire underground lake seemed extremely empty.

And just as Shark spun around in the empty lake contentedly, Ian, who had just picked up a few cannonballs and two high-grade alchemy cannonballs held by the pirates, was talking with Yisen and Master Goser at the entrance.

At this moment, Ian is trying to modify the structure of the pirate artillery, turning it into a simple explosive-pack projectile that can be carried on the back, commonly known as the unconscionable cannon - it is not difficult, and the power will not be low, as long as the alchemy charging module is still Now, it's absolutely capable of firing shells.

The problem is that it's not easy to carry such a thing around, Ian has the strength to lift it easily, but due to his size, he can't find a rope that can firmly tie the barrel.

In the end, Isengard silently cut off a strand of his own hair and mixed it in the rope as a material, and Ian was done.

The physical growth of the sublimator is all-round, and the strength of the eclipsed dragon bloodline is not high, which means that it has a great bonus in terms of tenacity, flexibility and dexterity, even if it is hair.

Ian's own hair tends to be hard, like a metal material that is too smooth, and unless heated at high temperatures, it is difficult to cast together with other materials.

"What exactly is it?"

Watching the alchemy charging base structure of the gun barrel in Ian's hand, Master Gosey said bluntly: "You can hide anything you want, even if Ailes asks me, I will help you, everyone in the team is I can testify for you - but if you don't explain clearly why you didn't follow the team out when you knew the exit of the ruins, Ayers would definitely notice."

Master Gosse knew very well that Ian's strength in front of the exploration team and pirates was nothing more than a holder of the inheritance of the water system with good swordsmanship.

Swordsmanship can be explained by talent, and the inheritance of water can also be explained by the inheritance of the Cieharorvo family. In general, excellence is excellent, but it is not enough to make people suspicious. At most, it makes Viscount Grant sigh with emotion. A sentence that the elders of Pude hid really well.

But acting alone is impossible to hide and difficult to explain.

"It's a good excuse, let's say that I was tracked by the special forces in the land of flames, and I plan to take them to a beast lair to get rid of the pursuers."

Ian, who was still modifying the alchemy inscription, turned his head to the side and looked at the team that was already preparing to leave. He said slowly: "In fact, I plan to deal with the brain-devouring worm nest on the side of the cooling water outlet of the ruins."

"It's too dangerous." The old man frowned: "After leaving the ruins, wait for Ayers to send troops, and it is safer and feasible for me to clear it after I regain my strength."

This is indeed a sensible way to deal with it, but Ian just asked a sentence: "This parasite has entered the ecosystem, can it really be eliminated?"

Master Gosse remained silent, while the boy continued to ask: "Even if it can, within a short time, the Viscount will definitely not have time to solve the internal problems of the ruins... I dare to say that in the South China Sea above us, it is estimated that fleets of more than four countries are now interacting with each other. confrontation."

"Not to mention that I am afraid that I have already gathered a large team of spies and spies from other countries in the port. If we go back, we will not have the chance to return to the ruins for at least a month."

"The real fight, if I say it, doesn't really begin until we get back to Port Harrison."

This is a fact.

In particular, the existence of the special forces in the flying flames proves that they have been lurking here for a long time. No one can deny that there will be secrets from other countries in Harrison Harbor.

"To put it mildly, Port Harrison is my hometown. I didn't expect the whole port to be full of parasites with tapeworms with their mouths and eyes facing out."

Turning back, Ian's tone was still gentle: "Say it badly... Master, you know the reason, how can I allow it to exist?"

Esengard, who was on the side, seemed to understand it, and Andor wished he was deaf with an ugly face, but Master Gosse knew that Port Harrison existed because of whose plan.

If all this has to do with the late emperor and the first knight...

"Okay, you're right." The old man convinced himself, he nodded solemnly: "I have to follow you, brain-devouring worm, this kind of relic parasite is indeed very dangerous. If you are not careful, it may repeat the dawn of the year. The city collapsed."

Dawn City was a labyrinth town located behind Wusha Port 225 years ago. It was originally prosperous because of the special plants for exploring the labyrinth. The resident population exceeded 150,000. At that time, it was considered a medium and large city.

But suddenly one morning, all communications in Dawn City were silent, and none of the scout teams who went to observe the situation returned. They only realized that Dawn City had already been sent by the official military special operations unit to investigate the situation. turned into a dead city.

The countless assimilation vines that climbed out of the maze took only one morning to turn the entire population of 190,000 in Dawn City into nutrients and living corpses, from the little girl who was playing with her parents on the street to the most All the elite elite explorers were not spared, turning into dead bones hanging from the vines.

Afterwards, the fourth-level titan demon plant 'Alilo Hundred-Armed Vine' rising from the earth destroyed the entire Dawn City together with the three surrounding towns and villages, and intended to take root on the ruins of Dawn City and build own 'nest'.

If it weren't for the fact that Marquis Rasul, who was stationed in the Serenity Sea fortress group, led the fortress garrison to dispatch the fortress garrison urgently, and paid the price of destroying the aether armed, I almost perished, freezing the hundred-armed giant vine and its lair together, I am afraid that the subsequent artillery troops will be destroyed. The bombardment could not do any damage to the titan plant, let alone shatter the nest.

After recovering the situation of Dawn City, the empire only knew that the giant vine with hundreds of arms had already awakened when the maze was formed, and it continued to grow with the help of the flesh and blood of the adventurers who died in the maze. By the time it was shot, Dawn City had been completely destroyed. Its heart light body is completely wrapped by the hundred-armed giant 'Titan Arilo' formed of vines and flowers.

It's like the whole city is in the beast's stomach.

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