Above The Sky

Chapter 283 Brain Devouring Mother Worm (33, W Word Update!)

The pale blue river of parasites exudes a little fluorescence, which is an activated biomass luminescence phenomenon.

Shark and Andor did not travel together, but they were not afraid of brain-devouring worms. The first-level monsters who were prepared could easily expel them from their bodies. Only monsters who were in a coma, or who really had bleeding wounds would be possible. will be parasitized.

Ian dispatched Shark and Andor to take a safer long-distance route, which is also to prepare a retreat for the subsequent action-there are more than one rivers leading to the water-cooled interchange area. If there is a mistake in the next action and need to escape, there is one from above. Underground rivers that go through the interaction zone are safer than rivers of parasites.

As for the pirate captain, Ian was not worried that the other party would run away, not to mention the lack of a leg, the young man was very sure that the other party didn't know the way at all, and if he wanted to get out of the ruins, he had to wait for them together.

Moreover, even if he was lucky enough to escape, he would have to face multiple pursuits. It is better to obey the instructions obediently, so as to be a tainted witness of the Ellen family.

Apart from these two, the human beings who can walk along the coast, Ian, Isengard and Master Gosse, they still have to pass through this nearest straight passage.

This time, the three of them were really well prepared.

In order to prepare for Patrick's possible surprise attack, Master Gosey used the materials he picked up along the way to configure several bottles of anti-mine potions on the spot, and each person kept two bottles in hand.

In addition, there are physique enhancement and strength enhancement potions, each bottle is a high-quality product, Ian can't help but sigh, and also understands the gap between himself and the real alchemist.

——The other party can prepare an elite potion even in this situation. It seems that he can no longer use 'no tools' as an excuse in the future.

Then he videotaped it with a silver chip, ripping off all of Master Gosey's skills.

- It's all good, it's all mine!

With the alchemy skills that Master Gosse showed along the way, Ian felt that it would be really easy to become an official alchemist when he returned to Port Harrison!

"This river should be the recycled water from the water-cooling interchange. After being 'purified', it flows through the backyard of the ruins, and is naturally cooled before being sent back."

Walking along the coast, watching the densely packed miniature worm egg sheaths in the river, Ian's tone was a little emotional: "But who knows, the interaction port is likely to be blocked by worm nests, and the purification facility has also become a constant discharge of worm eggs. The corrupting facility of the... A thousand years has passed, and things have changed too much."

The river water is warm and emits water vapor, which is indeed the characteristic of cooling water. Ian did not expect it at first, mainly because there are too many geothermal sources and it is difficult to connect them together.

"There's gunfire ahead."

Master Gosse raised his head, his strength has not yet fully recovered, but the Cloud Shaper's high perception has begun to play a role.

The surging wind between the rivers brought him news, which made the old man frown: "Firearms, artillery, poisonous stench, and the shock of giants—the battle is fierce!"

"That's fine."

Ian sped up instead.

After walking up the river of parasites for a while, they turned into another big river, and the rancid smell poured out from the river, making people palpitate.

The river of parasites is diverted from this big river, and after the rancid smell is reduced, it is a strange sweet and greasy fragrance.

If you look closely, you can see that there are many corpses of monsters and beasts in the river, which have become the nests of brain-devouring worms, and are constantly twitching, and these monsters have obvious traces of fire weapons.

Afterwards, Ian and the others saw that there were many piles of rotten bones in the upper reaches of the river, with amorphous slug-like creatures climbing, in and out, and giant carapaces floating in the water. After they noticed Ian's group, they did not approach, but curled up into their lair.

"Watch out."

But Ian issued a warning. He raised his sword and slashed aside, and immediately heard the clanging sound of metal colliding, and the sound of broken bones.

It was a giant praying mantis, with a brass-colored body and a hideous face. The scythe in front of its hands was extremely sharp, and there were serrations on the blade.

It had just lurked in the shadows to make a surprise attack, and it was its arrival that made the other monsters curl up.

The right scythe of the Brass Giant Mantis had been cut off by Ian's sword, but it did not flinch, but fluttered its wings and slashed again, slashing wildly with both arms.

It was the first time that Ian saw this giant zerg, which is said to be only found in Canaan Moore, in Nanling. He observed that the zerg already had the strength of the first energy level, and the pair of scythes were even at the potion material level. , Unfortunately, it is difficult to refine into potions, at most polished into sublimation weapons.

He didn't care, condensed his strength a little, and slammed it out with a sword, as if a boulder fell from the sky, and the brass mantis fell apart with a sound of 'bang'.

After the mantis died, a long black worm crawled out of the opponent's corpse and wanted to dive into the water. Isengard stretched out his hand a little, and a mass of black-red caustic flames burned it up and curled up, and then dissolved into a mass of biomass.

"Iron nematode? It's actually a brain-devouring worm? How many forms does this parasite have?"

Ian was a little surprised, because the silver chip showed a brain-eating worm - a parasite that could change its form for different parasites.

This kind of memory attached to the brain used by the Sequoia people in the past has now become an extremely ferocious and strange psionic Zerg under the transformation of the elder, and it is ever-changing and difficult to resist.

The sound of the exchange of fire in front of them became more intense, and from below, the sound of the roaring waterfalls and the shock of the rapid movements of the giants could be heard.

The crowd accelerated and moved forward.

The flow rate of the big river is not fast, but it has several tributaries flowing to the side of a rift valley, falling into a waterfall, and the sound of fighting came from the rift valley.

When they came to the rift valley and looked down from above, Ian and the others saw that at the bottom of the narrow rift valley, a great battle was unfolding.

The terrifying giant golden centipede charged, and the cliff rumbled, causing the Flying Flame soldiers who were forming a defensive formation to change their faces. They were firing alternately with three portable alchemy cannons to suppress the advance momentum of the giant golden centipede— But the effect is not great, the weight and armor of the giant golden centipede are too heavy, it is really difficult to stop.

What really prevented the giant golden centipede from advancing was the joint offensive of the two sublimators.

A Scarlet Citizen Ascendant holds a continuously rotating supercharged long sword in his hand, and is constantly attacking the joints of the giant golden centipede's saber feet, hindering the opponent's progress, and now he has knocked down several saber feet.

But there are so many blades, which is a tragic number for all attackers. As long as the giant golden centipede is aimed a little, the sublime of the red people will be in danger.

And another nun from the Spiritual Artifact Church is controlling a huge alchemy machine gun, firing a firestorm-like barrage of Elementium bullets.

The ultra-high heat of the explosive bombs always locked the one eye on the top of the giant golden centipede, causing the giant steel hand to constantly evade.

"It's actually dredging the general maintenance machine?"

Seeing this giant golden centipede, both Master Gosser and Isengard had a solemn expression on their faces, but Ian had a strange look on his face: "Looking at the configuration of the drill bit on the arm, it should be sent here to clear the cooling interaction port channel, right? The back is the cockpit... Sure enough, the driver has been parasitized by the brain-eating worm."

The giant golden centipede's lethal blade feet and sharp scales, as well as its destructive drill bits, are essentially tools used to unclog mountain collapses and blockages in large pipes. It can turn itself into a drill bit or even a miniature shield. Organizations can open up a road among all kinds of sediment or biomass waste, just like earthworms to clear all kinds of difficult causes of blockages.

But it is clear that this former maintenance tool has been turned into a war machine today, and facing the giant centipede that is enough to penetrate the mountain, even if the other party does not have any other weapons, the soldiers in the flames are extremely difficult to deal with.

"who is it?!"

Fighting against the giant golden centipede with all his strength, the captain suddenly felt something. He raised his head and looked above the rift. The thermal vision allowed him to clearly see Ian's face.

"It's you?! The little brat of the Setal Empire, the guy who killed my deputy!"

For a while, old and new hatred came to his heart, and he gritted his teeth and said: "How dare you follow us here?! Damn, you should have killed you with all your strength in the beginning!"

Don't look at the giant golden centipede in front of you, it has the strength of the second energy level, but it has no other armament. It is just strong enough and strong enough to face the fully prepared Flying Flames Special Forces. Although it is an extremely difficult enemy, it is not It is not impossible to solve.

And Ian and the others are not only people from the enemy country, but also their competitors in this exploration - under the anxiety and tension, he has begun to speak a little bit.

Of course, Ian was very concerned about this kind of threat. He took out the water gun directly and attacked the team leader and the formation at the rear from a distance.


The high-pressure water flowed through the atmosphere commandingly. It didn't go towards the brigade leader, but ran through a Flying Flame Soldier behind him who was manipulating the alchemy cannon, causing him to let out a tragic wailing.

The corrosive water first penetrated his armor, and then turned into a bludgeon of water with tremendous force inside the armor, shattering his bones, and the bright red blood and internal organs spurted out of the soldier's mouth, His chest and abdomen were completely crushed.

Ian didn't say a word, and fired another blow. This time it hit the inside of an alchemy cannon. Isengard's corrosive etched dragon blood corroded a part of the inside of the cannon. Although not much, it can also reduce The efficiency and accuracy of this gun.

After that, he withdrew his hand and said nothing.

At this moment, Ian has sensed that there are many parasitic beasts approaching this place in the distance. The giant golden centipede should be the gatekeeper of the worm nest and the guardian of the rift that leads to the cooling interaction mouth. Once it invades If the person drags it, other guardian parasitic beasts in the worm nest will be dispatched to come here to besiege the enemy.

"Now that your firepower is almost the same, let's take good care of this maintenance machine and the parasitic beasts that follow."

With a slight nod, Ian took Isengard and Master Gossey and continued to move forward under the flaming gaze of the captain.

As they moved forward, there was the sound of beasts rushing from the rift valley, and the parasitic beasts with hunger, thirst and ferocious roars were galloping towards their goal. The sum of the monster parasites I have ever seen.

"Good guy, this amount is too hard to cut."

Master Gosse sighed with emotion, with a tone of obvious schadenfreude - when he was young, it happened that the Setar Empire and the Flame Kingdoms fought a silent war for fourteen years, and the old man had a good impression of the Flame Kingdom Well, at least it's not a good person to see.

It wasn't their trouble anyway, and they moved on.

Soon, the end of the rift.

A brilliant light is flashing.

This is an extremely empty underground void area. A big bright blue river is surging here. The land along both sides of the river has been crystallized, and clusters of bright crystals are releasing faint fluorescent fluorescence.

On both sides of the rift valley, rivers converge here, turning into waterfalls and splashing their mist.

Intense radiation permeates this place, and even the hollow stone walls are covered with various colorful crystal clusters, and some of the crystal clusters are built into a shape similar to a nest, which is densely distributed along both sides of the river.

That's where the parasitic beasts live to guard their nests, feeding on the nutrient-rich river water of parasites and bathing in the high levels of radiation here.

The river was extremely hot, and an extremely dense mist of water rose up, shrouding this bright and radiant area full of radiant crystals of various colors.

Lifting their heads, the three of them exclaimed in unison.

Because behind the dense fog, there is a huge and magnificent nest. This nest with a metallic luster looks like a termite's soil nest, but it is 200 meters high, and it is simply a hill.

Its upper and lower ends are hidden in the mist, and the big river spews out of a water wheel structure in the lower part of the nest. It seems to be driving several water-turbine generator sets to generate electricity, making the whole body of the nest glow with blue-blue electric light. .

And in the middle of the nest, there is a huge blue crystal prism inserted straight into the center of the nest, gathering a steady stream of electricity savings.

- No, not crystals.

Ian raised his hand solemnly, activated the Ring of Silence, and led the two into the shadows.

- That's a worm shell.

The huge crystal trembled slightly, and the parts that looked like prismatic edges and corners began to loosen, revealing the soft flesh and blood on the bottom layer that exuded dots of radiation fluorescence, and arcs visible to the naked eye were flashing on it.

——This is the shell of the female brain-devouring worm nest.

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