Above The Sky

Chapter 288 Give It A Shot! (23)

【Ether Crystal Dragon (Transcendence)】

[First energy level · juvenile · core · edible]

[The biological warfare weapon that has undergone multiple artificial transformations requires an extremely long growth time, but after carrying the 'tinder', it can be transformed by leaps and bounds. It was originally intended to be designed to deal with possible alien ecological threats and space warfare escort units, but it is only a prototype, and many key modules have not been completed]

[Bathing radiation, after a long period of natural transformation and evolution, it can accommodate 'tinder' and achieve self-optimization]

[The war life that was re-engraved after obtaining the information about the endangered and protected cosmic species 'Ether Dragon' (also known as the Aether Stardust Dragon) by the Terra Star Civilization, although it does not have the incredible power of the original body, but the same have considerable potential]

[Contained source quality: 25239.9425 basic units]


"Emotional crystal dragons are all artificial biological tools, even weapons of war?!"

Yin En was extremely shocked. This should be regarded as the highest evaluation he has ever seen since he got the silver chip—whether it is the 'transcendence species' or the tier division that only has a 'core' at the first energy level, both are developed. areas he had never seen before.

And the following 'Ether Dragon' or some 'Ether Stardust Dragon' is obviously another alien life... It can even be said to be cosmic life.

Yin En didn't know the specific level of the etheric dragon, but instinct told him that if a species could survive in the universe by itself, its energy level would be the fourth... No, the fifth energy level would start.

And even if it is such an ether dragon, in the introduction of the chip, it is the so-called 'endangered protection'...

"This is also the first time I have seen a creature with more than 10,000 basic units of source material at the first energy level... Although the female worm is an elite unit, there are only more than 3,000... Sure enough, the 'fire' is on it!"

Yin En still doesn't know exactly how to calculate the source quality, because in the silver chip, the source quality of the ether crystal dragon is still increasing wildly, soaring, explosively increasing, obviously entering the 'overload mode' and starting to extract the fire engine energy in battle.

The crystal dragon lineage was probably a biological weapon used to carry fire in the past... But why does it have to be biological?

"Could it be that the Tinder starship of the Obera civilization is a biological spaceship?!"

Assumptions can be assumed later because there is no leisure time these days.

"The sneak attack can be suspended."

Yin En took out four sets from the alchemy powder bag he was carrying, and said solemnly, "Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I have to go and blow up the worm nest."

"Why do you have to blow up the worm nest?"

Isengard asked inexplicably: "I thought at first that you wanted to destroy the brain-devouring worm's nest and avoid ecological disasters, but now that this crystal dragon is at war with the female worm, let's find a chance to seriously injure the female worm and then Can't you just leave?"

"Without the female worm, this group of brain-devouring worms will definitely die out! The Crystal Dragon will probably be able to kill them all for us."

He didn't know that the existence of the worm nest itself was the culprit for the interface stuck in the water cooling zone, so he didn't know the real purpose of Yin En wanting to solve the worm nest.

Of course, Isengard is right. After the brain-devouring mother worm is eliminated, you can do whatever you want, and the worm nest can indeed be delayed.

But the problem is that now that these two monsters are fighting, Yin En is not sure who he can hit at all.

The brain-devouring mother worm is now like an octopus, clinging to the crystal dragon, and the whole body releases high radiation heat, so that the high heat of the crystal dragon itself does not have much effect.

What's more, it's fine to observe for more than ten seconds. Once he observes for a long time, he will definitely be overloaded with psychic energy.

"The main reason is that the worm's nest is so big, and there are only four sets of explosives, and it is not very useful."

Master Gosser also frowned, he seemed to be thinking of a way: "I have a way to increase the potency of the explosive..."

"No." In response, Yin En shook his head.

Don't look at the large worm nest, it looks like a hill. In fact, it is full of flaws in the precognition horizon and silver chip. There are various load-bearing hidden dangers. It is just stuck in the interactive port. It will collapse in decades.

In the center of the whole blue worm nest, there is even a gray dot, which should be the weak point.

With explosives, all it takes is a few cracks in key areas to make it self-disintegrate quickly.

However, at this moment, the giant eel moved.

The originally comatose giant eel opened its eyes, and a blue-green psionic halo circulated in the depths of its iris. There were many wounds on its body, which were obviously traces left by the previous battle with the parasitic beasts.

But now, it is extremely silent and docile, not at all as furious as when it was chasing Yin En and Shark before. The Great Wall is invincible and full of a strong sense of power.

However, compared to this unshakable body, its demeanor is very ignorant, as if it had just learned to control this body, and it took a while before learning to swim.

This behemoth headed towards the battlefield between the mother worm and the crystal dragon, and seemed to want to join the battle.

"The female worm controls the body of the giant eel?"

Yin En's eyes narrowed, he saw this, although it was not completely parasitized, but with the neural network connected by the previous brain-devouring insect, the other party still forced the giant eel to connect to the psychic network, suppressing the giant eel's native consciousness.

This situation is much more serious than that of Master Gosey at the beginning, because Master Gosey was only affected by a trace of psionic aftermath, and after recovering his own will, he quickly repelled other people's psychic energy. This is the instinct of any life.

But the brain-devouring worm is no different from the giant eel, it is only the last step away from the parasitic beast... It really accepts a powerful enough subject to replace its brain.

But for now, psionic control is enough.

The giant eel rushed into the battlefield where the crystal dragon and the female worm were fighting, and the situation was even more chaotic - the crystal dragon originally relied on the 'fire' in its body to provide a steady stream of powerful power, and as a weapon of war, it was well designed to fight the female worm head-on, but the first There is always a gap between the second energy level and the first energy level. If nothing else, more and stronger sublimation organs and higher-quality source substances in the body are enough to reverse the natural gap between the two parties.

Now add the giant eel to suppress the crystal dragon.

With a reminder that is far bigger than the crystal dragon, this behemoth directly entangled the female worm with the crystal dragon—the female worm is a soft creature, but the crystal dragon is not. Under the enormous power of the giant eel, the crystal dragon made a sound. howling.

It was about to be cut off by the giant eel's shell and bones. No matter how much it spit out the ultra-high temperature steam jet mixed with thunder and flames, it blasted the giant eel's body out of flesh and blood holes, exposing the bones below it, the other party was still stunned. Do not move.

Anyway, that's not the body of the female worm, and whether this soft-bodied creature can feel pain or not is another question.

But in this way, it gave Yin En a chance.

The giant eel, the female worm, and the crystal dragon were all fixed in one place, not tossing and fighting like before.

"Quick! It's now!"

Master Gosse and Isengard have finished setting up the artillery, and Yin En directly opened the vision horizon and silver chip, resisting the loss of physical strength caused by observing three monsters stronger than him at the same time, to calibrate the muzzle.

After the calculation of the trajectory of the silver chip was completed, he said, "It's here - shoot!"


A cannon roared, and thunder exploded. Although the sound of the alchemy artillery firing was really insignificant in this chaotic and noisy situation, the power of the artillery should not be underestimated.

boom! The entwined giant eel head shook, its huge body shuddered like convulsions, and then began to twitch violently, swinging again and again, like a huge salted fish that was caught trying to struggle to return to the sea. .

Yin En saw through its weakness and knew that just shaking the giant eel's head could make it temporarily free from the control of the female worm. This was indeed the case. When the giant eel struggled in pain, both the crystal dragon and the female worm were freed from their shackles.

This time, it was the mother bug.

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