Above The Sky

Chapter 291 I Have A Lot Of People! (13)

There was indeed something alive, in the middle of the lair, so obscured by the haze of the mother bug that Ian hadn't even noticed it.

At this time, Patrick also broke free from the psychic bondage of Bishop White Mist.

There was no way for Bishop White Mist to continue chasing Patrick—the onslaught of the ether crystal dragon and the female worm swept the entire battlefield, and he had to suppress the attacks of these two giant beasts to avoid the collapse of the underground rock crust.

The blond aristocrat didn't waste time complaining either. He raised his sword, cut his wrist, and shed dark blood mixed with lightning.

Buzzing...the naked eye arc wraps around the blood, then swirls around Patrick.

"In the end."

Staring at the white-haired boy who was already waiting in front of him, he whispered to himself, "I have no choice but to kill you all."

The black blood slowly evaporated in the rapidly rotating electric light and turned into a blue-gray cloud. From time to time, blue-blue micro-lightnings were released towards the outside world. The constantly rotating arcs shone around him, forming a layer of lightning that seemed to be cast by lightning. armor.

The blond aristocrat's figure was hidden behind the fog, only two dazzling lightning streams flashed where his eyes were: "Thank you, Ian, you made me understand that I have been hesitating all my life. Yu, never made up my mind."

"And now, I'm here to kill you with all my strength."

- as respect.

Before the last sentence was finished, Patrick, who was going all out, had already used his sword - the blue-blue lightning sword light seemed to be like a long thunder whip that exploded in the ground, stretching a distance of dozens of meters, and quickly moved towards Ian. The place is beaten.

This time, he was not stupid enough to compete with Ian in swordsmanship, that would be a bit of a humiliation, and the risk was too great.

So this time, he completely relied on pure essentia conversion to attack.

This is indeed a problem.

Whether it is a sand armor apprentice, a wave chant, or a goblin, there is no defense against pure source material shocks, and the invisible lightning is not like a sword that can be blocked by the same sword-maybe next time he should Add a shield to your standing arsenal, but now the shield does not exist.

So Ian didn't even think about it, he just didn't care!

Just as Patrick didn't care about turning around and left before, he didn't care about it, he turned around and hurried towards the worm's nest!

Snapped! The sparkling electric light hit the boy, making him stagger.

Then Ian shook his head and continued to run.


Not only was Patrick's shocked expression distorted this time, but even Bishop Baiwu took a look at him - he didn't seem to be looking at a fourteen-year-old boy, but a rough-skinned iron armored dragon. .

But Master Gosse and Isengard were not very surprised, at most they were a little puzzled.

"Strange thing?" The old man said to himself with some puzzlement: "Is the effect of my potion so good? Even Pat's lightning sword is almost immune?"

Yes, although it has a lot to do with it, it's not just the high resistance to all attributes brought by Ian's sand armor apprentice.

What really made the young man almost ignore this thundering sword light was actually the anti-thunder potion given to him by Master Gesai in advance, as well as the matching essentia potion, strengthening potion and constitution potion.

With Master Gesai assisting the logistics, who will not be fully refreshed in advance in battle?

The moment he saw Patrick appear, Ian had already filled a belly of potion.

Coupled with the tempered muscles brought by the core of pure rock, the hardening of the skin brought by the core of sand armor, and the earth-type essentia covered by the heart of fertile soil!

Now, it is his heyday for so many years! What kind of lightning sword is no different from being bitten by a mosquito, so don't worry about it!


As a student of Master Gosse, Patrick naturally thought of this, so he had to grit his teeth and sprint forward, changing his sword technique, and stabbed Ian with lightning bolts one after another.

Immediately, one can see that sharp lightning currents hit Ian like raindrops. Although the lethality of these currents is not as good as the previous thunder sword light, their penetrating power is stronger and can bring more paralysis.

Even with Ian's physique, his footsteps would slow down slightly.

As a result, Ian had to turn his head and waved the epee to break up the arcs one by one.

For a time, the battle became a replica of the sacrificial hall - Patrick had no choice but to Ian before, especially after taking the potion.

Especially under the blessing of the potion, although Ian's whole body seems to be soft, in fact, even if he hits with a piercing cone, he may not be able to break the defense!

But Ian also couldn't really hurt the other party, what's more, now that Patrick has been very careful and respectful of the young man in front of him, he can't use the sword skills of the great knight to plot against it.

Bang Bang Bang - The two people's staggered sword lights staggered between the rifts, and between the sword lights staggered, the clanging sound rang out one after another.

Neither side could do anything to the other, and the escaping energy and source quality fluctuations even crushed all the crystals within the fighting range of the two.

At this moment, even the giant beasts who were killing each other were aware of the battle here.

The female worm with powerful psionic energy instantly realized that Ian's target was its lair, so her whole body shone with high frequency and uttered a silent roar, intending to use her psionic energy to interfere with the other party.

While the ether crystal dragon doesn't know that the strength over there is not low, why are the small people fighting, and what is going on.

But it is very clear that what the female worm wants to do, it must absolutely stop it.

Therefore, it even gave up breaking free from the entanglement of the female worm, but opened its mouth and let the white light shine deep in its throat.

hum, hum, hum—

The translucent crystal surface of the crystal dragon begins to store energy layer by layer, and finally converges in the mouth.

Immediately afterwards, just like the eruption of the anger spring, the beam of light burst out!


A dazzling burst of strong light that instantly illuminated the entire rift area, poured out of the mouth of the ether crystal dragon, and instantly penetrated the body of the female insect wrapped around itself, and also penetrated its own body!

The power of its breath is so powerful that even it can't resist it - such a breath has severely injured the mother worm and itself at the same time!

The battle between dragons and insects has lasted for thousands of years. They have killed each other, from the peak to the endangered, from the silence to the recovery, and it has never ended. This time, if there are no outsiders, it is estimated that it will still be the same outcome.

But just like what Ian said.

The battle of the sublime, in the case of similar strength.

——It mainly depends on who has more people!

Just when the White Mist Bishop who suppressed the giant eel and the Anhuazi strain was also going to pay a little price to force back the enemy who was entangled in him and try to help Ian deal with Patrick.

There was a bang, and he heard a cannonball launch that was far louder than he had imagined.

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