Above The Sky

Chapter 300 And 35 It's All Blazing Land's Fault! (23)

"...In my opinion, there aren't many options."

Isengard rallied far faster than Ian imagined—or maybe he knew his father didn't love him for a long time, so he didn't feel any shock.

The blond boy closed his lake-green eyes and slowed his breathing.

When he opened his eyes again, he calmed down and said slowly: "At least the situation is much better than I thought. At present, I still have a mother to rely on, and my grandfather's plan will also wait for me to reach the fourth energy level. will begin.”

"In other words, before the fourth energy level, I can use their power to protect myself, and they also hope that I can become the head of the Ellen family - this can be used."

"As for father..."

Having said this, Essen paused, and then said sadly: "Compared to me, who has royal blood, he still hopes that the second brother with the blood of Mrs. Ellie and the blood of the Ellen family will be the head of the house. After all, he and his uncle are the same family. Brother, what's the difference?"

He turned his head and looked at the white-haired boy: "Ian, what I should do now is to help my mother and them, but not to really investigate Uncle Pat's motives, and even help him cover up the crime and suppress this matter as Ellen The power struggle within the family, avoid irritating the father and grandfather, and use this excuse to fight for power for yourself, right?"

"You should have made a lot of noise about your assassination, but handed over the investigation to your father so you can get your money back, but it's gone." Ian stared at Isengard before speaking slowly. My own opinion: "Well, it's a little weird, and your best option should be to tell your mother all this."

"Tell her everything except me. Mrs Avlina is probably far less 'dumb' than everyone thinks."

The teenager raised his brows, obviously very interested in such a future: "Yison, the situation may be better than you and I imagined."

"Your mother loves you more than your father and her own father."

"She may have many problems, but she really loves you."

"Is that so?"

When Isengard heard this, he lowered his eyes subconsciously, and his eyes were a little wet.

He showed a somewhat difficult smile, but looked like he was crying: "It's so nice...Mother..."

Ian shook his head slightly. He had thought of many suggestions and possibilities just now, but he never thought that Yisen's mother could bring extraordinary changes to the situation.

It seems that even prophets cannot escape preconceived ideas.

There is still a need to communicate with Master Gosse about Isengard's next actions. Now that Ian has told the other party all the truth, Isengard must also be able to make his own choice.

"The labyrinth thing has come to an end, I have to go back to the imperial capital first."

After thinking about it, Isengard said: "Uncle is the director of the southern part of the Boin workshop. In any case, I have to fight for this right with my mother."

"I originally planned to enter the Platinum Workshop, starting from the deputy director of the research room, but now it seems that the progress must be accelerated... and there is no relevant rights, and I can't pay you."


Ian thought so. If Isengard doesn't pay him, then he probably won't be able to pay Qingchao either.

He has already received the news that Qingchao was rescued by Viscount Grant, and with Scott, Ellen, and even Sainan, he has a large or small team, and he should consider how to make money to support his family. .

Originally, the refining of pharmaceuticals was only enough for him. If he really wanted to make a lot of money, he still had to rely on a behemoth like the Platinum Workshop.

"Second-level fairy inheritance... I don't know if you have it."

At this moment, Isengard was a little hesitant, and he asked embarrassedly: "If it's just a pure second-level goblin material, I can personally take out a copy, which was originally intended to be used to analyze the 'spiritual energy quality'. The raw materials for the fundamental construction' can now be sent from the imperial capital."

"But the quality may be relatively average, that is, high-quality products, not as good as the best ones sold by goblins from Starfall City."

"If you don't mind..."

"I do mind." Ian interrupted the blond boy seriously, and he tapped on the table: "I do mind when it arrives - quality doesn't matter, the faster the better."

——Are you kidding me, why do all the children think that the superior products are ordinary? !

The fairy wings brought by Elder Pude are of the upper-middle class, which is enough.

In the final analysis, the quality of Warcraft materials depends on whether the structure of the inscription is complete and whether the engraving is smooth - and his goblin blood is engraved on the silver chip. As long as it can be used, it is 100% complete.

There is no difference between excellent and excellent.

"No problem." Blinking his eyes, Isengard seemed to understand something, and then smiled: "As for the others, such as the complete goblin potion material, my mother will definitely be willing to give it to you - but it must be I can deliver it after I return to the imperial capital."

"It's natural, it depends on your convenience."

Ian wasn't in a hurry, and everything was settled, he got up and prepared to leave the workshop quiet room.

"What are you going to do next?"

Isengard also stood up. After temporarily stepping out of the previous mental blow, his demeanor became much calmer, and now he can show a smile.

"I will continue to practice until your fairies are passed on to me."

Ian replied calmly, "I'm getting ready for level two - but I've got a lot to do beyond that."

——Shark's advancement and maze, and preparations before the award.

as well as……

a funeral.

Terra 773, April 25.

The fifth day of Ian's return from the South China Sea Relics.

Fourteen years later, he attended the funerals of his father, the port guard, and all those who died in the great storm in the past.

"... This is not an ordinary natural disaster, but a natural disaster originating from the labyrinth. Indeed, there may be no difference between the two, but the latter can be conquered, controlled, and held by us humans."

In the center of the square, Viscount Grant was giving an impassioned speech. Master Gosey and Bishop Baiwu selectively told him about the South China Sea Relics.

The Viscount, who knew that the big storm had been completely ended, while heaving a sigh of relief, was also keenly aware that this was a good time to increase the cohesion and publicity in the territory.

Holding a mass funeral for the victims of the escort and those who died, or even erecting a monument, is not a big deal. After all, similar deaths are not uncommon for the Terra continent, and even the actions of Viscount Grant are not only not. Let some people move, but also make people feel that he is making a fuss.

It's just a natural disaster, and it seems that there is no more.

But this time is different.

very different.

"All of this is the fault of the Flying Flames spy!"

Originally it was just an ordinary script, but at this moment, the volume was suddenly raised.

The Viscount's voice resounded throughout the square, making all the listeners feel deafening and stunned.

They all raised their heads and looked at the Viscount in the center of the square.

And the man who was watched by everyone, he clenched his fists, looked resolute and solemn, and loudly announced the so-called 'truth': "As you think, citizens of Port Harrison!"

"It is the spies of the Flying Flame Land that let us be attacked by disaster!"

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