Above The Sky

Chapter 301 Remains Of Restart (33, 1W1 Update, Ask For A Monthly Pass~)

At this moment, Ian took down a few packets of alchemical explosives that had been hanging from his waist.

After defeating Patrick and the will of the hive, he is ready to do what he originally intended to do - completely destroy the hive.

There is no doubt that the place where the will of the worm nest is located is definitely not the most vulnerable place of the worm nest.

On the contrary, the will at the bottom is the area where the living metal materials and crystals are the most dense and dense. If you want to blow up the place to trigger the collapse of the worm nest, it is tantamount to talking about a dream, it is simply impossible to accomplish, at least The bags of dynamite that Ian was carrying weren't enough.

It would be better to say that with the mere four packs of explosives, apart from the explosive power for a moment, the total lethality combined may not be comparable to that of Ian wielding forty swords.

The question is, where exactly is the area where the entire worm nest can be completely destroyed by blowing up part of it?

Good question! Ian didn't know either.

Unless using a visionary horizon.

"right here."

Stepping through the layers of the worm's nest, he raised his head, and Ian's eyes shone with water.

He soon saw the huge worm nest, where the cracks and the gray mist converged.

That is, the female brain-devouring worm usually settles in the dormant area.

Because of the long-term residence of the brain-eating worms, the female worms have adapted to the environment of the other party. Once the female worms do not return for a long time, they originally needed to be supported by the female worms, and the rooms, areas and corridors under pressure will be rapidly weakened. Then collapsed.

Countless fissures converge here, and it only takes a little explosion to catalyze the self-collapse of every unbalanced area of ​​the worm nest.

Using the vision of vision, Ian carefully placed each explosive pack in the most suitable area, set the detonation signal, and then stepped out of the hive.


Perceiving the turmoil of the beast fighting outside, Ian thought of one thing, turned around again, and went to the depths of the worm nest: "I almost forgot, there are still those things I haven't taken."

At this moment, outside the worm nest.

The battle of the giant beasts is almost over - the female insect was suppressed by the White Mist Bishop and the Ether Crystal Dragon, the Anhua Zizhuang lost its energy, and the parasitic Tengqi Giant Eel became completely silent after going crazy for a while. He remained motionless on the spot, not knowing whether he was dead or temporarily lost his will because of the psychic pressure he was under.

"Just hold on for a while!"

And when Ian arrived at the outside world with three dragon eggs wrapped in a big blanket made of the flesh and blood of the worm's nest, and stepped firmly on the crystalline land, he suddenly felt his legs go soft, and he felt like his whole body was about to fall apart.

——All the tasks have been completed, and almost all the enemies have been solved. Now he really lost the breath that supported him to fight all the time, and the exhaustion accumulated for nearly three or four days in a row came up in one breath.

"Huh...and Andor's armor, and the native shaman and crocodile dragon, and the special team of the flames, and the local magic beast, and Patrick... These days are really fulfilling, and they cost me a lot. All the source material stored for more than a year..."

Ian doesn't feel sorry for the source material he has stored in the ancient dragon core, not to mention that the crocodile dragon's crystal core can repair the ancient dragon core, and the Morien steel that has just arrived can lay a solid foundation for his future third energy level. The foundation of , simply can't make more money...

The highest authority of the Sequoia base alone, as well as the complete design of the ether furnace heart and fire, is enough to make him shout that the harvest is immeasurable.

It's just that, in these three days, more than 360 days of weight have been used, and the intensity of his recent life is really a hundred times higher than other times.

And just when Ian's footsteps were staggering, a figure was walking fast in front of him and supported the boy.

It's Isengard.

The blond boy came to greet his comrades who had come in the past few days. He didn't need to ask, he already knew the result of the battle inside the hive, so he didn't say a word, just gently prepared to bring Ian back to Master Gosey. The alchemy master configures several bottles of stamina potions to restore the opponent's stamina.


But Ian, who was vain in his steps, lifted a sword from his waist - it was Patrick's mithril long sword, he handed the sword to Isengard, and then lowered his head and said: "This is what your uncle said to be reserved for Yours—is considered a trophy."

Isengard, who was supporting Ian, paused in his footsteps. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the nest, feeling a little disappointed.

After a while of silence, he whispered to himself, "Is uncle there?"

"Forget it, that's it."

"Don't worry." And Ian comforted: "He died in pain, not very happy."

Isengard understands how disastrous Ian's sense of humor is, but it has to be said that the jokes of hell do make sense.

The momentary anxiety of the boy who couldn't laugh or cry was completely amused, and he shook his head again and again: "How can you be happy when you die? Hey, forget it... You are much heavier than I thought!"

He originally thought that Ian's body would be very light and easy to support, but he never thought that the other person's slender and slender figure was actually no different from a human-shaped cast iron statue: "Hurry up, the female worm is not dead yet! "

This is indeed the case.

At this moment, the female insect is still going mad, and the huge soft-bodied giant insect wants to rush back to the mother nest all the time. It is indeed not the will of the swarm, but it is the individual closest to the will of the swarm-if you have to say it, it Barely regarded as the 'offspring' of the will of the hive, it is a creature that may succeed the will of the hive and reunite the swarm again.

However, the White Mist Bishop and the Aether Crystal could not allow it to do so.

"Go back."

A blue psionic halo flashed in the old bishop's eyes.

At the same time, the old man took a step forward and pushed forward with both hands, as if pushing open a heavy door.

With his movement as the starting point, a layer of pure white halo converged with a blue psionic brilliance, turning into a azure blue halo, pressing straight towards the female insect—the halo along the way Wherever it passed, the water mist flooded, the earth and stones avoided, and the invisible thought movement directly bombarded the middle end of the female worm's body.

The original female worm was still working hard to press forward, but the next moment, a pair of invisible giant hands held it firmly in place, and even kept creeping back.

It was this confrontation that also gave the Ether Crystal Dragon a chance.

As a giant beast that was about to advance, but failed because of the celestial phenomenon opened by the labyrinth, the etheric crystal dragon was not in very good condition, but because the dragon egg was stolen, he angrily activated the 'tinder module' in his body, burning his own life. Go to fight against a female insect that is one level higher than yourself.

The power brought by the fire made it temporarily possible to fight the opponent, but the result was that both sides lost - the opponent lost the guidance of the will of the hive because of its obstruction, and fell into madness, and it also because of its own breath, in itself. A large hole was burned in his lower body.

And now, it is the last blow, the chance to completely destroy the mother worm!

At this time, everyone present saw that the pale white crystals in the etheric crystal dragon suddenly lit up, causing the reaction of the source substance on its body to surge tenfold, and the pale and scarlet particles visible to the naked eye lingered around it, and even pulled up. A series of small arcs.

Opening his mouth, the ether crystal dragon aimed at the brain-devouring female worm who was still wrestling with Bishop White Mist.

hum! hum! hum! hum!

The energy is charged one after another, originating from the tinder module, and the continuous power surges forward along the dorsal fin spikes, and finally converges at the mouth of the crystal dragon.

Then, there was a white lightning flash!


The stalemate female worm was instantly shattered by the ether crystal dragon's full-strength strike, and the entire body of the worm was like garbage. It fell heavily on the bottom of the nest, causing it to crawl in the turbid river water and crystal debris.

The giant worm seemed to feel that he was about to die, so the fluorescent light on his body began to dim gradually, flickering on and off, and the flesh and blood flashing with the fluorescent light even squirmed slightly, as if crying.

- they failed.

——They can no longer leave here, leave this underground cage.

—they... no more... no way...

Boom! ! ! !

At this moment, the explosives Ian placed inside the worm's nest exploded, shattering the most important support point of the 200-meter-high nest.


In the violent wind, the upper part of the worm's nest tilted and bent in the billowing black smoke, and then... it crashed down!

It fell on the female worm that had completely lost its ability to resist, and the breath of life was almost dissipated!

The nest collapsed, completely pressing the female worm underneath.

clap la la...

At the same time, the sound of running water suddenly became violent.

"Quick, get ready to get out of here!"

At this moment, Ian, who had been supported by Essengarde to the side of Master Gosser, suddenly got up after taking a physical potion. He supported his tired body and said to the two with awe: "The worm's nest is smashed, cooling and interaction. The bug in the mouth will disappear soon..."

"All functions of the cooling port are about to be completely restarted!"

"We must get out of here as soon as possible!"

boom! buzz-

It was at this time that the earth-shattering huge shock spread throughout the entire Rift Valley.

A giant silver metal pillar burst out of the rock shell above everyone's heads, followed by the second one, the third one...

Until the end, in the entire rift area, where the worm nest and all the waterfalls, flowing water and the outer edge of the crystal area, formed a silver circle composed of countless metal cylinders.

In the blink of an eye, the original solid rock formations seemed to be completely shattered, and the seemingly indestructible rock formations were now like the debris on the body of a giant, shaken lightly and completely fell on the ground. Earth, like a meteorite hitting the earth.

In the process of these rock formations gradually peeling off, it can be vaguely seen that a huge, gigantic super-giant metal pipe is slowly descending from the top layer, towards the bottom of another slowly rising metal pipe structure inlaid connection And go.

Undoubtedly, that is the true form of the cooling interface... an emergency cooling channel enough to pour water into the sea!

In the past, because there was no need to use the emergency passage, this place was only the source of water for viewing, but now, the high heat in the heart of the furnace needs to be relieved urgently, and it is the time for expedited cooling!

However, the worm's nest was stuck, and the elder entered the wrong command through the biosignal, which made the Sequoia Base unable to proceed with the next process and stuck in place.

But now, everything is working again.

"Come on!"

Seeing this, there was no need for Ian to say more. Master Gosse and Isengard were immediately horrified. They carried Ian on their backs, packed their equipment, and were about to leave this place.

At the same time, the Ether Crystal Dragon also uttered a long groan. It was not in a good state after defeating its opponent, but it still had the strength to swim, and was now leaving upstream along a river.

"Follow Zhanhai Crystal Dragon!" Ian said loudly, he could hear it, the other party's long cry just now was to tell them to follow up - for the sake of fighting side by side before, or for the sake of the dragon egg in Ian's hand, the ether crystal The dragon decided to save the lives of their group of humans.



Calling loudly, the next moment, the Iron Shark and Andor, who had recovered most of their energy, rushed out of the river, and they had long been lurking beside them, waiting for the opportunity to help retreat for everyone.

Now is the time!

Everyone rode on the shark, although it was a bit heavy, but with the help of the source quality exerted by Andor, the water soared, and the shark quickly approached the direction of the ether crystal dragon.

At the same time, the sealing layer of the silver metal cylinders is still descending. They are gradually sealing and mating with each other, just like a huge, hard-to-see marginal gear is staggered together in a complicated structure and method, and is reconstructed into A majestic structure from a thousand years ago.

Just after Ian and others had separated hundreds of meters from the edge of the huge pipe with the crystal dragon, the huge interactive pipe had been inlaid.

The worm nest, the corpse of the giant beast, the soldiers who were too late to retreat, and the giant golden centipede seemed to be swallowed by a giant mouth. They were supposed to be huge, but in front of the huge mechanical structure calculated at the kilometer level, it was almost impossible. and generally insignificant as flying insects.

They fell into the dark abyss - into the abyss that leads nowhere.

Immediately after that, there is an extremely hot, ultra-high temperature and ultra-high pressure furnace with incredible heat and radiation.

Ian turned his head and stared at the huge metal pipe behind him. He couldn't see clearly from the vision horizon, but the thermal vision brought by the silver chip let him know.

Everything behind him has turned into a bright golden red like the sun.

Everything is devoured...

It was hot, almost ionized, coolant around the runaway hearth.

At this moment, it is spewing out from the other side of the hearth that has been closed for an unknown period of time with thunder, overlapping like a tsunami, gathering together...

Then, swarm where they are meant to be.

Insect nest? female worm? Or something else?

In this scorching heat that is almost as high as the sun, it will only become complete ashes.

On the other side of the official road, the icy coolant also began to be injected into the cooling interaction layer, heading to the surrounding area of ​​the fiery hearth that had been waiting for them for an unknown length of time, to appease the high-temperature structure that had long been unloaded.

The extremes of one cold and one hot, carrying the heavy pressure enough to silence the sublime, rose and fell alternately from the other side of the sky and the sea, bringing endless noise and the roar of the sea.

At that moment, whether it was Ian, or Isengard; Master Gosse, or Bishop of White Mist.

Even the ether crystal dragon was silent and sighed with emotion.

They gazed in awe at the relics of the pre-epoch civilization that had begun to function normally again, as if witnessing the miracles of the gods.

——The water is surging and surging, turning everything into nothing.

Whether it's a long past time, or a constant sadness.

------off topic-----

Next is the real ending. Ah, after writing the plot of the relics, I have to rest for a while. Originally, the new book was updated steadily at 6,000 per day, but the result was still 10,000 per day.

If it goes on like this, the body will collapse again, so I have to slow down...

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