Above The Sky

Chapter 312: Towards The Future (End Of Labyrinth, 23)

[Captain, Jekal's leg bone was bitten off by a sabertooth fish, and the broken sabertooth and bone residue got stuck in the wound...]

[Captain, the temperature is dropping rapidly, we must start a fire immediately... But the fuel here is only the board of the boat we crossed over...]

[Captain, there is something wrong with this place, why are there strange characters and murals of the indigenous people all around? ! 】

[We, are we afraid that we ran to the sacrifice grounds of the indigenous people? ! 】

Such a voice could be vaguely heard, and scenes of figures dissipated.

Ian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and woke up from the illusion.

He stood up slowly and calmly said to the people who turned their heads to look at him: "If there is no accident, the skeleton in front of me should be my father."

"Fourteen years ago, I was born in the first major storm in the South Ridge. At the same time, the Harrison Harbor Sea Guard was lost in the sea, and even the wreckage of the ship was not visible. My father was The captain of the escort at that time."

The boy's words were concise, but everyone already understood the origin of these skeletons in front of them.

"The big storm is the change of the ruins... They were just like us, sucked into it by the change of the ruins at that time, and arrived here."

Isengard whispered to himself: "It's just that we were involved in the interior of the ruins, and they were involved in the entrance of the ruins - but because of the storm, they couldn't get out, and they couldn't get in, and they were blocked by the door of the ruins. …”

"Yeah." Ian replied lightly, his tone was calm: "They didn't die in the big storm the first time, they were just trapped here, but unfortunately, no one could be saved and escaped from it. "

He is not very clear about his emotions at the moment... In the end, Ian is the 'Su Hui' who awakened the memory of his previous life, and before he awakened Su Hui, his parents in this life had already died.

To be honest, Ian is indeed grateful to his parents in this life for giving him birth, and doing his best to make him grow up... so that he has the memory of awakening and the possibility of getting rid of that cheap uncle.

If it weren't for the good popularity of his parents and the hard work of his mother to raise him, he might have died early before he grew up.

"Rest in peace." Bishop Baiwu stepped forward and saluted the corpse in front of him seriously. He turned his head and said to Ian, "I know them, Ernesto, Jakar, Davian, Shar. , Mon Tiegu..."

The old man listed the names of each corpse one by one, he didn't lie, he really knew all of them, even if they turned into rotting skeletons: "It seems that they ended up having a civil strife, and only Ernesto, the Ian your father survived, but there was no cannibalism."

"Enesto collected the bones of other people, and he ushered in death. He also abides by the dignity of human beings until the end."

"If you don't mind, I want to cleanse them and bring them back to the church cemetery in Port Harrison for burial."

Ian has no reason to refuse, and he doesn't even have the right to refuse.

He is only a relative of one of the bones, the bones of the others, no matter why they broke out in civil strife and killed each other, should be brought back to Port Harrison, and their relatives should be brought back for burial.

Therefore, he just watched as Bishop Baiwu exuded bursts of pure life essence, covering all the bones like a white mist.

At this moment, the young man saw again, heard a voice from fourteen years ago, and saw the illusory silhouettes.

[Jekal died, and the ship’s board was removed and ignited. Although there is enough food, I don’t know how long this storm will last, and I don’t know where we are in the South China Sea now…]

[Captain, the situation around here is very strange. It seems to be the holy place of the Tenglan Ministry, but at least no one has come to worship for decades... It's really a bit gloomy! 】

[What's so gloomy, isn't it very simple that they couldn't come to worship? It was the old Viscount who crippled them all... Huaguang is on top, these murals are really blasphemous, why are they all cannibalizing and dismembering the corpse, the old Viscount did not negotiate with them is really a wise choice, All these profane and filthy rituals should be destroyed]

[Okay, Maureen, now is not the time to think about this, you see, there is a door here, but we can't open it... Hey, here is this animal skin booklet, and a blue card? 】

Only six people were left here, and the rest of the escort team were all killed in the great storm. The terrifying tsunami and hurricane blew the whole ship away from the sea. Only their group held the board of the ship to death, and in the sea Drift for a long time and then got caught up in the whirlpools in the ocean.

But even if they were all still alive, the exhaustion and hunger caused by drifting made everyone present anxious and uneasy. In addition, they were attacked by monsters in the middle, and there were wounded people, and the situation was even more troublesome.

And after the first dead person appeared, the morale of the entire survivor team fell even further.

Ian saw that a white person who was seven or eight similar to himself took off a dusty animal skin picture book and a blue card from the statue in confusion.

He read the words carefully, and then showed a stunned expression.

Time just passed, and as the flames slowed down, the light gradually dimmed, and everyone's spirit became more and more tense.

[Meng, put down the knife]

【I won't let go! Captain, I know, you want to eat me! you want to eat me! Just because I'm a mountaineer, not an imperial? ! 】

[No one wants to eat you, Meng, you are also from the Empire. To be honest, if you really want to eat it, isn't Jekal's body right next to it? We do not want to eat the dead and have to eat you, the living person? Obedient, put down the knife]

【But I heard it! Someone wants to eat us, eat our brains, devour everything and our souls...]

[Captain... The ancestors of the iron bones were priests of the mountain tribe, and they were expelled from the mountain after the failure of the struggle... He may be right, I seem to have heard it...]

[Mo Lin, did you hear that too? 】

[Captain, I am a Huaiguang believer. I will never lie at this time. If I deceive you, I will be in hell forever, and I will never see the light! 】

[Okay...then I'll tell you]

While the others appease the somewhat unhinged Mon Tiegu, Captain and Maureen come to the other side of the bonfire, and they communicate in low voices.

In the captain's hand, there is a small animal skin manual with beautiful handwriting that is not like the natives. It is the instruction manual and warning words left by the ancestors of the natives in the past. It explains the demon-like parasites and destroying gathering places. It is a pity that the indigenous people never really tried to understand the history recorded in it, but only regarded it as a test and warning of their beliefs.

So they enshrined it in front of the icon of their ancestors.

Captain Bai Zhimin read it, and he knew that what he had in his hand was the legacy of his predecessors, and the door behind him was the key to the true holy land of the natives, but it took four keys to gather together to open this crystal door.

However, he knew from the worrying description in the manual that there was a hidden underwater channel around the cavity. It was an underwater channel independent of the crystal gate. It only needed a blue key to open it. Lanbe stayed, so that his tribe could take the lead in returning to the secret passage of the Holy Land in the future.

From there, they could probably bypass the solid crystal door, try to enter the ruins, and survive.

But the demons dormant in the ruins, those weird brain-devouring insects are probably also awakened and active because of this huge storm.

They are still beasts and have no wisdom yet, but if they get the bodies of themselves and others, and get enough brains...

Even, they followed the door they opened with the blue key, left the ruins, and came to this vast ocean...

[Mo Lin, I still have an underwater breathing medicine here, I will give it to you, you can find the right time, try to go back to the port to find rescue soldiers, and let the Viscount and the others come to rescue us - the secret here must not be too much. People know, especially the demons that may exist in the ruins... We must not let them be released! 】

[Captain... it's better for you to go out, I'm not humble, I am indeed the best swimmer among all of us, but I remember that your child will be soon...]

[Mo Lin, I believe that you will not abandon us, and if you want to find reinforcements, only you have the best chance of surviving the storm——As for my child, don’t you think, make sure that the secret here will not be leaked , is it also a kind of protection? 】

【...I will never betray your trust! 】

【Um. 】

The man gradually fell into contemplation in the dim light. He didn't know how to choose. From his knowledge, he only knew that the indigenous holy land might be a prototype of a labyrinth, and there were vicious parasites that devoured human brains inside the labyrinth. Strange, not even uncommon in the whole world.

The question is, how should he choose? With the blue keycard, they can indeed try to venture into the maze through underwater passages, but this way, if they are eaten by the parasites inside, the secret passages they know will be discovered.

diabolical parasites, can escape from the portals they open.

At that time, it was they who released the demon.

Just like those adventurers who unknowingly explore the labyrinth and bring disaster to their hometown.

【Someone is talking in my head? ! who is it? ! who is it! ! 】

[There are ghosts in this place, there are ghosts! It's going to eat us all! Eat them all... But why, why don't I feel disgusted, this feeling doesn't seem to be eaten, but merges into one... Hee hee, hahahaha! ! 】

[Sober up, Sarah! Keep your mind! This is the monster eating your mind with psionic energy, its power is very weak, just cheer up a little... Damn, are you insane? ! 】

[Captain, kill them, these people are crazy... Besides, we really have no food...]

In the depths of the ground, there seemed to be a strange sound, as if some behemoth was repeatedly hitting the rock wall, hitting it regularly with the same rhythm, shaking the earth.

And with this shock, waves of psionic energy fluctuations spread, causing everyone to fall into madness.

In the chaos, in the hunger, in the madness, in the fear of guarding against each other, everyone began to draw their swords to face each other. The man of the white people motioned for a shorter young man to leave, and then he blocked the narrow passage of the chamber alone. mouth.

Until now, the white man still has a chance, he can still escape alone, open the underwater channel, go to the inside of the ruins, and risk his life.

This choice may bring disaster to his home, his wife and children; but it is also possible to survive and live a happy life with his family.

Choose a continuation of 'Hope and Survival'.

Or, choose the death of 'desperate and inevitable'?

To die in this narrow, blasphemous, and eerie undersea chamber?

He has to make a choice.

[No matter what, I can't open that door. Even if we can survive, if the parasite is released, the disaster caused by it is definitely not something that Port Harrison can withstand... At least Evelyn and Ian cannot be spared]

Raising his sword and facing his former comrade, he even thought with some relief in his heart: [Please forgive my selfishness, I can't live with my comrades, but I have to do something... Even if Ian is not born yet, I have to be an example for him too...]

[If the Viscount and the others find our bones in the future, and they see us killing each other and devouring the corpses in order to survive... Alas, my child... I can't make him the son of a cannibal... At least I can't let him take this Growing up with a discriminated label...]

[At least, even if I die, I have to die as a proud father who will make children proud]

【Evelyn... Ian...I...】

【I love you】

He no longer had time to think.

Because the already crazy escort members rushed up.

Their eyes were red, their expressions were frantic, their mouths were filled with hungry saliva, and they exhaled a stench and a fiery breath.

The psychic powers of the Brain Eaters were not strong enough to control their minds over the rocks, but fear, despair and hunger destroyed their sanity.

So I lost myself.

The man could only straighten his back, and he raised his sword.

Immediately afterwards, he swung his sword.

In the sword light, the illusion dissipated.

At the same time, the pure white life source mist also dissipated.

Bishop Bai Wu took a step back, indicating that he had been purified.

All germs, all legacy, and even those rotten odors, all dissipated.

But not memory.

Fourteen years later, the young Bai Zhimin silently watched the things that happened on the other side of history and the thoughts that had appeared.

Maureen didn't come back with a rescue in the end, but who could blame him? The young man may have died in the aftermath of the South China Sea storm. The Huaiguang believers could not say that they would never lie, but at least he did not tell the slightest lie at that time.


The teenager whispered to himself, then smiled: "I already know. I know the choices you made, the struggles and thoughts, and the final relief and realization."

"I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you."

--I love you all too.

If it weren't for Ernesto's insistence, I'm afraid the awakening of the insect nest would be more than ten years earlier than now. In that case, all history would be changed.

At this moment, Ian is not only a little enlightened - his psionic power can not only see the future, but also the past... those possibilities that no one knows, those forgotten histories that have been forgotten between heaven and earth.

The future is a choice that has yet to be made.

History is a choice that has been made but forgotten.

His psionic power is to see these things that "no one can know".


Ian used the leather and metal left by the natives to knead them into ropes to gather all the bones, and the boy carried them all on his back.

"Let's go."

He said as usual, and then walked towards the exit of the chamber.

After the scanning of the silver chip and the perspective of the predicted horizon, he already knew that this place should be an unnamed reef group very close to Odell Reef. Inside the reef group, there is a hole that snakes deep into the bottom of the sea. It is the 'watchdog' used by the natives to guard the gate of the Holy Land. No wonder that even if it has been parasitized, those creatures that used to have brains will not cause much harm to them.

But these are all in the past.

The white-haired boy led the team to the exit of this ancient ruin, walking firmly.

——Whether it is a dragon or a worm, it is the obsession of a madman or the desire of the worm's nest to look up at the stars.

——It is the sacrifice of the sacrifice of the generations, or a man's perseverance for the safety of his family.

Sequoia Base's 1,600-year-old entanglements, involving nearly a hundred generations of disputes and hatreds, have finally come to an end today.

All the shadows of the past have been shattered, and all the karma of the past has ended in death.

The light appeared in front of everyone, and the exit was already in sight.

It's time to step into the future.

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