Above The Sky

Chapter 321 Elam's Psionic Po10tial (23)

Originally, Yin En had a good plan - after the adventure in the South China Sea Ruins Group, no matter what the result was, he would ask the Ellen family for 'fairy inheritance' as a reward.

This will not only allow him to have the powerful and highly potential inheritance of the goblin bloodline on the bright side, but also get more goblin materials to pave the way for the second energy level and more sublimation organs in the future.

Next, according to the ideas of Elder Pude and Viscount Grant, he will most likely be recommended to be awarded an honorary title and become a legitimate 'knight', and then he can start his own travel journey to find further resources and increase own experience.

In the process of traveling, Yin En will try to build the fourth sublimation organ, and then advance to the second energy level.

His source material reserves have long been enough, and even now, as long as the potion is in place, he can directly break through, and he has long been prepared.

But this time, his plan was disrupted because of the last gift of the ether crystal dragon.

"Although it's a good thing, the plan is messed up and many things have to be recalculated."

Yin En frowned and thought, he stared at his left arm in the mirror: "Theoretically, only when I reach the third energy level 'Stone Lord', can I absorb Morian steel, shape it into my own flesh and bones, and use Based on this, the phase neural network is created, and then the body and soul are merged to manifest the 'mind light body'."

And now, most of the Morian steels have become containers for the hearth of the fire. They have not been shaped into neural networks, but have become conduits for source material transmission.

Today, Yin En's left arm can be regarded as a high-level inscription weapon, and he can even inscribe some inscription arrays on his left arm as a base of inscriptions to play various roles.

From communication to manipulating water pressure and water flow, from purifying the body to fully automatic cultivation, the effects and possibilities that this left arm can play are so many that the young man fell into contemplation for a while.

"It shouldn't count. The fourth sublimation organ must be under my complete control. The left arm and the core are both incomplete structures that cannot allow me to break through the limit."

After thinking for a while, Yin En named the sublimation organ contained in his left arm 'Ether Crystal', and regarded it as the same as the ancient dragon core. The 'Advanced Sublimation Organ' that can be possessed.

In addition to providing extremely powerful super-spec capabilities now, this advanced sublimation organ can save time by collecting less potion materials when Yin En advances to the third and fifth energy levels in the future.

Moreover, the advanced pedigree of ether crystal is very complete, as long as it is continuously improved, it is enough to become the sublimation organ of the fifth energy level.

Coupled with the ancient dragon core, Yin En's fifth-level potion, I am afraid that you only need to collect two materials, you can directly advance, and then try to integrate the "extreme domain".

"The progress has been accelerated again, although it is not now, but with my current strength, there is no need to fear the general second energy level, only Viscount Grant and Bishop White Mist, or other powerhouses driving armored ether weapons , I just need to avoid it."

Nodding slightly, and then turning around to get dressed, Yin En was already thinking about whether he should get some materials inherited from the earth element and the second-level goblin from Master Gosey and Isengard.

After all, despite encountering various accidents, they still completed the task and got two crystal dragon eggs with the help of Yin En.

If nothing else, it's definitely not too much for him to ask for a reward.

Leaving the bathroom, Yin En could already smell the aroma of the food - Elder Pude had obviously pre-booked a lot of dishes, waiting for him to come back to eat fresh and warm meals.

However, before he could be moved, Yin En, who was tying his hair, found that his younger brother happened to be waiting for him at the bathroom door.

"What's wrong?"

He stretched out his hand strangely and rubbed the other person's head: "Are you waiting for me outside? No need, let's go eat."

"I didn't wait." But Ellen smiled and said softly, "I know, brother, your condition."

"I know, you will come out now."

Yin En was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that Elder Pude also appeared by the door.

A hunch appeared in the boy's heart.

"Yes, he knows."

The old man nodded calmly, his expression at the moment did not know whether it was joy, pride or worry, complex emotions crisscrossed the wrinkles on the old man's face, and finally condensed into a sullen smile: "I originally thought that Elan I will be more worried about your safety than I am, after all, you disappeared in the storm, got caught up in the maze, and there was no news for three days."

"When I went to pick him up, I found that the child was very well-behaved. Scott was at the door and told me that Elan not only didn't cry, but even carefully recited the reading text you set for him."

"I told him not to worry about you. When I took care of him for a few days, the child comforted me in return, saying that you are very safe now...even very happy, very happy."

Turning his head to the side, Elder Pude took a deep look at Elan, then looked at Yin En and said, "Yin En."

"I suspect that Ellen also has some psionic talent."

The old man's tone was solemn: "He doesn't have confidence in you, but he can really sense your situation!"

Yin En froze in place, and even forgot to keep tying his hair, causing his long white hair to spread out.


After a while, he squatted down and looked at his brother seriously: "Did you really feel it?"


And the boy nodded without hesitation: "In the beginning, it was very pleasant, very relaxed, like, I ate, the agreed sweet stew."

"Then the older brother got angry, like, met a fool."

"In the middle, it's complicated, happy, and suddenly."

"Finally, my brother's heart is full of regrets, but he is full of determination."

"I can tell, it's like, brother, right in front of you."

The description of emotions is the most complicated thing. Even adults sometimes can't describe in detail how they feel, but Elan can flexibly use various descriptions and analogies to describe Yin En's excitement at the beginning of exploring the ruins. , as well as the anger after learning about the 'Destroy if you don't get it' action guide of the Flameland Special Forces, and the mood when they finally faced the Brood.

It's true, it's true.


[Symmetrical humanoid carbon-based sublimation creatures on both sides of Terra Star (the people of the chalk variant)]

[Incompetent level, juvenile body, waiting, natural intelligent creatures, main intelligent creatures in the star field, psionic potential to be awakened]

[The human individual has potential psionic talent, but this talent is still lurking. With growth and emotional fluctuations, psychic power will gradually awaken in the individual]

[Strong emotional stimulation will accelerate the potential early awakening]

【Body Material...Carbon-Based Life】

[Strength Level: Normal]

[Contained source quality: 7.2651 basic units]


With a silver-blue halo flowing in his eyes, Yin En said softly, "Psionic potential..."

"Elan..." He wanted to say something for a while, but in the end he didn't know what to say.

The awakening of the psionicist is accompanied by violent emotional fluctuations. Although Elan has not awakened yet, what kind of anxiety is the other party's reason to be able to sense his own mood?

I... Maybe I did make my family worry too much.

Therefore, at this moment, the young man is both joyful and worried: "When you sensed my mood, how was your own mood?"

"Did you feel uncomfortable, or did your head hurt?"

"Me? I want to, know."

Blinking his eyes, Elan didn't seem to understand this question. He thought about it for a while, and then found the exact description.

The boy smiled clear: "It's like, want to know, uncle."

"Brother, I want to know, when will you be back."

"I just, thought so, and then..."

"I know."

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