Above The Sky

Chapter 323 The Dream Of The Insect Nest (43, Ask For A Monthly Pass!)

No matter how gentle they may appear on the surface, psionicists, especially those who have awakened psionic energy, are definitely part of their thoughts that are crazy and unreasonable for ordinary people.

Elder Pude knows this deeply. He knows that prophets are arrogant and psionicists are crazy. They may not feel it themselves, but non-psionic people can perceive that the kind of psionics that haunts them Extraordinarily sharp.

It was as if... breaking through a layer of mask, revealing the sharpness of his true self.

That may be the essence of psionics, a manifestation of a desire derived from the nature of the soul.

This is indeed a unique symbol, but it is also the reason why ordinary people will subconsciously stay away from psionicists.

For most of the world, people wear fake masks to hide their true selves.

Seeing a person as they really are is enough to feel intimidating and uncomfortable.

To give a simple example, it's like seeing relatives and friends suddenly go mad, and say out loud about their various hobbies, the types of works and games they like to watch, and when they are old, they still like the beauty of light x women and various masks x Photographed by Shi Ao x Mante, even aloud his sexual fetish...

Embarrassing, so embarrassing, I can't wait to stay away from such people!

In particular, this person is not ashamed at all, and after speaking out, he can still communicate with other people with such a calm expression.


Instead, there will be some envy and jealousy.

-Why does he do this? So sincere, so undisguised, so unafraid of the eyes and ridicule of others?

People will stay away from psykers, especially psykers who reveal their obsessions.

But Yin En's dream needs the help of many people.

Yin En knows this, so he has been restraining his sharpness, wearing a mask, making friends with most people, to make them feel close, to let all the white people recognize him and believe that he can bring them to life. to a better future.

But just now, Elder Pude noticed that the mask of camouflage on Yin En's body was broken - fighting, killing and determination made his psychic power grow further, so much that he forgot to restrain the aggressive layer. pressure.

In the face of a prophet, anyone would feel the oppressive feeling that everything about him would be seen through.

Elder Pude wanted to find an opportunity to remind Yin En, but he never thought that the other party instinctively restrained his sharp will at this moment.

"Is it because of Ellen?"

Thinking like this, Elder Pude wanted to drink a little wine, but saw Yin En watching him.

"Thank you, elder."

He saw such a mouth and heard such a voice.

He saw Yin En's slightly upturned mouth, and felt sincere gratitude and closeness.

Yoon Eun rarely shows closeness to other people, he can be gentle and ostensibly mix with many people, he can be anyone's friend - but he's always rarely, really close to other people.

Holding the wine glass, the old man was slightly absent-minded.

He's never felt this way... Whether it's from his mother who was single-mindedly focused on academics, or from his father who left before birth and died on adventures, or from all the elders in the old family, he never I have felt this way.

He had no children and never thought of having children, and suddenly a strange warmth spread in his heart.


Thinking of this in his heart, he also smiled at Yin En, nodded to indicate to him to eat quickly, replenish his nutrition and physical strength, and then took a sip of sweet and fragrant mead.

The old man lowered his eyes, closed his eyes, and sensed that the hot wine mixed with his throat and entered his stomach.

A... warm feeling.

——Maybe... I no longer want to fulfill your prayers for me, fulfill your wishes, and make the family revive again.

—I...maybe just me.

——I want to build such a family.

A warm...home.

After eating, Elan was a little tired. He had been feeling Yin En's emotions frequently since the morning, just like the original Yin En, physically and mentally exhausted.

Elder Pude had prepared the room long ago, the little boy Mi Mi Hu Hu Di was put on the bed and covered with a quilt, and Yin En was also ordered to rest.

Originally, the young man wanted to say that he was not tired and could talk to Elder Pude about what he had seen in the ruins, but the other party shook his head and said that he didn't want to hear it now, so Yin En had to go to bed and recuperate.

On the bed, Yin En, who thought he would wake up, felt an inexplicable sense of warmth and security.

It was an emotion that could not be felt in the ruins no matter what.

Therefore, in just ten seconds, he fell into a deep sleep.

The boy's mind gradually became quiet, like an eagle patrolling the sky, although he was alert, he could still sleep peacefully in his nest.

He fell asleep.

Then, I had a dream.

One incarnates as a worm's nest, as a master.

The dream of staring at the stars.


On April 20, Terra 773, bad news spread throughout Port Harrison.

Struggling from the South Sea Labyrinth, Bishop White Mist returned with a dying body and brought back sad news-because of an unexpected change and the obstruction of Patrick of the Ellen family, he did not have time to stop the huge giant entrenched in the labyrinth. The brain-devouring mother worm ran wild, causing all those who had entered the maze before to die in the fight against the swarm.

Whether it is Master Gosser, Isengard, the special team of the Flying Flame Land, or the monk of the Spiritual Artifact Church, the appraiser Yin En, and the Qingchao who tried to leave but failed before, all of them are because of the mother. The attack of the nest or the blocking of the monsters lost the chance of escape.

Even he himself was seriously injured. If it weren't for the fact that his vitality was indeed strong, he would probably have died in that final battle.

He didn't lie, what he said was the truth, and could be verified by all psychic powers.

Neither the Viscount Grant nor the Ellen family can accept this result, but they also know that no matter how unbelievable and unacceptable, things have already happened.

But one little boy didn't believe it.

The appraiser Yin En's younger brother, a Bai Zhimin boy named Elan, insisted that his brother was still alive, and although it was painful and confusing, he was indeed alive.

In this regard, Bishop Bai Wu also inquired about the specific situation in detail at first, but there was no result because the boy could not express his clear thoughts.

In the final analysis, the old man saw with his own eyes that the other party and the will of the worm's nest perished together. Together with the crystal dragon, they fell into the bottomless pit after the collapse of the worm's nest, and finally they were completely burned by the high-heat coolant of the ruins.

In any case, the disaster that may have affected Nanling, and even the entire Terra Continent, has indeed been erased, and the part of the prophecy about this disaster has completely disappeared.

Because Yin En played an important role in the battle against the female worm and assisted the church to eliminate disasters, as a reciprocal return, Bishop Bai Wu decided to follow the teachings, help his family, and lead him to ascension as a teacher of Elan the road.

No one will reject this proposal. The people of Bai have lost their genius, Port Harrison has lost their future alchemist master, and the elder has lost his heir. The decision of the Huaiguang Church is a redemption for everyone, a help in the snow. .

In this way, the young boy began to be trained by the Huaiguang Church. Although he still insisted that his brother did not die, but that his mind was divided into many parts and fell asleep, all this was regarded as a joke by a child.

But no one knew that the corpse of the commander of the Flying Flames Special Forces who died in the hands of the giant golden centipede slowly opened his eyes among the deep ruins.

The water-colored psionic halo was no longer clear, but became deep and deep, as if it originated from the abyss at the bottom of the dark spring.

The disaster that affected Nanling, the entire Terra Continent, has indeed ended.

But that was just a prelude.

The wriggling body, the swarms of insects that developed again with the corpse as the core, and the cyan streamer that flickered on all the swarms, spread, built, and reborn in the depths of the dark underground.

Like a cyan thread, spreading on the dark iron

Time just went by.

In the blink of an eye, it was Terra 779.

------off topic-----

Almost w-word update, ask for a monthly pass!

Recommend a book, "Red Dragon Emperor" author's new book, "Evil Dragon Xiu Shen Ji"!

Familiar dragons, dnd, alien beasts! Let's see how the protagonist is a capitalist in another world!

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