Above The Sky

Chapter 333 Hometown, Friends And Future (33)

When she was a child, her mother always placed the boy in the home of the imperial capital and was taken care of by her grandmother, while she followed her father to the front line and did not return for a long time.

The boy was always incomprehensible when he was a child, he would cry, he would beg his father and mother not to leave him behind, and he could not remember where the 'hometown' that his father always talked about was.

—What about you, Patrick, my friend?

"Your grandfather, great-grandfather, and more ancestors were buried there... We once failed and fled in embarrassment, but one failure does not mean every failure, we will succeed one day and take back our hometown! "

But that day finally came. The grandmother, who was in her twilight years, could no longer move on her own and was bedridden. For this reason, the parents who had been fighting on the northern front also rarely returned to the imperial capital early.

And his mother would always accompany him, and sometimes he would be injured, sometimes even more severely than his father.

[These are all details, in short, I have to tell you something you should know]

"Let me see what you want to say to me."

——Let me see, you obviously have the opportunity to live in peace that I envy so much, and I pursue the fame and wealth that I will never get in my life, for what purpose did you lose yourself in this country place? 's life.

"One day, we'll all be gone. At that time, you must have your wisdom, and your own friends and relatives. Ailes... even if you don't take back what your parents want to take back, just want Hold on to what you have and you have to get stronger."

He has found his hometown, has his own lover and children, and has his own ambitions and expected future.

Therefore, whenever there is a festival, whenever other noble families and even the commoner families of the imperial capital gather with their parents to laugh and play, boys can only be in the family's training ground, under the guidance of the old woman, day after day. exercise.

But that doesn't seem to be his hometown either.

He thought that he could accept such a day. Such a day is already very happy. Although it is hard, it is also full of anticipation for the arrival of a new day.

However, after the award, my mother and my father had a quarrel. Their arguments were about 'giving up' and 'new goals', and about 'sacrifice' and 'glory'.

But it doesn't matter.

The parents did not leave the imperial capital for the first time. They went through the formalities for the boy to enter the imperial capital academy and were honored by Emperor Inaga II. Although the frontline fortress has not been recaptured so far, their bravery and loyalty have been recognized.

Before leaving, the man left such words, he did not expect his children to understand, he just repeated his determination to himself.

Grandma is a strict old woman, and every time her parents leave to go to the front, she will train the boy strictly - she will not talk about the glory of the nobility, nor ask the boy to always remember to take back his hometown, the old lady There is only one requirement, and that is to make the boy as strong as possible.

What about the imperial capital? He was born and familiar with the city, he is familiar with every street, the smell of the air, and even has his own friends and memories.

[Just maybe, as long as its potential is cut off, it is also a solution to let him be the first energy level all his life. To be honest, this idea is quite stinky. When I wrote this, I thought of the traceable dew. , there is a whole bottle in Avlina, Yisen went the wrong way ten times and she saved her back, this idea is impossible to succeed, he still has to die]

The box, which was sent out after death, seemed to have known his end for a long time. Patrick, who could not say anything, had to leave an explanation to his friends at the last moment.

"You are the one who talks about your hometown, and you are the one who gave up your hometown; you are the one who fought desperately, and now you are the one who is cowardly and fearful of death—Harrison, what are you thinking about?!"

[My friend Ailes Grant, when you can read this letter, I am dead, maybe you killed me with your own hands, but it doesn't matter, I am dead anyway, so many things I also without scruples]

"Don't hate me, child."

It's just that the boy seldom listens to the whole song because he always falls asleep halfway through.

During the burial, the mother held the boy, and she shed more tears than the boy, but that did not mean that the boy was not sad.

[Ayers, I know you will be wondering, why should I be involved in this kind of thing? I didn't even bother to compete with the head of the family back then, let alone such a troublesome thing involving the royal family? It’s ridiculous to say, I didn’t plan to get involved in the first place, but everything has a price]

Many years later, the boy has grown up and is even about to become a father.

------off topic-----

Found that place, those people.

The expressionless middle-aged aristocrat entered the inscription secret language that only he and his close friend knew when they were young.

All he knew was that his parents were leaving again for a new battlefield.

Every time when she was almost dizzy after hard training, grandma would hold the boy in her arms and sang a gentle song, a folk song from the homeland of the North, the border of the empire.

Until now, Viscount Grant has never hated his parents even once—even if they almost never accompanied him through his childhood, even if they died one by one without giving him any time to prepare.

[Claire Ellen, you must be familiar with this name. It is the child of Brother Wilder and Ellie, and the eldest son of the family]

will be close to a goodbye.

Ailes didn't understand the parent's conversation.

——Or like the father and mother, even if they left their children and were in danger, they would never waver and move forward?

As long as we can open up a South China Sea port in Nanling and build an exploration base, then in the future, when His Majesty clears the north of Shensha Port, we will have the credit and can return to our hometown. "

A song about people traveling abroad, developing territories, building homes, and marrying their loved ones.

"There are priorities, the hometown will not be recaptured in the next 30 years, the center of gravity of the empire is not in the north, and it is impossible to return to the homeland only with our own strength... But Your Majesty gave us a chance.

He was just thinking about a question.

It was not his hometown.

Whispering to himself, Ailes Grant read the densely packed letter.

Because he already understands.

The father's scarred face, rough hands and stinging stubble made people hate it, and the tender embrace of the mother made it impossible for the boy to feel that emotion.

Hometown, what is hometown?

[Maybe you don't want to, so let me say sorry first]

[I will try to kill him this time, but I don’t know if it will be successful or not. It can be regarded as cutting off a future threat for you. The sense of danger he gives me is even more dangerous than that of my brother back then. I still have a very good appraisal of this kind of genius. In terms of vision, he is definitely not at the level that someone like you can handle—don’t say I underestimate you, if you were really that powerful, you would have already reached the third level]

Young Ailes didn't understand this term. He didn't know what Grant's collar looked like, what the wind was like there, whether the water was sweet, whether people's songs were melodious and gentle, like the tunes hummed by grandma.

Right here in Port Harrison.

[This time, my target is my nephew, Isengard Ellen, a child I see as my own. He's really a good kid with empathy and real courage that our group lacks, but for some royal reason he has to die]

because he has found it.

That kind of thing and purpose that can make him face death calmly, and will not be shaken in the face of danger.

But he can do it, through hard work, through perseverance, through determination.

[That is true, but the appraiser under your command is somewhat outrageous. Where do you find such a genius? That is the masterpiece of master Bavar! You can't control him, let him go as soon as possible, delaying you will also delay him, and it will get in my way]

Even if they die, they're just losers who can cause trouble.

"Ayers, my child... For you who were born in the imperial capital, Grant's Territory north of Shenshagang is an unfamiliar term, but for me, for your mother, it was our childhood, It's where we were born, where our fortresses and people once lived."

I haven't said this chapter recently, and it will be restored after about the 5th!

Grandma walked peacefully, but only ordered her father to promise her that he would give the boy the right to choose.

【He is my child】

All he knew was that every time his father tried to recapture his homeland, he was nearing a death.

[It's just that I worry about you, my friend. I never thought about getting you into this whirlpool from the very beginning, so I didn't ask you to join hands with me to carry out my plan, just one accident after another. Since you can receive this letter, it means that my hunch is correct , I may die because I am soft-hearted, underestimate my opponent, or meet a strong enemy, such as you]

"Human society has morals, interests, and rules - but humans are also beasts, and beasts will compare their strengths at any time."

[The specific reason is as dangerous as taking the heir. This was decided by my eldest brother and I. Don't go too deep, just treat it as a heirloom]

——In his future, will there be such a place, a person, or a thing that can make him face death as calmly as his grandma?

The boy didn't know or understand what his father was doing, but every time he came back, he was covered in scars and wounds so badly that he needed professional doctors and sublimators to seek treatment.

The boy's talent is not good, he is not a genius, he can't draw inferences from one case to another, and understand the essence of swordsmanship; nor can he smoothly mobilize the source essence, easily condense the source seed, and build the source essence cycle in the body.

He opened the small box that was placed in front of him.

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