Above The Sky

Chapter 340 The Truth Of Inaga's Choice (13)


Master Gosse was very relieved. Obviously, Yin En got the true biography from Hilliard, and those who do not understand will never be able to understand, but the true biography can be understood in just one sentence.

"The second energy level needs to condense the soul."

The old man patted Isengard's shoulder hard, and said in a more serious tone: "Yes - you are a psionicist, you may be born with a soul, but what I will say next is the same for you."

"Soul is a kind of thinking mode that can help you to think faster and help you better control the source quality! And this kind of thinking mode does not exist, it is just your way of thinking, but as you gradually correct the operation of your brain nerves The method of using the source material to build the relevant network structure in your own brain, the prototype of the 'soul' will be condensed by you."

"It will become more and more powerful, more and more functional, until it can completely replace your brain, surpass your nervous system, and achieve command and control of physical 0 delay, which is critical to the battle of the sublime. , is also the precursor of the third energy level 'Phase Nervous System'!"

The human brain is quite fragile. It cannot withstand high pressure and hypoxia, nor can it withstand the load brought by high g-force and ultra-high-speed combat. Even the brain after the optimization of the Terran is the same. It is difficult to rely solely on biotechnology. It solves the problem of the speed of nerve signal transmission.

But the soul is the result of solving these problems from the perspective of sublimation techniques such as source quality and psionic energy - assisting the brain, overcoming its inherent defects, and gradually sublimating people to a perfect state.

The soul is the "brilliance" that human beings "condensed" with their own wisdom!

Hence the name 'Ninghui'!

"I understand."

After understanding the nature of the soul in Terra Continent, Yin En suddenly found the corresponding point: "The source seed is the core of the source material field constructed in one's body by imitating the 'natural field'."

"And the soul is the same, but it corresponds to psionic energy!"

"And when the soul is fully mature, just like the source seed will naturally operate and produce the source quality, the soul will also give birth to psionic energy."

Yin En grasped the context, he laughed and said: "And this psionic energy is acquired through practice, and it is closely integrated with the source quality, so it is called 'life psionic energy', which is the prototype of the mind-light body!"

"The source seed corresponds to the source substance and the sublimation organ, which is the first energy level; the soul corresponds to the psionic energy and the phase structure, which is the second energy level; and the combination of the two to build an internal circulation system is the first energy level. The beginning of the three-level!"

"That's it." Master Gosse was very pleased, and now he understands how comfortable it is to teach a genius like Yin En, Isengard is okay to say, and now he is starting to think about it, if he realizes something.

"So it's like this..." The blond boy muttered to himself: "Dad never told me this... Is the point about the structure of the soul? So it is..."

Seeing this scene, the old man nodded in relief, but he quickly thought, if it were Patrick and Ailes...

- If you don't speak clearly, they just can't understand.

The old man sighed, shook his head, and stopped thinking.


However, Yin En thought much more deeply than Master Gosey - he frowned, obviously thinking of an extremely disturbing possibility: "If we say that the natural psionic field itself is the source of the world."

"And what about the 'soul' of the world?"

Having said this, Yin En raised his head and looked at the somewhat surprised old man: "Master Gosse, the soul of the world, is it also a natural psionic field?"

"Then can it be reversed to show that soul, psionic energy and source substance are essentially one?"

"If you say that, then in addition to the natural psionic energy field, there should be another field with similar effects..."

Yun En suddenly thought of something, and he kept his mouth shut.

"The unity of psionic energy and source material is indeed a frontier academic research field today. Soul and source seed can correspond to the natural psionic energy field, because the natural psychic energy field can not only create psionic energy, but also condense the source material. "

Yin En thought too far, Master Gesai was stunned for a moment, then stroked his beard and said, "As for the difference between fields, there are indeed, and..."

"And right next to us."

Yin En raised his head, he turned his head and looked at Nanhai: "It's the labyrinth."

"The labyrinth is the 'artificial' psionic field!"

"Yes." Master Gosse also raised his head and looked at the South China Sea. He stroked his beard and said to himself with emotion: "It's like the Odell Reef next to Harrison Harbor, and the Twaseng Cliff, which is a man-made product created by the labyrinth. Psionic field."

"And the natural psionic energy field is like a vortex of the Sea of ​​Wandering and the Sea of ​​Panic."

"There is no difference between the two, just because of the relics of the pre-epoch civilization, the number of artificial psionic fields on the Terra continent far exceeds the natural psionic fields... This is also an indisputable fact."

"It is said that the ancestors of the goblin clan condensed their souls from the natural psionic energy field, and only then had their wisdom."

"That's why we all say that fairies are the children of the world, the result of the division of the world's soul. These little guys who were chosen by the world are the most proud crystallization of nature."

Yoon Eun didn't answer.

The disturbing thoughts in his mind were growing.

Inside the labyrinth of the South China Sea, there is a lair of fairies, which proves that the artificial psionic energy field can also breed the 'soul of the world'.

With the development of technology, the technology of artificial manipulation fields will spread, and the number of psionic fields will also increase, and the entire planet will gradually be flooded with higher and higher concentrations of source material and psychic energy.

The sun gave birth to the original source material. The amount of natural psychic field determines how much of the source material the sun can retain on this planet, and the artificial field allows the sun’s source material to survive almost 100%, and after thousands of years. Hundred years of accumulation, increase the concentration density.

This is a miracle that the natural planet can never achieve. This is something that can only be achieved by intelligent life and civilization constantly transforming the world!

The world and civilization complement each other. In this environment, there will be more and more intelligent beings born with psionic energy and source qualities, and children of nature like goblins will live very comfortably.

Even in the future, all kinds of non-living bodies may obtain souls due to high concentrations of spiritual energy, and then obtain wisdom... It is just like in the myths and legends of previous lives, everything has a spirit and can have wisdom. say the same.

Even the planet itself will give birth to its own 'soul'.

This is not a bad thing, but the result of the development of technology feeding back to the world.

And at that time, with such a high-tech civilization, it will definitely be able to walk out of its cradle and out of its home planet!

——The world endows civilization with a homeland, and civilization endows the world with a soul!

It's like a mother who raises her child, who in turn helps the mother when the child grows up!

Thinking of this, Yin En couldn't help but marvel at the cosmic laws of Terra's world, the source quality and the psionic field, and the close connection between the world and intelligent life.

What a delicate, loving structure, such a romantic coincidence, it's almost like the universe is embracing all beings.

- But here comes the problem.

If we say that the essence of the labyrinth is a man-made psionic field, and the master of the labyrinth is the master of this field, a soul that is either naturally conceived or joined later.

Then, when the psionic fields on the entire planet are mostly man-made things...

Is this planet a 'maze', or is it 'nature'?

And is the soul nurtured by this planet the 'Soul of the World' or the 'Master of the Labyrinth'?

This problem, for humans living on the planet, is not a problem.

Because they can't distinguish between themselves and nature, a planet is their whole world, what is the difference between the soul of the world and the master of the labyrinth?

However, this world...

There are 'aliens' who can cross the sea of ​​stars!

"I have never understood why Yin Naijia II chose to become the master of the labyrinth, which is equivalent to a crisis of the highest level of apocalypse..."

Muttering to himself in his heart, Yin En felt that he seemed to have found a clue: "Could it be that... Yin Naijia II's 'Lord of the Labyrinth'..."

"It's referring to the 'Lord of the Labyrinth' in this extraordinary sense?!"

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