Above The Sky

Chapter 345 Changes In The South China Sea Fleet (33)


In the crystal lake, the sound of surging water waves sounded.

For a time, it can be seen that a large number of metallic minerals stacked at the bottom of the crystalline lake, containing metallic bones, and unknown creations of the pre-epoch civilization, began to converge in the direction of the shark under the pull of an invisible magnetic force.

"Whoa whoa!!"

Swinging his body, Shark did not care about the metals that naturally converged towards it, but twisted his body violently.

And just as it was twisting violently, it could be vaguely seen that its shell began to shatter in the crisp sound of Kacha Kacha, fell, and slowly faded away...

Then, under the old cortex, a new body that shines even more with silver metal light is revealed!


After molting, although the shark's body has not grown much, Yin En knows that the other party has completed an essential transformation.

It has changed from an iron armored shark that can only passively find iron ore for food, to a steel armored shark that can actively attract metals and find high-quality ore veins and even precious metal ore veins!

And as it molts and matures again and again, the shark's body will become stronger and stronger until it is comparable to the best alloys.

Coupled with the blessing of the source quality... Even if it is comparable to Morian steel, even adamantine alloy is not impossible!


Even, Yin En could clearly sense Shasha's mood at the moment.

Although it is only a few emotional fragments of psionic induction, there is no doubt that Shasha's thinking and emotions are clearer.

"It turns out that this is the difference between demon beasts and people."

Yin Enruo realized something, he understood a little that the advancement of Warcraft is actually a process of gradually condensing his own soul and wisdom. The transformation of the essence of life has actually transformed almost in the process of their growth. The only thing left is Need 'wisdom' to provide an introduction, it can be completed smoothly.

Today, the shark is actually only one step away from the real steel armored shark, but there is an invisible lock that prevents it from entering, and the key is wisdom.

Only someone like Yin En, or his own flash of inspiration, can make it break through.

Humans are different. Humans are born with wisdom, but the essence of life is only ordinary things. Although they are genetically modified and powerful, they cannot have extraordinary sublimation power without magic medicine.

The molting has been completely finished. Today's sharks no longer look like dark silver, but more like a monster with armored giant sharks, but an alloy battleship that seems to be made of metal all over the body!

"Oh! (Hungry!)"

After the metamorphosis was completed, the hungry shark did not start eating immediately, but raised his head and circled around Yin En who was watching its advancement in the water: "Oh oh oh! (Praise me!)"

"It's amazing, it's amazing, shark shark is the best steel armor shark!"

Yin En stretched out his hand with a smile, touched the head of the shark, and immediately made the other party very happy: "Go and eat, there are four bottles of silver solution and one bottle of gold solution on the shore, I will give you the staple food after eating. Replenish your body!"

"Ooh!! (Moved!)"

Sharks swim more happily.

After the jubilation, the shark shark went to feast on the metal creations and iron bones gathered around it. It has just completed its advanced stage and is in urgent need of nutrition and various key elements.

To become a full second energy level, it still takes a few days to develop.

However, even now, its power has been greatly improved compared to before.

If nothing else, Yin En could see with the naked eye that the silvery skin on the surface of the shark's body was beginning to be covered by a fine crystalline metal structure.

The arcs flickered, helping to shape these metal armor pieces.

And magnetic adsorption is also a method for the steel armor shark to fix the armor on its body, which is closer than flesh and blood.

This made Yin En even more certain that the advancement of the armored shark requires the thunder attribute.

Rather, as an artificial creature, the advancement of the Iron Shark, or the 'upgrade version', requires human assistance to unlock various stimuli. More than a thousand years later, a large number of locks that restrict the growth of the ironclad shark have been released, but only the current stimulation can only rely on chance, such as being attacked by a thunder-hunting jellyfish, struck by lightning, and so on.

No wonder there are legends that the ironclad shark will charge into the storm - not because it is brave and grumpy, but because it has an instinctive thirst for thunder.

Yin En believes that there must be a lot of people who have discovered this 'secret', but like himself, there must be fewer people who use the Aurora Titan potion for the ironclad shark.

"Looking at how healthy Shark is, there is obviously no problem with the potion, so it's time to prepare a copy for Scott... I also have to ask him to exercise again, lest he fail to take the potion, it would be a shame. ."

When the sharks were eating, Yin En took out the precious metal solution and fed it to the other party, which immediately made the sharks even more excited and grateful.

"Oh, oh, oh! (Boss, great!)"

Because of the improved wisdom, Shark can sense that Yin En's strength is definitely more than his advanced steel armor shark...even more than a lot!

And, it's not just about power.

Victory, confidence and wisdom make it admire the little boy in front of him, just as it has always admired that old existence.

"Stop flattering."

Yin En couldn't help laughing. He was always so happy with the shark, he touched the smoother skin of the other party, and then instructed: "After you have completely advanced and stabilized the state of the steel shark, remember to Help me find a magical beast called 'Silent Firefly Jellyfish' - with your ability, you will definitely find it faster than me."

"Pick the biggest one and bring it back to me, don't make it too tattered, I'll be useful."

Shark agreed happily: "Oh! (Okay!)"

For an aurora steel armored shark that has advanced to the second energy level, there is probably no existence in the entire South China Sea that can defeat it. As long as it grows to a complete body, without the second energy level driving armor, even if it is The South China Sea Fleet had to be terrified in the face of it.

Yin En believed the other party's promise, and then thought of one more thing: "By the way, Chongyuan Iron Sword is also here."

He asked Shasha where the long sword was, and then found his saber at the bottom of the lake.

Yin En already has the materials 'thorium' and 'fine gold' to strengthen the Chongyuan iron sword, the amount is not much, but it is enough to make it change.

Although the Morian steel has turned into ether crystals and is integrated into the left arm, it is too much. The original base material of the Chongyuan Iron Sword is very good, and there is no need to add a lot of rare materials.

"Take it back first, and start strengthening it when the tools that Master Gosey and the others promised to give me arrive."

Yin En nodded slightly, he was about to become a knight, and he left Harrison Harbor. He would definitely not be able to deal with the second-level magical beast he was going to hunt in the future with only the wind-moving sword and the weapons given by the viscount.

And just when he was thinking about the plan to strengthen the Chongyuan Iron Sword, suddenly.

A very slight buzzing sound appeared in Yun En's ears.


With his keen perception, Yin En frowned slightly and looked up at the top of his head.

The outside of the Crystal Lake is the South China Sea, and the source quality fluctuations he sensed just now... He is not very familiar with it, but he has often heard it these days.

"Is it the ship-based alchemy furnace - the South China Sea Fleet of the Nineteenth Legion?"

With a puzzled expression, Yin En was a little confused: "Why did they come here?"

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