Above The Sky

Chapter 357 It Must Have Been D1 In Flames!

After a day or two of advancing, the caravan arrived at Anmore Town, where they put down a batch of transit supplies that entered the Baisen Mountains colony by water, received a batch of indigenous specialties, and set off again.

Everyone in the caravan sank, or took a deep breath—Brin also quickly took out his light crossbow and loaded his arrows. Although he had experienced several similar beast attacks, each time was different. tension and danger.

However, the caravan was extra vigilant, and arranged the carts and camels in a circle to form a simple fortress. All guards like Brin patrolled around and monitored the traces of the surrounding monsters.

Entering this area, the caravan became vigilant, and even Brin began to wipe his long knife, preparing for the battle that might appear at any time: "See there? Small caravan, if you want to try your luck, it's probably He was attacked by a team led by a monster Lin Leopard."

The caravan guards were also very nervous. They all held bows and crossbows, prepared kerosene and long spears, and were ready to beat this group of giant otters who were a little crazy with the car base.

After encountering sharks, he also brought them here to add meals twice - one of which was to bring sharks to eat a few reef-devouring sea otters.

This is the sound indicating that a monster is approaching. At the same time, there was a sharp howl of monsters in the distance.

Sure enough, now there are monsters who have taken a fancy to this batch of earth-type monster materials, and Ian will definitely take action.

But Ian spoke up, making everyone stunned: "Let's not talk about it without me, the Viscount would not be able to entrust this batch of goods to us."

He shook his head with lingering fears and said, "If it's just our caravan that kills all these sea otters, we won't be able to make up for the pensions for the lost manpower... The monster attack is still too terrifying."

"And, I know, it must be the land of flames."

But they did not wait for the opportunity to do it.

It quickly crawls in front of Ian, and its strength is so fast that it even crushes some rocks under it.

The Iron Shark family is the natural enemy of marine metal-based monsters such as the reef-devouring sea otter, and it is also one of the few large monsters that can threaten them.

Where Brin pointed, there was the wreckage of a trailer that had been covered in overgrown moss, and there were visible fine claw marks on it, which were quite horrific against the backdrop of the tropical jungle.

And Ian sighed: "I don't know who brought you here, but I'm pretty good at choosing."

There was a little sea otter standing blankly, it didn't quite understand why everyone was lying down, but soon a female sea otter slapped the boy who couldn't sense the strength to the ground.

He didn't ask why Ian didn't kill the reef-devouring sea otters after apparently completely suppressing them - there were at least two monster-level sea otters in there, and they could earn two or three hundred thalers, and if the fur was intact, they could earn more.

"There are a lot of monsters around here. It's a hard-hit area where monsters attack people. Even the natives rarely get close."

"According to the corpse fragments, there are only five or six people." Ian raised his brows. He stared at the corpses and said in surprise: "With so many people, how dare you run the Nanling Trade Road? It's about ten times as much."

Because Brin also sensed that after the Reef-devouring Sea Otter retreated, many other gazes who were watching the camp with a vague appointment also retreated with fear.

"If I really want to kill you all, the caravan must be a mess."

Although the reef-devouring sea otters are invulnerable, and their fur is almost metal, the armor-piercing arrows can still drain their blood, not to mention that the reef-devouring sea otters that have not reached the monster level are not that hard at all, and the heavy arrows are enough to penetrate their hard skin.

Although only a group of monsters like the sea otter came out just now, if the fight is really fierce, the monsters in the surrounding jungle will definitely not mind picking it up.

Feeling that Ian thought it was troublesome and wanted to let them go, the leader, Sea Otter, stood up immediately and let out a long whistle to guide the group's actions.

At this time, almost everyone in the caravan was preparing their weapons, stringing their bows, and getting ready for battle.

He didn't even draw out his sword, he just stood in front of the monster sea otter headed by the other side, letting the other party see clearly, or in other words, he sensed his source aura.

"I will give you a chance to stand trial alive and stand up for yourself."

"Otherwise, I will make you into alchemy materials."

Shaking his head slightly, Ian stood up, put on his helmet, and walked in the direction of the beast.

And a batch of the swamp crocodile dragon materials that were killed were sent by the white room caravan.

until a sharp whistle sounded.

As for why it is the Baishi Chamber of Commerce... Of course, it is to share a part of the benefits for the people of Bai, and by the way, let Ian, the sublimator, escort them.

Coincidentally, the few reef-devouring sea otters were probably the group that he reproduced after beheading the leader. With the wisdom and memory of beasts, these sea otters recognized Ian, a terrifying 'natural enemy'. Destroyer' and 'Friends of the Steel Shark'.

Since many years ago, Ian beheaded a reef-devouring sea otter leader and advanced himself to the first energy level. From time to time, he has come to the labyrinth reefs to hunt monsters and obtain enough supplies - the monsters on the labyrinth reefs. I have known him already.

With a profit of 300%, a businessman would dare to trample on all the laws of the world - not to mention the huge profits of more than ten times over and over again?

Because Ian walked in front of the group of sea otters.

After the sea otters quickly left the way they came, Brin stepped forward.

"And the herbs and rare fish we have here, as well as the special Warcraft materials that you know, Ian, are shipped to the Great Plains area around the Imperial Capital, and they can be sold at more than four times the profit!"

"This group of reef-devouring sea otters hurriedly left the reefs and landed, coming towards us in a straight line, and there must be someone behind them."

Hearing this sentence, Ian raised his head. He first looked in the direction of the monster, and then in the direction of the caravan's truck. There was indeed quite a bit of blue mist there.

So the colony began to retreat in panic.

The sea otter colony was approaching, and with the sound of rushing bushes breaking, a huge silver-white sea otter ignored the constant reprimands and flame threats of the scouts, and approached the caravan's main formation as if no one else was there.

Different from the preferential treatment of the Tenglan Department, Harrison Harbor accepts the price of surrender of the natives of the Mountain Tide Department, which is to let them kill all the swamp crocodile dragons with monster potential and monster level.

There are not a few people who have the last string in their heads burned by Thaler, ignoring the extremely high costs and extremely high risks under extremely high profits, not to mention the official relationship that needs to be opened back and forth, and reliable local partners to ensure safety. force and everything else that needs to be prepared.

And some cracks are washed by rivers all the year round, and they have become scattered waterfalls in the ground floor. There are water cliff species unique to Nanling, and quite a few flying water monsters inhabit them.

"Profits are really high."

"It's none of your business, it's my trouble."

There are more than 100 people in the white room caravan, and there are not a few guards, and they will carry alchemy fire guns for self-defense. At most, ordinary monsters will come close to see if they can drag a few unlucky ones away. Mass attack.

The sea otters collided with each other, making a metallic clang.

Not to mention that Ian, a sublimator, is sitting in town, so this time the Chamber of Commerce brought a lot of extra goods, and I want to take this opportunity to make more money.

It does look like a mother.

The forest will soon swallow it all.

Seasoned hunters know this too, so everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

Ian said calmly: "Among the hunters accompanying the team, there is someone who is a spy from the Flying Flame Land - this group of reef-devouring sea otters was brought here by him."

Everyone was nervous, but Ian had a calm face, holding a pen and paper, recording what he was writing.

"It's the reef-devouring sea otter!"

They come from the materials of other monsters. This is a rare opportunity to obtain a large amount of source quality and promote the growth of the group. If humans ignore risks for the sake of profit, the same is true for monsters.

No one cared about him, after all, it was obvious who was the boss of the caravan.

Brin sighed a little: "The inscription creations and alchemy lamps in the Great Plains, as well as metal tools, can be sold at two or three times the price when they are shipped to us."

In a sense, this is also a kind of beastmaster.

Clap la la la.

Even, these rifts are said to lead directly to the sea.

"Let's go, don't bother me."

Then, the monster-level giant otter knelt down in fear.

"The Viscount is really good at calling people... Wouldn't it be better if he just said no."

Ian told the group of sea otters to back off, and they backed away obediently.

"A lot of small caravans like this die. Most of them don't have the money to fight for their lives. But if they do, they really have the capital and can do some serious business. It's a foundation."

The voice of the scout sounded not far away, with surprise: "How come, although this is indeed the surrounding of the labyrinth reef group, how can they attack us so far from the shore?"

What kind of robber, can there be monsters to be scary? A mad hard-shelled bear can knock down a small house, and a car barrier like them can only be said to be better than nothing. If they really fight, they have to be repelled by various methods to scare them away.

The caravan carried a batch of Warcraft materials. Originating from indigenous monster materials.

Compared with the inextinguishable giant eel lineage, which has long since become a sea of ​​trees in the entire Great Sequoia forest area, the marsh crocodile dragon is the easiest totem spirit lineage to eradicate. This is indeed an excessive demand, but in the face of carrying Viscount Grant, who was overwhelmed by absolute strength, finally gave in.

"Also, there's something odd about this group of reef-devouring sea otters."

The sun is gradually setting, and the night is coming.

Staring at the car barrier, the sea otters have greedy eyes, their needle-like hairs stand up, clearly entering a fighting state.

Between Port Harrison and Sanhe City is the 'Great Rift Valley', which used to be a high mountain, but due to the geological changes caused by the disaster, the entire mountain collapsed and slid into the sea. And the sedimentary layer is now the Great Rift Valley and the Labyrinth Reef Group.

But all of this has nothing to do with the white room caravan, they just walked along a stone arch bridge to the shortest point on both sides of the rift, and then walked towards the area where the illusion labyrinth reefs are located.

He turned his head, behind the helmet, blue eyes flashing with psychic brilliance glanced at the entire caravan.

"...It is convenient to have a sublime."

Brin also imagined making a fortune and doing big things back then, but later he knew it was a big dream.

Some bone residues that have been chewed up are scattered around, which is just the latest thing.

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