Above The Sky

Chapter 372 Dragon Girl (23)

The outside rain screen is gradually finer, but the inside of the castle is very dry and refreshing.

After crossing the sword collection hall, Ian took off his helmet and put down his long sword, causing the servants and maids on the side to whisper softly, and the steward didn't have time to reprimand this rude behavior.

He stared at Ian's face, stunned for a moment, and then slowly said, "I didn't expect...you are so young."

He was more respectful.

The etiquette here in Nanling Province is not so strict. Baron Lean is also a mountaineer. As long as the knight himself doesn't mind the inconvenience, he doesn't mind the knight wearing armor to meet him.

After all, for the sublimator, the armor is actually just a layer of ordinary clothes. If you really fight, unless the sublimation armor is specially made, it will basically be damaged.

Especially Ian's, in essence, he still uses the source material to strengthen the armor, but strengthening the ordinary foreign material steel, how can it be efficient to strengthen the skin and muscles? Unless the armor is tailored, there will always be extra wear and tear.

Of course, it was more caused by the Governor-General, Marquis Barton himself. This old soldier and nobleman had to wear chainmail to sleep in order to fall asleep. When eating with others, he could not wait to wear a helmet. He only used his own short knife to cut beef. Typical war PTSD.

The reception room is located farthest on the right side of the castle, where there is a huge transparent floor-to-ceiling window, from which you can overlook the beautiful scenery of Lai An Lake.

The center of this meteorite lake, which is nearly 1000 meters deep, is pure black, and the edges are translucent, and the waves will continue to rotate with the wind and the river.

It is said that when the weather is clear, Lake Laian looks like a gem that constantly refracts sunlight, but it is rainy today, so it is a pity.

In addition to the fragrance of the scented tea itself, it actually tastes mediocre.

When the steward personally brought the cup of light red tea to Ian, the fresh and fragrant fragrance made him have great expectations, but when he really tasted it, he felt a little dull, but this feeling was similar to the smell of flowers. After the fragrance, want to taste the same taste as the petals.

"You can buy some back for Ellen, he'll like it."

Ian gave Laian Flower Tea an 8.5 in his heart. The taste is bland, but it is really suitable for entertaining guests. The style is very high, and it is definitely a good gift.

There weren't many servants and maids in Ryan Castle. Along the way, Ian saw many children's toys, such as wooden swords and horses, placed beside the lacquered gold seats that were supposed to be gorgeous and luxurious.

"Have children already?"

Ian didn't think much about it, just recalled that Viscount Grant had a child before he left, and he estimated that if he traveled back, there would be an additional little Grant in Port Harrison.

It's interesting to think about the Viscount's relationship history, and I don't know if Baron Ryan also has such pure love.

Shaking his head, without thinking about these gossips, the young man remembered his purpose, opened the vision of precognition, and scanned the entire castle.

Deng, all kinds of fog filled the air.

In the baron's study on the second floor, there were two clouds of mist, one purple and one blue, apparently Baron Ryan and his guest. Watching the fog rolling, the conversation between the two parties was quite calm and restrained.

The angle of view changed, and Ian let out a small hum.

Because he was on the second floor, he saw four blue mists—human mists.

"What's the matter, Baron Ryan is so afraid of death that he has arranged his guards at home?"

Ian raised his brows. At first, he had a paranoia of persecution. He thought that the baron was going to ambush himself, and he was going to have a cup at lunch and call his subordinates to kill him.

But let's not talk about why the other party did this, he soon discovered that these four fogs were not big.

In other words, all of them are children.

"what happened……"

Immediately, doubts filled Ian's brain, and he was a little confused: "I became a sublime at the age of eight, and that was my awakening of psionic power, and the soul of an adult, coupled with the assistance of Teacher Hilliard, this succeeded."

"How can I see four geniuses like me as soon as I leave Port Harrison? Inflation so fast?"

Although surprised, Ian didn't show it, just continued to scan the castle with the vision of vision.

Then, he saw the target he wanted to see on this trip.

Located in the castle basement, it was full of blue-purple fog.

"Sure enough, the Xiahui grass was not stolen at all." After confirming this, Ian was not worried about what to do if he couldn't buy the two-year Xiahui grass: "But things are a bit rough, what if Nauman City sends someone to investigate. ? They just need to get into the underground warehouse to know what's going on."


"The Marquis of Barton is a gang." Ian frowned slightly, and then calmed down: "It's reasonable. The public treasury is not as good as the private treasury, and there are still people who have no way to refute it. It's a good opportunity."

"It's a pity that I can't be credited as a patrol knight."

He continued to wait for a while, until the steward came over and told him softly that the baron had time to meet him, and it was a pity to delay his time.


Ian got up and walked towards the second floor under the guidance of the steward.

Compared with the lights on the first floor, the second floor is quite dark, and the dim light makes it like a dark night.

The sound insulation effect is also very good, and the sound of rain suddenly disappears when stepping into the corridor on the second floor.

Compared with the spaciousness of the first floor of the castle, the densely-packed room corridors on the second floor are a bit like a small labyrinth. Ian, who followed behind the steward, followed the lights to the end of the corridor, but found that there was no light at the end.

The straight road leads to a faintly reserved white door, behind the door is the blue mist of the child.

He seemed to be playing with toys and eating something.

"excuse me."

Ian said with a curious voice: "Does Lord Baron have children? Although it may be overstepped, I saw a lot of toys on the first floor."

"Have you noticed? The young master is a more playful character. The master lets him play, so the house may be a little messy."

The half-bald butler laughed. He obviously respected the baron very much: "But the young master is not very healthy, so he can only play in the castle, so the master has adopted a few adopted sons to accompany him."

"Speaking of which, they are all hard-working children..." Having said that, the steward shook his head: "But these things are not what I should tell you. The master's study is there, and I can't approach it."

"Master already knows your origin. He and Viscount Grant have known each other for a long time, so he wants to see you alone."

——Did you meet the Viscount again?

Because of the grievances between Patrick and the Ellen family, Ian is now a little sensitive to the old acquaintance of the Viscount.

But this is actually not surprising. It is normal for the Nanling nobles to know each other, not to mention the production of Laianling. All the Nanling nobles are estimated to be his old acquaintances.

He could already hear voices.

In the study at the end of the corridor, a soft but somewhat cold female voice came: "...Then, thank you for your assistance."

"Where." A cheerful young male voice sounded: "I would also like to thank the Huaiguang Church for their concern for the abnormal events in my territory, but as you can see, there is also a little problem with my body, but I will do my best. assist you in your work."

"May Huaiguang protect you."

With a click, the door opened, and a white-haired girl in a Huaiguang priest's robe walked out.

Different from the white hair of Bai Zhimin, the girl's white hair is more inclined to the gray of the rock, and it is neatly tied behind her. Her eyes are blood red, and she can vaguely see the complex pupil structure changing with the light. sassy.

Ian noticed immediately that the female monk of Huaiguang Church had four distorted dragon horns on top of her head and a long tail behind her - the other party was a people even in the mixed spirits (also known as demihumans) It is also a very rare dragon spirit demi-human.

Dragon girl... Maybe a girl. The appearance of demihumans is basically not related to their age. Their physical characteristics will be maintained on the day when they fully awaken the characteristics of their mixed spirit objects. For extremely talented demihumans, even in their 60s and 70s, they can have it. The appearance of sixteen or seventeen years old, and this is not a rare thing.

But in contrast, they also have shorter lifespans, with an average age of one-sixth less than that of Jin Zhimin.

"Excuse me, I wasted your time."

After seeing Ian, she politely apologized to Ian, and then left under the guidance of another maid.

"What is the Huaiguang Church looking for Baron Ryan?"

With such doubts in mind, Ian heard a warm voice from the study: "Come in, Ian. I've always wanted to meet you, the genius that Ailes has always boasted to me."

"Thanks to the praise, there is no such genius as the Viscount touted."

Recovering his thoughts, Ian stepped into the study.

Then at the first moment, he noticed the abnormality.

——This baron has only one hand.

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