Above The Sky

Chapter 390 Do You Call This A Charge? ! (24)


The psionic flying fist clenched the armor-piercing cone tightly, piercing the night sky like a meteor, stabbing towards Ian with an incredible arc.

This psychic-shaped arm was originally just a supplement to the Baron's limbs to assist him in his actions. Ian really didn't expect that this thing would fly out and attack himself with a weapon.

At the same time, Baron Ryan, who was far away, also let out a roar, and the surrounding ten stones and plants and vines gathered towards him like armor.

This scene is very similar to the bone armor that Weggs condensed back then, but it is larger than the bone armor that barely covered the whole body when the other party finally weakened.

Iwaki White Deer is the object of sacrifice by the mountain people. This creature that can gnaw the steel and encourage grass and trees to sprout in the mountains where the ancient dragons inhabited is a sacred symbol in their eyes, and they regard it as a mountain jungle. The owner is the messenger of the ancient dragon, holding the power to command the mountains and mountains.

Blood Now, Lean Nan's acid sends out immeasurable levels. The camp gas wave pavilion that can be seen by the naked eye can be seen. All of his huge rock-wood royal area boards are brand new.

His sword skills can't compare to Ian's, and he can't win when he has an advantage in close-to-hand combat. Moreover, his dexterity and strength are also easily resolved by the opponent. The weather in Nanling is indeed suitable for the battle of the sublime of the water system. . But it doesn't matter because the earth is everywhere!

The Eye of the Forest, with night vision and see-through capabilities, locks the range, the shock bag gathers power, the bone of rock gold shapes the skeleton, and the blood of Maolin fills it up as fuel.

Baron Ryan raised his right hand, pointed straight ahead, squatted his legs slightly, and prepared a stable posture to resist the recoil. The hollow long tube of rock was aimed at Ian, who was still entangled with the psionic flying fist. A rock cannon that is more of a self-propelled gun than armor!

Really run into the corner by yourself? Funny! Only monsters do this! Humans have always thrown stones!

This is Iwaki Bailu's unique trick, enough to knock out a hole in the mountain''s life-altering charge''!

Boom!!! The deafening blasting sound exploded violently, the supersonic sharp rock shells ripped apart the air, and blasted the surrounding rain and fog!

Suddenly, with this rocky long-horned cannon as the center, the violent fluctuations that need to shatter everything and the explosive strike force to the extreme, the female head of Iwagi Bailu is coming in the middle of the year!

"You call this a charge?!"

Naturally, Ian had already noticed that something was wrong, but he was stunned when the other party pointed the gun barrel that looked like an arm at him.

Although the system of Terra World is surprisingly bad, all kinds of monsters do have various magical abilities. The technology of this world alone is not low, and the knowledge level of the nobles is indeed very high!

This shock cannon is really an attack method that can be produced by the second energy level, and he has learned it. Moreover, Ian also has a corresponding method.

Kacha Kacha - Alchemist aluminum armor behind the boy suddenly bounced off two pieces of armor, and the ice blue fairy palm and Hanhui skeleton have long since condensed into shape, and the ice blue vent began to spray high-pressure cold air. In an instant, Ian was pushed from the spot into the air.

Boom! The rock horn shells bombarded the ground, causing the earth within a range of more than ten meters to vibrate violently. The rolling and churning airflow was also mixed with a lot of ice debris that began to condense rapidly, and Ian's figure was already in the air.

Buzz! With full propulsion, Ian's speed at this moment is three times faster than his first energy level! The high-speed movement of more than 150 meters per second will turn him into an ice blue arc that cuts through the rainy night. , tangentially to Baron Ryan, who is still in cannon deployment!

Baron Lean felt that he was difficult to deal with, and he also believed that the Iwaki White Deer was a magical beast with a strong body, strong defense and strong vitality. It had no long-range and range attack capabilities except for the wave roar, but it moved at a high speed. Assault is enough to give any enemy a headache.

But now, the bloodline inheritance that has become human power has easily reversed this weakness. The rock horn cannon and the armor are as difficult to deal with as a fortress cannon!

But Ian is holding a few alchemy bomb lists in his hand. He is not afraid of the enemy's high defense, but is afraid that the enemy will move fast. Since Baron Ryan wants to turn himself into a fortress, don't blame him for blowing up the tournament together!

In an instant, the boy's figure disappeared in the blind spot of Baron Ryan under the influence of the fairy wings.

However, Baron Lean, who should not have been able to judge the harm of Yiyuan, turned his head sharply, raised his hand, which was originally used to stabilize the gun barrel, to dry his hand. on the Ian sword.

At the moment, the huge power knocked Ian into the air. This is the disadvantage of being too light compared to the sublimator. Although the maneuverability is high, it takes time to adjust and restore the balance when encountering kinetic energy shocks in mid-air. "Why can you see?" Ian wondered, but soon, he realized the reason.

Not far away, the three children in the training warehouse area, shrouded in psionic light, stared at Ian in mid-air. An invisible wave connected the vision and perception of them and the baron, the sharer.

At this moment, Ian has a clear understanding in his heart. - They are one. - They are family. so…….

"Sure enough, you were also attracted to me."

In mid-air, Ian, dodging Baron Ryan's rock cannonball, smiled: "Let's be each other." At this moment.

Cultivation bin; area. An inconspicuous little white butterfly is hummingly carrying a Lianyu fried fry. It is placed next to a training warehouse, and Yiji pulls out the latch. Then, it fluttered away in a hurry, leaving only the red light on the alchemy bomb flickering. Then, there was a violent explosion!

The crystallized sand stored inside the bomb also began to react with other crystallized sands under the high pressure stimulation of the sudden combustion and expansion of the flammable liquid, and then dazzling thunders rose out of the sublimated crystal sand monsoons rubbing against each other. , followed by blooming like a blue-blue rose, bursting out dazzling thorny branches and leaves, spreading out in all directions!


Even if Linda noticed the strangeness of the alchemy bomb, the purple-red light in her eyes revolved and swayed, activating the surrounding ten places and sand, intending to benefit the bomb, but how could ordinary substances resist the alchemy bomb? destructive power?

The wrapping layer of the activated earth and stone was immediately impacted by cracks, and high-temperature gas and charged electric current spewed out from it, with a fatal impact.

[Weiqiu!] Baron Lean was shocked immediately, he immediately lifted the battery status and stopped suppressing Ian!

But I don't know whether to praise Baron Ryan's care or sigh. The sturdy Cheng Kangji of this training warehouse is so strong .

But the huge impact of preaching into the warehouse directly caused the late autumn to be fascinated for a short time.

It is precisely because of this that the light blue resentful spirit that was originally silent in the central cultivation warehouse, and the boy's body that was gradually taking shape under the control of the late autumn stopped taking shape. Session: Crystal,

The faceless resentful spirit suddenly raised his head, and then let out a dazed or sad cry.

But compared to the sound of weeping that seemed to be an echo before, the sound of his crying at the moment seemed a little more real.

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