Above The Sky

Chapter 405 The Elves Of Double Tree Town (33)

At four or five in the afternoon the next day, Ian walked along the road and saw the green city wall behind a small river in the distance.

The summer sunlight has not weakened at this moment. Through the clouds that pass from time to time, the sun shines flatly on the entire agate stone plain. At this moment, if you look at it from a high altitude, then the entire Great Plain is like a piece of yellow and green agate stone. The dotted human towns are located in the wilderness, connected by roads.

Under the reflection of the surrounding vegetation, the light green river flows brightly, and the caravans on the road are bustling, the voices of people are noisy, and even a little congested.

The town is already close at hand.

Back then, Shuangshu Town was a bridgehead in front of Nauman City, a riverside fortress. After the war, the castle was transformed into a chamber of commerce. The city walls have not been demolished, but are covered with dense vine leaves. From a distance, it looks like It's like a living wood wall planted by elves.

A solid stone bridge spans the river and leads directly into the town, while two huge arches of trees grow in a staggered way as if welcoming all visitors and leavers, swaying in the warm wind.

This is Double Tree Town.

Although the road is congested, it is much better when you enter the city. The voices are still loud, but at least there is no traffic jam.

The knight armor on Ian's body allowed him to enter the city smoothly. He was not questioned by the guards. He just showed his coat of arms and badges, and was sent to the giant wood hotel in the XC area.

Ian reciprocated, and gave the guard leading the way a small Bison silver, which immediately made the other party overjoyed, and he took advantage of the situation to ask a few questions.

"Why is it so blocked? Hey, sir, are you from the south? There have been a lot of major incidents in Nauman City recently. The Marquis was assassinated, the informants of the Dragon Cult fled, and even the elves from Canaan Moore ran away. Coming to our place, fleeing in embarrassment after fighting with the Knights - it can be lively, but it can also be dangerous!"

"Most of these businessmen and tourists smelled wrong and ran out of the city ahead of time. Let alone us, the surrounding small towns are all full!"

The soldier rambled and talked about a lot of rumors he had heard from traveling merchants and adventurers these days. The content was about noble struggles, cults raging, suspicions between the two countries, espionage confrontations, special forces battles, and important The contention of treasures is enough to write a million-word novel, and it is not watery at all.

With the singing of bards from the surrounding market, the chanting of vendors, and the occasional guards scolding 'thieves! ’ and the scolding and cursing of the stolen person, Ian felt that his Bison silver flower was really worth it.

——Canaan Moore was also involved in this matter? Anfa's suspicions are getting heavier.

Ian thought so, and then casually flicked a drop of water and flew to the back of a thief who was sticking out his hand in front of his suitcase - the icy cold suddenly made him freeze half of the body, but it didn't really hurt, just Stumbled.

"Hey, what are you doing? You dare to steal while I'm here?"

When the guard saw this, he was furious and stepped forward and kicked the thief. Then he turned his head and said apologetically: "Master, the hotel is here, of course there are better ones, but I'm not familiar with it."

"Enough is enough, let's go back to work." Ian nodded, he didn't want to let the other party lead the way, listening to the other party's opinion on the recent Nauman City is the most important.

After thinking about it, Ian took out some dark green alchemy potions from the package, which looked quite dangerous, and hung them outside the luggage, and then took out a long-prepared horizontal strip and hung them together.

[Alchemist's luggage, those who touch it agree to assist in alchemy experiments by default]

Many eyes shrank back in fear, and even lined up a blank circle.

At least this inherent impression works well.

Leading the camel beast across the crowd, Ian noticed that this seemingly 'primitive' town was actually quite technical.

The blacksmith shop along the river road relies on water power to operate, and the huge hammer replaces manpower. The furnace on the side has no obvious flame, but a cylindrical vacuum alchemy instrument, which sends the required metal into it, and then comes out. It was already golden red molten steel.

The adventurers and other guards passing along the way are well-equipped. Except for swords and longbows, basically everyone carries a few fire guns with them. Although the power of non-alchemy guns may not be enough to deal with beasts, they can be used as a threat and a weapon. A surprise attack is still quite valuable.

He even saw two adventure teams with sublimators. They were fully armed, and a dwarf even had a 12mm caliber alchemy gun hanging on his back, with an uncharged lattice on it. Not to mention killing a sharp-clawed tiger with one shot, killing a reef-devouring sea otter would probably be no problem.

The leader of the adventurer looks no different from himself. They are all full-body armor, and their actions are very sharp. At a glance, you can see that the core characters of the team must have been in the army, maybe they are like green A retired veteran like Chao's father.

There is even a neon-like advertising banner on the towering chamber of commerce in the distance. It is a huge glass plywood with alchemy materials that can change color. It glows clearly, showing today's time and the floor of the relevant chamber of commerce. , and some key notices.

It's just a small town.

"Interesting place."

Ian smiled, then found the message he wanted from this ad board.

"Silver Square Chamber of Commerce."

He whispered to himself, then nodded: "Sure enough, Mr. Yinfang also has a branch here. It seems that we can eat again tonight."

Mr. Yinfang, whose real name is Kutag Lavent, is a rich man in Nauman City, specializing in building materials, grain and oil business, and a regular customer of Ian's appraisal shop.

Especially some time ago, Ian helped him get on the line through Yanshou Mozhi, Master Gesai and others, so that the rich man who looked like a poor old farmer thanked him repeatedly, and even privately said that if Ian wants to travel, please be sure to go. When Nauman City sees him, he will give him a great gift.

Ian doesn't really need his big gift, but he needs a secluded place to put his luggage and mounts, not that other places are bad, but a place that is related, at least more reassuring.

And most likely you won't have to spend any money.

In fact, not only do you not need to spend money, but you can even pay back.


When Ian came to the branch of the Silver Square Chamber of Commerce, a building that looked like a mill with a dismantled windmill, a tall and thin old man with a gray-brown goatee hurried down from the second floor.

Mr. Yinfang opened his hand to Ian with a look of surprise, and stepped forward to give a hug: "I saw your armor just now, and I thought it was a little familiar, but when I got closer, I saw your familiar pocket- "It's really you!"

"Be careful, sir, it's hard to carry my armour--why are you here?"

Ian, who was also somewhat unexpected, took off his helmet and stretched out his hand to the old man with a smile - it's not that he didn't want to hug the old customer, but his armor was extremely cold because of his water source quality, right Old people are really bad.

"Isn't there a commotion in Nauman City? I just heard the Viscount and me a few days ago that you are about to arrive at Doubletree Town, so I thought about it and just ran here to rest... Let's go upstairs to talk. "

After the two sides chatted for a while, Ian was taken to the second floor.

And just as Ian and Mr. Yinfang went up to the second floor together, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a green figure flashing past the Yinfang Chamber of Commerce.

The boy's smile froze.

There are many strange hair colors on Terra Continent. Green is not unique to elves. There are also hair that is almost bronze-like in iron people. If you just look at the wink, it is easy to mistake it.

But Ian wouldn't—he remembered it well, not to mention the vision horizon and the silver chip.

"Anfa?" He said to himself in amazement: "It's a coincidence, why is he here - oops, did I point the dragon in the opposite direction?"

"I really didn't mean it... At least I didn't want to lie this time."

Outside Shuangshu Town.

A shadow stared at the bustling town from a distance.

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